IODP Proceedings, Volume 335 Deep drilling of intact ocean crust: harnessing past lessons to inform future endeavors, T3. Summary of operations at Hole 504B (DSDP Legs 69, 70, 83 and 92; ODP Legs 111, 137, 140 and 148). Times have sometimes been estimated based on average rates of penetration or on average pipe trip duration, as they were not always available in the operation section of the Site 504 chapter of the leg’s Initial Reports volume (Cann, J.R., Langseth, M.G., Honnorez, J., Von Herzen, R.P., White, S.M., et al., 1983; Honnorez, J., Von Herzen, R.P., et al., 1983; Anderson, R.N., Honnorez, J., Becker, K., et al., 1985; Shipboard Scientific Party, 1986, 1988, 1992a, 1992b, 1993). Gray = beginning and end of legs, casing operations; blue = downhole measurements; green = coring; red = hardware failure and hole remediation. BHA = bottom-hole assembly, RFT = retrievable formation tester, POOH = pull out of hole, JR = JOIDES Resolution, VSP = vertical seismic profile, NOR = Geoset diamond core bit, BHTV = Borehole Televiewer tool, FMS = Formation MicroScanner. This table is available in ASCII and in Microsoft Excel format (see 104_T3.XLS in 104 in TABLES in “Supplementary material”). Leg Date Time (h) Depth (mbsf) Comment Brief run description Time (days) 69 8 Oct 1979 2145 260.5 Start coring from 260.5 mbsf (Cores 1 and 2 in sediments). Reentry 1 for casing (after washing + coring sediments) 3.09 69 10 Oct 1979 1330 275 Start casing to 275 mbsf. 69 12 Oct 1979 0000 275 Start coring in basement, bit Run 1, Core 3. Reentry 2, coring bit Run 1, Cores 3–16 2.27 69 14 Oct 1979 0630 393 End coring bit Run 1, Core 16. 69 14 Oct 1979 Operations in Hole 504C for half a day. 69 15 Oct 1979 2000 393 Ship power failure and drift northward; drill string dragged along soft sediments. Inspection of drill pipe and magnaflux most vulnerable sections. 1.10 69 16 Oct 1979 2230 393 Start coring bit Run 2, Core 17. Reentry 3, coring bit Run 2, Cores 17–29 2.54 69 19 Oct 1979 1130 489 End coring bit Run 2, Core 29. 69 20 Oct 1979 2020 489 Downhole experiments and logging. NB: Pipe stuck after packer sampling. Reentry 4, downhole measurements 6.45 69 25 Oct 1979 2225 489 End of downhole experiments and logging. 69 Total: 15.47 70 3 Dec 1979 1343 489 Reentry in hole, <2 months after previous operations. 70 3 Dec 1979 1343 489 Temperature measurement. Reentry 5, downhole measurements 1.01 70 4 Dec 1979 1400 489 Start coring bit Run 3, Core 30. Reentry 6, coring bit Run 3, Cores 30–49 2.98 70 7 Dec 1979 1331 665 End coring bit Run 3, Core 49. 70 7 Dec 1979 2130 665 Bit drop on seafloor unsuccessful, hence no logging; bit lost during pipe trip. Bit lost on seafloor 0.33 70 8 Dec 1979 1232 665 Reentry, temperature measurement, and water sample. Downhole measurements 0.63 70 8 Dec 1979 1245 665 Start coring bit Run 4, Core 50. Reentry 7, coring bit Run 4, Cores 50–60 2.00 70 10 Dec 1979 1232 750.5 End coring bit Run 4, Core 60. 70 11 Dec 1979 0750 750.5 Reentry, temperature measurement, and water sample. Downhole measurements 0.80 70 11 Dec 1979 0800 750.5 Start coring bit Run 5, Core 61. Reentry 8, coring bit Run 5, Cores 61–70 1.85 70 13 Dec 1979 0415 836 End coring bit Run 5, Core 70. 70 13 Dec 1979 1055 836 Downhole logging. Reentry 9, downhole measurements 3.42 70 16 Dec 1979 1420 836 End of downhole logging. 70 Total: 13.03 83 23 Nov 1981 0632 836 Reentry in hole, 2 years after previous operations. 83 23 Nov 1981 0632 836 Temperature profile and water sampling. Reentry 10, downhole measurements 1.27 83 24 Nov 1981 1300 836 Bowen hydraulic unit (heave compensator) lost hydraulic pressure. 0.24 83 24 Nov 1981 1845 836 Start coring bit Run 1, Core 71. Reentry 11, coring bit Run 6, Cores 71–85 1.65 83 26 Nov 1981 1022 904.5 Leak in stem between power sub and swivel; pipe tripped up to casing; 12 h lost. 0.50 83 26 Nov 1981 2220 904.5 Resume coring, Core 80. 0.58 83 27 Nov 1981 1210 964.5 End coring bit Run 1, Core 85. 83 27 Nov 1981 1210 964.5 Start coring bit Run 2, Core 86. Reentry 12, coring bit Run 7, Cores 86–97 3.21 83 30 Nov 1981 1710 1057.5 Core barrel (Core 96) left in hole; two fishing attempts. 0.12 83 30 Nov 1981 2000 1062 Resume coring. 0.16 83 30 Nov 1981 2100 1062 End coring bit Run 2, Core 97; broken pipe. 83 30 Nov 1981 2100 1062 Broken pipe, BHA + 39 joints of drill pipe lost in hole. Reentry 13, fishing drill string 1.09 83 1 Dec 1981 2310 1062 First attempt fishing broken pipe failed. 83 2 Dec 1981 2010 1062 Second attempt fishing broken pipe succeeded. 2.5 days lost; BHA (4 collars + coring assembly) filled with finely ground basalt. Reentry 14, fishing drill string 0.88 83 4 Dec 1981 0643 1062 Start coring bit Run 3, Core 98. Reentry 15, coring bit Run 8, Cores 98–111 4.40 83 7 Dec 1981 0541 1166 End coring bit Run 3, Core 111. 83 8 Dec 1981 0207 1166 Start coring bit Run 4, Core 112 (F94CK bit with smaller core guide, 4.5 m cores; no improved core recovery). Reentry 16, coring bit Run 9, Cores 112–120 2.68 83 9 Dec 1981 2155 1207.5 End coring bit Run 4, Core 120 (bit lost tungsten carbide inserts). 83 10 Dec 1981 2054 1207.5 Start coring bit Run 5, Core 121 (back to previous bit type, with 2-7/16 inch size). Reentry 17, coring bit Run 10, Cores 121–126 2.47 83 12 Dec 1981 0905 1253.5 End coring bit Run 5, Core 126 (bit lost tungsten carbide inserts). 83 13 Dec 1981 0247 1253.5 Start coring bit Run 6, Core 127 (F94CK bit). Reentry 18, coring bit Run 11, Cores 127–130 1.91 83 14 Dec 1981 0700 1287.5 End coring bit Run 6, Core 130; broken pipe. 83 14 Dec 1981 0700 1287.5 Broken pipe, BHA + 10 joints of drill pipe lost in hole. Reentry 19, fishing drill string 1.39 83 15 Dec 1981 1626 1287.5 Fishing broken pipe. 1.5 day lost; 2 days added to the leg! 83 16 Dec 1981 0820 1287.5 Downhole logging. NB: cable stripped for sonic sonde. Reentries 20–23, downhole measurements 10.73 83 20 Dec 1981 0805 1287.5 Downhole logging. NB: 1 bowspring of top centralizer of sonic sonde broke; 1.5 m piece lost in hole. 83 23 Dec 1981 1443 1287.5 Packer run. 83 25 Dec 1981 0106 1287.5 Packer run. 83 26 Dec 1981 0952 1287.5 Packer run. 83 28 Dec 1981 0536 1287.5 Start coring bit Run 7, Core 131 (F94CK bit). NB: junk from logging tool wasn't fished. Reentry 24, coring bit Run 12, Cores 131–135 3.57 83 29 Dec 1981 2337 1322 End coring bit Run 7, Core 135. NB: BHA + Bowen power sub magnafluxed. 83 31 Dec 1981 0030 1322 Start coring bit Run 8, Core 136. Reentry 25, coring bit Run 13, Cores 136–141 2.78 83 1 Jan 1982 1815 1350 End coring bit Run 8, Core 141. 83 Total: 39.61 92 8 Apr 1983 0706 1350 Reentry in Hole, 2 years after previous operations. 92 8 Apr 1983 0900 1350 Extensive downhole measurements and logging program. Oblique seismic experiment was an ordeal (quoting the leg report); missing connectors for the seismometer + other floods and failures. Reentry 26, downhole measurements 8.63 92 16 Apr 1983 2215 1350 End of downhole measurements. 92 Total: 8.63 111 30 Aug 1986 0000 1350 Reentry in hole, 3 years after previous operations, 5 years after last coring. 111 30 Aug 1986 0000 1350 Downhole logging and water sampling. Reentry 27, downhole measurements 4.50 111 3 Sep 1986 1200 1350 RFT logging tool lost one clamping arm. 111 3 Sep 1986 1200 1352.8 Junk mill run. Milled metal and rubber (packer from Leg 83). Reentry 28, milling metal junk 3.08 111 6 Sep 1986 1400 1352.8 Start coring bit Run 1, Core 142 (F99CK bit). Reentry 29, coring bit Run 14, Cores 142–147 2.18 111 8 Sep 1986 1815 1406.8 End coring bit Run 1, Core 147. NB: Core 147 stuck in BHA. 111 10 Sep 1986 1045 1406.8 Packer run. Second packer damaged when POOH. Reentry 30, downhole measurements 1.69 111 11 Sep 1986 1100 1406.8 Start coring bit Run 2, Core 148 (RBI type C7). Difficult drilling conditions (good only when high circulation rates maintained). Reentry 31, coring bit Run 15, Cores 148–158 3.33 111 13 Sep 1986 1845 1488.1 End coring bit Run 2, Core 158. Junk still present at bottom, some recovered in boot basket. 111 14 Sep 1986 0245 1488.1 BHA filled with cuttings during pipe trip down. Circulation lost. POOH. Reentry 32, lost circulation 2.72 111 16 Sep 1986 1200 1488.1 Start coring bit Run 3, Core 159 (C-57 bit). Reentry 33, coring bit Run 16, Cores 159–161 1.00 111 17 Sep 1986 1200 1511.5 End coring bit Run 3, Core 161. Bit failure. 111 17 Sep 1986 2000 1511.5 Bit completely destroyed. Four cones and much of the steel core guide lost in hole. Reentries 34 to 36, milling and fishing metal junk 4.20 111 18 Sep 1986 0100 1511.5 First of a series of three fishing pipe trips (junk baskets and mill). 111 21 Sep 1986 1645 1511.6 End of fishing runs (mill Core 162M). 111 22 Sep 1986 1200 1511.6 Start coring bit Run 4, Core 163 (DSDP/Smith F99CK bit). Reentry 37, coring bit Run 17, Cores 163–167 2.15 111 23 Sep 1986 2015 1547.5 End coring bit Run 4, Core 167 (last core stopped after 1.6 m, core barrel not retrieved). 111 24 Sep 1986 0830 1547.5 Bit completely destroyed. Four cones lost; worse shape than previous one. Special fishing and milling tools air-freighted to Ecuador and brought to JR by tuna vessel Sirius while logging Hole 504B and coring Sites 677 and 678. Bit destroyed, waiting for fishing tools 0.51 111 24 Sep 1986 1000 1547.5 Downhole experiments (packer, VSP) and logging. Reentry 38, downhole measurements 5.93 111 30 Sep 1986 0645 1547.5 JR left Site 504 for coring sediments at Sites 677 and 678 for 5 days. 111 5 Oct 1986 0500 1547.6 Milling and fishing (1 junk basket run + 1 mill run). Not much junk back in the basket (3 rocks, no cone). Mill Core 168M. Reentries 39 and 40, milling and fishing metal junk 3.21 111 8 Oct 1986 1000 1547.6 Start coring bit Run 5, Core 169 (DSDP/Smith F99CK bit). Reentry 41, coring bit Run 18, Cores 169–170 0.81 111 9 Oct 1986 0530 1562.1 End coring bit Run 5, Core 170. Bad drilling condition during Core 170R; bit returned worn but in one piece. 111 9 Oct 1986 0530 1562.1 Bit in very worn condition, with much damage from junk, but in one piece. Reentry 42, milling metal junk with newly arrived tool 7.51 111 9 Oct 1986 1562.1 Arrival of Ecuadorian tuna vessel Sirius with new fishing and milling equipment. 111 1562.1 New flat-bottom junk mill run with two baskets. 111 1562.1 Diamond core bit run (9-27/32 inch NOR Geoset diamond core bit). Bit + float valve + lower support bearing + inner core barrel lost in hole. Reentry 43, diamond coring bit lost 111 1562.1 Start of four fishing pipe trips; first one retrieved the core barrel. Reentries 44–47, fishing metal junk 111 16 Oct 1986 1745 1562.1 End of fishing runs; junk remained in the hole. 111 Total: 42.81 137 7 Apr 1991 1800 1562.1 Reentry in hole, 4.5 years after previous operations. 137 7 Apr 1991 1800 1562.1 Downhole logging and water sampling Reentry 48, downhole measurements 2.38 137 10 Apr 1991 0300 1562.1 End of initial logging 137 10 Apr 1991 0300 1570 Remedial/cleanout operations. First use of Bowen full-flow reverse circulation junk basket (little junk recovered) followed by five successive milling runs and by a tricone Smith F7 run (hole deepened to 1570 mbsf). Milling and drilling Cores 171M and 172M. Reentries 49–55, fishing and milling metal junk, cleanout 8.88 137 19 Apr 1991 0000 1570 Start coring bit Run 1, Core 173 (RBI C7 bit). Reentry 56, coring bit Run 19, Cores 173–175 1.58 137 19 Apr 1991 1945 1595.3 End coring bit Run 1, Core 175. Broken inserts. 137 20 Apr 1991 1400 1595.3 Start coring bit Run 2, Core 176 (RBI C7 bit). Reentry 57, coring bit Run 20, Cores 176–178 2.40 137 21 Apr 1991 1100 1615.5 End coring bit Run 2, Core 178. Drive rows destroyed on all cones. 137 22 Apr 1991 2330 1618.4 Cleanup run with tricone bit and junk baskets (Core 179M). Reentry 58, cleanout 0.94 137 23 Apr 1991 2200 1618.4 Start coring bit Run 3, Core 180M. Test of diamond coring (7-7/8 inch Hobic core bit). Reentry 59, coring bit Run 21 (diamond bit), Core 180M 0.27 137 24 Apr 1991 0430 1620.4 End coring bit Run 3, Core 180M. Very low penetration, good recovery (55%). Bit completely worn. 137 24 Apr 1991 0430 1620.4 Start coring bit Run 4, Core 181M. Test of diamond coring (7-7/8 inch Christensen mining bit). Reentry 60, coring bit Run 22 (diamond bit), Core 181M 1.08 137 25 Apr 1991 0630 1621.5 End coring bit Run 4, Core 181M. Very low penetration, good recovery (123%!). 137 25 Apr 1991 0630 1621.5 60 ft outer barrel + bit lost in hole. Reentries 61–63, fishing metal junk 1.23 137 1621.5 Start of remedial/cleanout operations. Three attempts failed. Overshot assembly lost in hole. 137 1621.5 No more appropriate fishing tool available on board. Modification of available tool. Reentry 64, fishing metal junk 137 1621.5 New fishing attempt failed. 137 26 Apr 1991 1200 1621.5 Downhole logging (BHTV) and flowmeter/packer experiment. Reentry 65, downhole measurements 2.59 137 29 Apr 1991 0215 1621.5 End of logging; departure from Site 504. 137 Total: 21.34 140 1 Oct 1991 1430 1621.5 Reentry in hole, 5 months after previous operations. 140 1 Oct 1991 1430 1621.5 Downhole logging. Reentry 66, downhole measurements 0.90 140 2 Oct 1991 1200 1621.5 FMS arm, bowspring, and pad parts lost in hole. 140 1621.5 Three more fishing runs with different tools (spears + grapples, tapper tap). Grapple lost in hole at end of third attempt. Reentries 67–71, fishing metal junk 10.50 140 1621.5 Other attempt with tapper tap (shorter nose), failed. 140 1621.5 Fishing run with ship-built “double dog” fishing tool. Recovered part of the fish; diamond-impregnated bit, near-bit bottom stabilizer, FMS parts, and miscellaneous small pieces of junk left in hole. 140 1621.5 9-7/8 inch tricone cleanout run. Reentry 72, cleanout 140 1621.5 Taper tap fishing run. Recovered rest of the fish. Reentry 73, fishing metal junk 140 1621.8 9-7/8 inch tricone cleanout run (Core 184M). Reentry 74, cleanout 140 13 Oct 1991 0000 1621.8 Start coring bit Run 1, Core 185. New type of 9-7/8 inch H87F bits. Reentry 75, coring bit Run 23, Cores 185–189 1.71 140 14 Oct 1991 1705 1655.1 End coring bit Run 1, Core 189. 140 14 Oct 1991 1705 1655.1 Start coring bit Run 2, Core 190. Reentry 76, coring bit Run 24, Cores 190–195 2.37 140 17 Oct 1991 0200 1696.5 End coring bit Run 2, Core 195. 140 17 Oct 1991 0200 1696.5 Start coring bit Run 3, Core 196. Reentry 77, coring bit Run 25, Cores 196–198 1.99 140 19 Oct 1991 0150 1719.4 End coring bit Run 3, Core 198. 140 19 Oct 1991 0150 1719.4 Start coring bit Run 4, Core 199. Reentry 78, coring bit Run 26, Cores 199–204 3.33 140 22 Oct 1991 0950 1757 End coring bit Run 4, Core 204. 140 22 Oct 1991 0950 1757 Start coring bit Run 5, Core 205. Reentry 79, coring bit Run 27, Cores 204–211 3.00 140 25 Oct 1991 0950 1806 End coring bit Run 5, Core 211. 140 25 Oct 1991 0950 1806 Start coring bit Run 6, Core 212. Reentry 80, coring bit Run 28, Cores 212–219 3.07 140 28 Oct 1991 1135 1865.5 End coring bit Run 6, Core 219. 140 28 Oct 1991 1135 1865.5 Start coring bit Run 7, Core 220. Reentry 81, coring bit Run 29, Cores 220–225 3.06 140 31 Oct 1991 1255 1920 End coring bit Run 7, Core 225. 140 31 Oct 1991 1255 1920 Start coring bit Run 8, Core 226. Reentry 82, coring bit Run 30, Cores 226–231 2.48 140 3 Nov 1991 0030 1957.3 End coring bit Run 8, Core 231. All driver-row inserts on all cones chipped 80%. 140 3 Nov 1991 0030 1957.3 Start coring bit Run 9, Core 232. Reentry 83, coring bit Run 31, Cores 232–235 2.23 140 5 Nov 1991 0600 1980.7 End coring bit Run 9, Core 235. Inner 80% of each cone missing. 140 5 Nov 1991 0600 1980.7 Start coring bit Run 10, Core 236. Reentry 84, coring bit Run 32, Cores 236–238 1.45 140 6 Nov 1991 1650 2000.4 End coring bit Run 10, Core 238. Bit 3/16 inch under gauge and teeth broken or chipped due to junk already in hole. 140 7 Nov 1991 0500 2000.4 Downhole logging. Reentry 85, downhole measurements 3.46 140 10 Nov 1991 0350 2000.4 End of logging. 140 Total: 39.56 148 28 Jan 1993 0450 2000.4 Reentry in hole, 1 year and 3 months after previous operations. 148 28 Jan 1993 0450 2000.4 Downhole logging (temperature + water sampling). Reentry 86, downhole measurements 2.63 148 30 Jan 1993 2000 2000.4 Start coring bit Run 1 Core 239. Security 9-7/8 inch rotary coring bit. 148 1 Feb 1993 1635 2038.2 End coring bit Run 1 Core 243. Reentry 87, coring bit Run 33, Core 243 1.86 148 1 Feb 1993 1635 2038.2 One cone + roller bearings lost in hole. 148 1 Feb 1993 1635 2038.2 Milling run with junk basket. Large pieces of bit-cone material retrieved + 3 bearings, 16 inserts, klusterite from the mill, and 173 g of miscellaneous junk. Reentry 88, milling metal junk 1.78 148 3 Feb 1993 1120 2038.2 Start coring bit Run 2, Core 244 (RBI C9 bit + junk basket). Reentry 89, coring bit Run 34, Cores 244–246 1.39 148 4 Feb 1993 2035 2056.7 End coring bit Run 2, Core 246. Teeth and middle rows of all cones broken. Junk basket recovered 660g of metal, including 3 large pieces from the cone noses and 11 bit inserts. 148 4 Feb 1993 2035 2056.7 Start coring bit Run 3, Core 247 (RBI C9 bit + junk basket). Reentry 90, coring bit Run 35, Cores 247–248 1.16 148 6 Feb 1993 0025 2061.8 End coring bit Run 3, Core 248. Teeth cracked in the middle row of two cones, small inserts lost. Junk basket recovered 94 g of metal. 148 6 Feb 1993 0025 2061.8 Start coring bit Run 4, Core 249 (RBI C7 bit + junk basket). Reentry 91, coring bit Run 36, Cores 249–250 1.12 148 7 Feb 1993 0315 2089.9 End coring bit Run 4, Core 250. Teeth on the heel rows of three cones chipped, small inserts missing. Junk basket recovered 86 g of metal. 148 7 Feb 1993 0315 2089.9 Start coring bit Run 5, Core 251 (RBI C9 bit). Reentry 92, coring bit Run 37, Cores 251–253 2.46 148 9 Feb 1993 1415 2111 End coring bit Run 5, Core 253. 148 9 Feb 1993 1415 2111 Pipe stuck and severed. BHA left in hole. Operations discontinued until the arrival of a fishing consultant and a shipment of fishing tools. Severing the drill string; waiting for fishing consultant and tools 1.91 148 11 Feb 1993 1200 2111 Drilling at site 896 for ~9 days. 148 20 Feb 1993 1200 2111 Return to Hole 504B to meet the boat bringing fishing consultant and equipment. 6.56 148 21 Feb 1993 2111 Fishing run with Bowen super jar. BHA retrieved; bit, float valve, and lower support bearing left in hole, together with two pieces of schlumberger explosive rod. Reentry 93, fishing drill string 148 22 Feb 1993 2111 Milling run with Petco concave mill, with junk baskets and bowen super jar. Bottom of mill completely worn; baskets recovered >1.7 kg of metal. Reentry 94, milling drill string 148 2111 Milling run with same configuration as previous one. Petco mill, 2 junk baskets, bit sub, 3 drill collars, and 0.38 m of Bowen super jar joined the collection of junk in the hole! Reentry 95, milling drill string; more junk in the hole! 148 24 Feb 1993 2111 Last fishing run; retrieved the fish. Coring bit, float valve, and lower support bearing still in hole. The second mill showed no evidence off having milled anything. Borehole had collapsed, depositing 19 m of rubble on top of the remaining fish. Reentry 96, fishing drill string + milling tool; coring bit, float valve, and lower support bearing left in hole 148 27 Feb 1993 0130 2111 Downhole logging. Reentry 97, downhole measurements 2.44 148 1 Mar 1993 1200 2111 JR departed for additional coring at site 896 for ~3 days. 148 4 Mar 1993 1200 2111 Water sample + VSP. Reentry 98, downhole measurements 2.00 148 6 Mar 1993 1200 2111 End of operations in Hole 504B. Final sentence of the coring operations section in the Leg 148 site chapter: “With the proper equipment, milling operations on a return trip to Hole 504B would be simple and straightforward....” End of Hole 504B 148 Total: 25.31 504B Total: 205.74