Table T6. Example of alteration log, Expedition 335.
Top [cm]
Bottom [cm]
Top Depth [m]
Bottom Depth [m]
Background alteration color
Background alteration texture
Background alteration percentage
Background alteration intensity
Background alteration rank
BKG olivine altered (%)
BKG ol replaced by talc
BKG ol replaced by amphibole
BKG ol replaced by chlorite
BKG ol replaced by smectite
BKG ol replaced by oxide
BKG ol replaced by pyrite
BKG ol replaced by serpentine
BKG olivine replaced by other
BKG clinopyroxene altered (%)
BKG cpx replaced by amphibole
BKG cpx replaced by chlorite
BKG cpx replaced by oxide
BKG cpx replaced by other
BKG plagioclase altered (%)
BKG plg replaced by sec.plagioclase
BKG plg replaced by zeolite
BKG plg replaced by prehnite
BKG plg replaced by epidote
BKG plg replaced by chlorite
BKG plagioclase replaced by other
BKG orthopyroxene altered (%)
BKG opx replaced by amphibole
BKG opx replaced by chlorite
BKG opx replaced by smectite
BKG opx replaced by oxide
BKG opx replaced by other
Background comment
Recrystallized domain (%)
Patch percentage in rock
Patch alteration color
Patch shape
Patch size name
Alteration in patch (%)
PATCH ol altered (%)
PATCH ol replaced by talc
Patch ol replaced by amphibole
Patch ol replaced by chlorite
Patch ol replaced by smectite
Patch ol replaced by oxides
Patch ol replaced by pyrite
Patch ol replaced by serpentine
PATCH olivine replaced by other
Patch clinopyroxene altered (%)
PATCH cpx replaced by amphibole
PATCH cpx replaced by chlorite
PATCH cpx replaced by oxide
PATCH clinopyroxene replaced by other
PATCH plagioclase altered (%)
PATCH plg replaced by sec. plagioclase
PATCH plg replaced by zeolite
PATCH plg replaced by prehnite
PATCH plg replaced by epidote
PATCH plg replaced by chlorite
PATCH plagioclase replaced by other
PATCH orthopyroxene altered (%)
PATCH opx replaced by amphibole
PATCH orthopyroxene replaced by chlorite
PATCH opx replaced by smectite
PATCH opx replaced by oxide
PATCH opx replaced by other
Patch comments
Vein Density (interval counts normalized to 10cm)
General comments
ol = olivine, cpx = clinopyroxene, plg = plagioclase, opx = orthopyroxene. Data tables can be found as workbook tabs in DESCLOGIK_WORKBOOKS_335 and DESCLOGIK_WORKBOOKS_335(312) in “Supplementary material.”
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