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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.335.105.2012 Appendix: Superfast Spreading Crust acronyms1Expedition 335 Scientists2AARM: anisotropy of anhysteretic remanence AF: alternating field AMS: anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility AMSOC: American Miscellaneous Society APCT: advanced piston corer temperature tool APS: Accelerator Porosity Sonde ARM: anhysteretic remanent magnetization BCR: bicenter reamer BGRM: Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschafen und Rohstoffe magnetometer BHA: bottom-hole assembly BHTV: Borehole Televiewer tool BOH: bottom of hole BSJB: bit sub junk basket CADA: cam-actuated drill-ahead CDP: complex drilling proposal ChRM: characteristic remanent magnetization CORK: circulation obviation retrofit kit CPF: crystal-plastic fabric CRF: core reference frame CSD: circular standard deviation DC: drill collar DC-SQUID: direct-current superconducting quantum interference device DESCINFO: descriptive and interpretive information DI: deionized water DIRM: drilling-induced remanent magnetization DLL: Dual Laterolog DP: dynamic positioning DSDP: Deep Sea Drilling Project DSI: Dipole Sonic Imager EDTC: Enhanced Digital Telemetry Cartridge EOP: end of pipe EPR: East Pacific Rise EXJB: external junk basket FM: fishing magnet FMS: Formation MicroScanner FMS-sonic: Formation MicroScanner/Dipole Sonic Imager FTJB: flow-through junk basket FWHM: full width of half maximum GAD: geocentric axial dipolar GC: gas chromatography GPIT: General Purpose Inclinometry Tool GPS: Global Positioning System GRA: gamma ray attenuation HLDS: Hostile Environment Litho-Density Sonde HNGS: Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray Sonde HRB: hard rock base HRLA: High-Resolution Laterolog Array IADC: International Association of Drilling Contractors ICP-AES: inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectroscopy IGRF: International Geomagnetic Reference Field IODP: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program IU: instrument units IUGS: International Union of Geological Sciences LDEO: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory LDVT: linear voltage displacement transformer LEH: logging equipment head LEH-MT: Logging Equipment Head with Tension and Mud Temperature LET: logarithm of extreme time LIMS: Laboratory Information Management System LOI: loss on ignition LTD: low-temperature demagnetization MAD: moisture and density MADC: moisture and density, method C MARK: Mid-Atlantic Ridge Kane Fracture Zone MBR: mechanical bit release mbrf: meters below rig floor mbsf: meters below seafloor m CSF-A: meters core depth below seafloor, method A MCS: multichannel seismic MORB: mid-ocean-ridge basalt MRU: motion reference unit MS: magnetic susceptibility msb: meters subbasement MSPOINT: point magnetic susceptibility MTT: Modular Temperature Tool NGR: natural gamma radiation NGRL: Natural Gamma Radiation Logger N-MORB: normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt NOR: Geoset diamond core bit NRM: natural remanent magnetization OBH: ocean bottom hydrophone ODL: Overseas Drilling Limited ODP: Ocean Drilling Program PCA: principal component analysis PEF: photoelectric effect POOH: pull out of hole PPL: plane-polarized light PSV: paleosecular variation RBI: Rock Bit International RCB: rotary core barrel RCJB: reverse circulation junk basket RFT: retrievable formation tester RIH: run in hole ROP: rate of penetration ROV: remotely operated vehicle RTD: resistance temperature detector RSC: reflection spectroscopy color SAM: special approximation method SGT: Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool SHIL: Section Half Imaging Logger SHLF: section half SHMSL: Section Half Multisensor Logger SIF: subhorizontal irregular fracture SPO: shape-preferred orientation SRM: superconducting rock magnetometer TAMU: Texas A&M University TAP: Temperature/Acceleration/Pressure tool TCI: tungsten carbide inserts TD: total depth T/D: top drive TP: total penetration TS: thin section UBI: Ultrasonic Borehole Imager USIO: US Implementing Organization UTC: Universal Time Coordinated VCD: visual core description VDS: vector difference sum VIT: vibration-isolated television VSI: Versatile Seismic Imager VSP: vertical seismic profile WHC: wireline heave compensator WOB: weight on bit WOW: waiting on weather WR: whole round WRMSL: Whole-Round Multisensor Logger WST: Well Seismic Tool WSTP: water-sampling temperature probe WTR: Web Tabular Report XPL: cross-polarized light XRD: X-ray diffraction |