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Table T2. Workbooks, tabs, and columns defined for descriptive data capture, Expedition 335.

Columns (N)
Petrology > macroscopic Section-unit plutonic Igneous petrology 81
Section-unit volcanic Igneous petrology 73
Contacts Igneous petrology, structural geology 20
Texture Igneous petrology, structural geology 20
Alteration Alteration and metamorphism 75
Veins and halos Alteration and metamorphism, structural geology 39
Structure > macroscopic Magmatic fabric Structural geology 19
Crystal-plastic fabric Structural geology 21
Brittle deformation Structural geology 27
Petrology > microscopic TS lithology and texture Igneous petrology 25
TS plutonic mineralogy Igneous petrology 86
TS volcanic mineralogy Igneous petrology NA
TS alteration Alteration and metamorphism 58
TS veins and halos Alteration and metamorphism, structural geology 74
TS structures Structural geology 22

TS = thin section. NA = not applicable.

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