IODP Proceedings, Volume 335 Deep drilling of intact ocean crust: harnessing past lessons to inform future endeavors, Table T4. Summary of operations at Hole 1256D (ODP Leg 206; IODP Expeditions 309/312 and 335). Gray = beginning and end of legs, casing operations; blue = downhole measurements; green = coring; red = hardware failure and hole remediation/stabilization. CADA = cam-actuated drill-ahead, BCR = bi-center reamer, BHA = bottom-hole assembly, TD = total depth, POOH = pull out of hole, WOW = waiting on weather, BGRM = Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschafen und Rohstoffe magnetometer, triple combo = triple combination, FMS = Formation MicroScanner, UBI = Ultrasonic Borehole Imager, WST = Well Seismic Tool, WSTP = water-sampling temperature probe, APCT = advanced piston corer temperature tool, RCB = rotary core barrel, VIT = vibration-isolated television, ROP = rate of penetration, VSI = Versatile Seismic Imager, TAP = Temperature/Acceleration/Pressure tool, DLL = Dual Laterolog, SGT = Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool, RIH = run in hole, T/D = top drive, WOB = weight on bit, SCR = slow circulation rates, TCI = tungsten carbide inserts, RCJB = reverse circulation junk basket, FTJB = flow-through junk basket, EXJB = external junk basket, TP = total penetration, GR = natural gamma ray logging tool, APS = Accelerator Porosity Sonde, HLDS = Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray Sonde, HRLA = High-Resolution Laterolog Array, GPIT = General Purpose Inclinometry Tool, BSJB = bit sub junk basket, BOH = bottom of hole. This table is available in ASCII and in Microsoft Excel format (see 104_T4.XLS in 104 in TABLES in “Supplementary material”). Leg Date Time Depth (mbsf) Comment Brief run description Time (days) 206 23 Nov 2002 0345 0 Spud reentry cone and jet-in 20 inch casing. Initiate Hole 1256D, 20 inch casing 1.69 206 24 Nov 2002 1035 95 End jetting. Reach 95 mbsf; release CADA. 206 24 Nov 2002 2015 95 Bit at rotary table. Change to BCR BHA. 206 25 Nov 2002 0815 95 Drill 21-1/2 inch hole at 95 mbsf. 206 27 Nov 2002 0445 267 End drilling at ~17 m into basement. Reentry 1, drilling 21.5 inch hole into basement 2.70 206 27 Nov 2002 1300 267 Bit at rotary table. Failed bit bearing left junk in hole. 206 28 Nov 2002 0000 267 Cleaning, work 2 junk baskets. Reentry 2, cleanout 0.94 206 28 Nov 2002 0330 268 End cleaning, advance 1 m into basement. 206 28 Nov 2002 1140 268 Bit at rotary table. Change to BCR BHA. 206 28 Nov 2002 2000 268 Resume drilling 21-1/2 inch hole at ~17 m in basement. Reentry 3, drilling 21.5 inch hole into basement 2.08 206 30 Nov 2002 0030 276.1 Begin wiper trip. TD = 276.1 mbsf (26.1 m in basement). 206 30 Nov 2002 0415 276.1 Displace hole with 150 bbl sepiolite and 100 bbl barite. 206 30 Nov 2002 1330 276.1 Bit at rotary table. Rig-up for 16 inch casing. 206 1 Dec 2002 0417 276.1 Casing wet at 0417 h. Reentry 4, casing 0.88 206 1 Dec 2002 1040 276.1 Detect crushed joint. Stop running casing. 206 2 Dec 2002 0004 276.1 Recover casing. Replace 4 joints and casing collar. Replace casing 1.04 206 2 Dec 2002 1135 276.1 Casing wet at 1135 h. Reentry 4, casing, WOW 0.80 206 2 Dec 2002 2008 276.1 Reentry 4. Weather getting bad; heave = ~2.5 m. 206 2 Dec 2002 2315 276.1 Clear seafloor. POOH due to heave = ~4 m. 206 3 Dec 2002 0650 276.1 Reentry. WOW for 5.75 h. WOW 206 3 Dec 2002 1730 276.1 Land casing. Work stuck casing for 3.75 h. 206 3 Dec 2002 1745 276.1 Cement casing with 30 bbl cement. Reentry 5, cement casing 0.92 206 4 Dec 2002 0500 276.1 CADA tool on surface. 206 4 Dec 2002 0630 276.1 Begin to run in hole. Coring Bit 1: CC4 SN BX-020. 1.20 206 4 Dec 2002 1815 276.1 Start to drill cement. Attempted core/dropped chisel. Reentry 6, coring Bit 1, coring cement 206 5 Dec 2002 0955 276.1 Tested bottom of hole and found junk. 0.26 206 5 Dec 2002 1615 276.1 Bit at rotary table. 206 6 Dec 2002 0230 276.1 Start fishing with Bowen fishing magnet. Work junk baskets and magnet 1 h. Reentry 7, fishing metal junk 0.80 206 6 Dec 2002 1130 276.1 Bit at rotary table. Clean magnet. 206 7 Dec 2002 0045 276.1 Work junk basket before coring. Reentry 8, coring Bit 2, Cores 2R–21R 4.38 206 7 Dec 2002 0100 276.1 Begin coring Bit 2 (clean hole), CC-7 SN BP-723. Cores 2R–21R. 206 10 Dec 2002 1203 406 Work stuck pipe (stuck when sinker bars pulled). 206 10 Dec 2002 2040 406 Bit at rotary table: hr = 49.58; cored = 129.9 m (158.0 m in basement). 206 11 Dec 2002 0845 406 Begin coring Bit 3 (Bit 3: CC-7 SN BP-737). Cores 22R–35R. Reentry 9, coring Bit 3, Cores 22R–35R 4.43 206 15 Dec 2002 0655 494 Bit at rotary table: hr = 62.9; cored = 88.0 m (244.0 m in basement). 206 15 Dec 2002 1800 494 Begin coring Bit 4 (Bit 4: CC-9 SN BF-857, no junk basket). Reentry 10, coring Bit 4, Cores 36R–46R 4.03 206 19 Dec 2002 0740 571 Bit at rotary table: hr = 57.8; cored = 77.0 m (321.0 m in basement). Cores 36R–46R. 206 19 Dec 2002 1915 571 Begin coring Bit 5 (Bit 5: CC-9 SN BF-738). 3 m soft fill. Reentry 11, coring Bit 5, Cores 47R–57R 3.95 206 23 Dec 2002 0625 655 Bit at rotary table: hr = 59.4; cored = 84.0 m (405.0 m basement). Cores 47R–57R. 206 23 Dec 2002 1845 655 Begin coring Bit 6 (Bit 6: CC-9 SN BF-740). Cores 58R–74R. Reentry 12, coring Bit 6, Cores 58R–74R 4.69 206 27 Dec 2002 2300 752 Bit at rotary table: hr = 64.9; cored = 97.0 m (502.0 m basement). 206 28 Dec 2002 0622 752 Reentry 13 (logging BHA). Rig-up for logging. Reentry 13, downhole measurements 3.18 206 30 Dec 2002 2030 752 Rig-down from logging. BGRM did not work; 2 runs. Triple combo, FMS, BGRM, UBI, WST. 206 31 Dec 2002 0325 752 Bit at rotary table. 206 31 Dec 2002 0330 752 Beacon recovered after 45 days. Under way to Balboa. 206 Total: 37.99 309 16 Jul 2005 1945 752 Hole reentered 2.5 years after previous operations. 309 17 Jul 2005 0030 752 WSTP and APCT runs. Reentry 14, downhole measurements 1.41 309 17 Jul 2005 1015 752 Rig up logging equipment 309 18 Jul 2005 0530 752 End logging (triple combo, FMS). 309 18 Jul 2005 1500 752 Begin RCB coring Bit 1, Cores 75R–85R. Reentry 15, coring Bit 7, Cores 75R–85R 4.19 309 22 Jul 2005 1000 821 Bit 1 on deck. Two trimming inserts missing from one cone, 1/16 inch under gauge. 309 22 Jul 2005 1200 821 Begin coring Bit 2 (C9), Core 86R. Reentry 16, coring Bit 8, Core 86R 0.86 309 23 Jul 2005 0635 830.6 All core catcher dogs missing; some core fell out of the drill string. Next barrel pulled after noting high pump pressures; deplugger deployed twice. Core catcher fingers missing 0.17 309 23 Jul 2005 1045 830.6 Resume coring, Cores 87R–96R. Cores 87R–96R 2.91 309 26 Jul 2005 0830 897.8 Coring Bit 8 on deck. Some broken inserts, ~3/16 inch under gauge. 309 26 Jul 2005 1000 897.8 Begin coring Bit 3 (BF-854), Cores 97R–107R. Reentry 17, coring Bit 9, Cores 97R–107R 3.65 309 30 Jul 2005 0000 958.8 Coring Bit 3 on deck. One broken insert, 1/4 inch under gauge. 309 30 Jul 2005 1000 958.8 WSTP sample. 0.20 309 30 Jul 2005 1445 958.8 Begin coring Bit 4 (BF-856), Cores 108R–111R. Reentry 18, coring Bit 10, Cores 108R–111R 1.18 309 31 Jul 2005 0905 974.4 After retrieving Core 110R, pressure drop after dropping core barrel. Core barrel pulled, deplugger deployed. Pressure still lower than normal. 1.51 309 31 Jul 2005 1745 979.2 While retrieving Core 111R, pressure drop noted again (~200–250 psi) when lifting BHA off bottom. Pressure increased when weight applied, indicating a crack in BHA. Crack ~300° of the circumference of the 3/4 inch thick bit sub wall (~15 inches from the bit). 309 1 Aug 2005 0300 979.2 Coring Bit 10 on deck. One broken insert, ~3/16 inch under gauge. 309 1 Aug 2005 0630 972.2 Begin coring Bit 5 (BF-858), Cores 112R–126R. Reentry 19, coring Bit 11, Cores 112R–126R 3.96 309 5 Aug 2005 0200 1051.3 Coring Bit 5 on deck. One broken insert, one missing insert, 1/16 inch under gauge. 309 5 Aug 2005 0215 1051.3 Begin coring Bit 6 (BF-741), Cores 127R–138R. Reentry 20, coring Bit 12, Cores 127R–138R 3.67 309 8 Aug 2005 1800 1108.9 Bit 12 on deck. One broken insert, one missing insert, 1/16 inch under gauge. Three gauge inserts missing, all from the same row. 309 8 Aug 2005 1815 1108.9 Begin coring Bit 7 (BF-742), Cores 139R–146R. Reentry 21, coring Bit 13, Cores 139R–146R 2.81 309 11 Aug 2005 1330 1145.2 While cutting Core 146R, pressure drop noted (100 psi); 350 psi pressure drop noted when drill string pulled off bottom. Core 146R recovered. POOH. 0.40 309 11 Aug 2005 2300 1145.2 BHA on deck. All drill collars and subs inspected. No cracks in BHA. 309 12 Aug 2005 0415 1145.2 Begin coring Bit 8 (BF-853). 0.61 309 12 Aug 2005 1345 1145.2 Check drill string for cracks with VIT + high-vis mud pill (no pressure increase while filling with seawater every 25 stands). Jet of drilling mud (crack) seen streaming from the 5 inch pipe ~2 stands above the 5-1/2 inch transition pipe. 0.74 309 12 Aug 2005 2030 1145.2 Drill string pulled back and bottom 2 stands of 5 inch pipe replaced. 309 13 Aug 2005 0730 1145.2 Resume coring, Cores 147R–158R. Reentry 22, coring Bit 14, Cores 147R–158R 3.51 309 16 Aug 2005 1945 1203.8 Bit 8 on deck. Lost ~2/3 of gauge cutters on 1 cone, 2 cones lost core trimming cutters. Bearings of 3 cones very loose; 1 cone could not be turned. 309 16 Aug 2005 2000 1203.8 Deploy coring Bit 9 (CL-540), Cores 159R–170R. Reentry 23, coring Bit 15, Cores 159R–170R 4.26 309 20 Aug 2005 1040 1255.1 Wiper trip. 309 21 Aug 2005 0200 1255.1 Bit 15 on deck. Some inserts missing from the cones, 4 gauge cutters missing. 309 21 Aug 2005 0800 1255.1 Reentry for logging. Reentry 24, downhole measurements 3.46 309 24 Aug 2005 0500 1255.1 Logging completed (triple combo, FMS-sonic, UBI, WST). 309 24 Aug 2005 1300 1255.1 Depart location. 309 Total: 38.72 312 15 Nov 2005 0730 Hole reentered 3 months after previous operations. 312 15 Nov 2005 2030 1255.1 Trip in to 927 mbsf with coring Bit 1 (C9). 0.67 312 15 Nov 2005 2330 1255.1 Wash and ream to 944 mbsf. Maximum penetration = 1051 mbsf. The 927–944 mbsf interval seemed very tight. Generous mud flushes. Reentry 25, coring Bit 16, tight hole at 927–944 mbsf 1.66 312 17 Nov 2005 1525 1255.1 On deck. 312 17 Nov 2005 2100 1255.1 Trip in to 903 mbsf with more aggressive tricone drilling bit (F-2 Smith tricone). Reentry 26, tricone, wash and ream 2.64 312 18 Nov 2005 0830 1255.1 Wash and ream 903–1255 mbsf (~40 h). Bit stuck at 1198 mbsf for 45 min. 312 20 Nov 2005 0030 1255.1 Trip out. 312 20 Nov 2005 0650 1255.1 On deck. 312 20 Nov 2005 1215 1255.1 Trip in to 1161 mbsf with coring Bit 2 (C9). Reentry 27, coring Bit 17 1.02 312 20 Nov 2005 2330 1255.1 Wash and ream 1161–1255 mbsf. Debris in bit throat cleared by deplugger round trip. 312 21 Nov 2005 0715 1255.1 RCB coring 1255.1–1309.7 mbsf (Cores 172R–182R). Cores 172R–182R 312 24 Nov 2005 1015 1309.7 On deck (normal wear on cutting structures of the cones, 3/16 inch under gauge, core guides extremely worn). 312 24 Nov 2005 1600 1309.7 Trip in to 1205 mbsf with coring Bit 3 (C9). Reentry 28, coring Bit 18 0.61 312 25 Nov 2005 0100 1309.7 Wash and ream 1205–1310.1 mbsf. 0.19 312 25 Nov 2005 0530 1309.7 RCB coring 1310.1–1329.1 mbsf (Cores 183R–187R). Cores 183R–187R 1.44 312 26 Nov 2005 1600 1329.1 Round trip deplugger at 1329 mbsf. 0.06 312 26 Nov 2005 1730 1329.1 Resume coring 1329.1–1343.5 mbsf (Cores 188R–190R). Cores 188R–190R 1.35 312 28 Nov 2005 0030 1345.5 On deck (similar to previous, 10 inserts missing from the gage row on 1 cone, chipped teeth on nose region of all 4 cones). 312 28 Nov 2005 0600 1345.5 Trip in to 1247 mbsf with coring Bit 4 (C9). Reentry 29, coring Bit 19 0.75 312 28 Nov 2005 1830 1345.5 Wash and ream 1247–1343.5 mbsf. 0.09 312 28 Nov 2005 2045 1345.5 RCB core 1343.5–1348.3 mbsf (Core 191R). Core 191R 0.41 312 29 Nov 2005 0630 1348.3 Repair standpipe flow sensor. 0.11 312 29 Nov 2005 0830 1348.3 Wash ahead 1299–1348 mbsf. 312 29 Nov 2005 0915 1345.5 Resume coring 1348.3–1367.5 mbsf (Cores 192R–196R). Cores 192R–196R 1.88 312 1 Dec 2005 0620 1367.5 On deck (less worn than previous bit, worked only 40.2 h. Few missing and chipped inserts on the gauge row of the cones). 312 1 Dec 2005 1215 1367.5 Trip in to 1285 mbsf with coring Bit 5 (C7; it was hoped that a more aggressive cutting structure would increase ROP and recovery). Reentry 30, coring Bit 20 0.82 312 2 Dec 2005 0200 1367.5 Wash and ream 1285–1367.5 mbsf. 0.07 312 2 Dec 2005 0345 1367.5 RCB coring 1367.5–1372.8 mbsf (Cores 197R–200R). Very slow average ROP (0.3 m/h). Cores 197R–200R 1.22 312 3 Dec 2005 0900 1372.8 Erratic high torque, unable to penetrate further (T/D stalled each time the bit was placed on bottom). Trip out and clear seafloor. Broken bit 0.13 312 3 Dec 2005 1200 1372.8 On deck (Bit 20 was missing 3 cones and most of the fourth one). 312 3 Dec 2005 1745 1372.8 Trip in to 1298.0 mbsf with fishing magnet + junk baskets. Reentry 31, fishing 0.99 312 4 Dec 2005 0400 1372.8 Wash to 1372.8 mbsf and work junk baskets. 312 4 Dec 2005 0845 1372.8 Trip out. 312 4 Dec 2005 1150 1372.8 On deck (large fragments of cone and bearing material recovered from magnet face). 312 4 Dec 2005 1730 1372.8 Trip to 1278.0 mbsf; wash to 1372.8 mbsf with 9.5 inch concave mill + 2 junk baskets. Reentry 32, milling 1.16 312 5 Dec 2005 0630 1372.8 Mill junk. 312 5 Dec 2005 1015 1372.8 Flush hole with 50 bbl high-vis mud sweep. 312 5 Dec 2005 1110 1372.8 Mill junk. 312 5 Dec 2005 1230 1372.8 Trip out. 312 5 Dec 2005 1545 1372.8 On deck. 312 6 Dec 2005 0515 1372.8 Trip to 1294.0 mbsf; wash to 1372.8 mbsf with 9.5 inch concave mill + 1 junk basket. Reentry 33, milling 1.16 312 6 Dec 2005 1015 1372.8 Mill junk. 312 6 Dec 2005 1430 1372.8 Flush hole with 50 bbl high-vis mud sweep and trip out. 312 6 Dec 2005 1930 1372.8 On deck (milling tour worn, very small pieces of cone and bearing material in junk basket); change to fishing magnet number 2 + 2 junk baskets. 312 7 Dec 2005 0200 1372.8 Trip to 1295.0 mbsf with Bowen fishing magnet + 2 junk baskets. Reentry 34, fishing 0.97 312 7 Dec 2005 1300 1372.8 Wash 1295–1372.8 mbsf. 312 7 Dec 2005 1430 1372.8 Work magnet and junk baskets. 312 7 Dec 2005 1530 1372.8 Trip out. 312 7 Dec 2005 1850 1372.8 On deck (metal in magnet only fillings, with no solid fragments). 312 8 Dec 2005 0003 1372.8 Trip to 1294 mbsf with RCB Bit 6 (C9), wash to 1372.8 mbsf, core 1372.8–1398.6 mbsf (Cores 202R–209R). Reentry 35, coring Bit 21, Cores 202R–209R 3.56 312 11 Dec 2005 0820 1398.6 On deck (Bit 6: uniform wear on the cones consistent with rotating hours). 312 11 Dec 2005 1545 1398.6 Trip to 1326 mbsf with RCB Bit 7 (C9), wash to 1398.6 mbsf, core 1398.6–1444.6 mbsf (Cores 210R–221R). Reentry 36, coring Bit 22, Cores 210R–221R; dike/gabbro boundary in Core 213R, on deck at 0800 h on 13 Dec 2005 3.99 312 15 Dec 2005 0810 1444.6 On deck (Bit 8: uniform wear on the cones consistent with rotating hours). 312 15 Dec 2005 1345 1444.6 Trip to 1368 mbsf with RCB Bit 8 (C9), wash to 1444.6 mbsf, core 1444.6–1507.1 mbsf (Cores 222R–234R. Reentry 37, coring Bit 23, Cores 222R–234R 4.14 312 19 Dec 2005 0300 1507.1 Treat hole for logging and flush with mud. 312 19 Dec 2005 1135 1507.1 RCB Bit 8 on deck; change to logging BHA. 312 19 Dec 2005 1715 1507.1 Trip to 289 mbsf and rig up for logging. Reentry 38, downhole measurements 4.25 312 23 Dec 2005 1200 1507.1 End logging (triple combo, VSI, FMS-sonic, UBI, FMS, TAP/DLL/SGT). 312 23 Dec 2005 1730 1507.1 Trip out and secure for voyage. 312 Total: 38.42 335 19 Apr 2011 1730 1507.1 Hole rentered 5.5 years after previous operations. 335 19 Apr 2011 1800 1507.1 Continue to RIH with 5-1/2 inch drill pipe to 925.0 mbsf, where formation took 25,000 lb. Cancel attempt to obtain temperature log and water sample. Reentry 39, Run 335-1, attempt to obtain temperature profile and water sample 0.02 335 19 Apr 2011 2145 1507.1 Pull back in the hole 925.0–891.9 mbsf. Obstruction at ~925 mbsf, washing and reaming 1.91 335 19 Apr 2011 2330 1507.1 Run in with T/D and work pipe at 920–925 mbsf, where problems were encountered during Expedition 312. Erratic torque with T/D current = 500 A. 335 20 Apr 2011 0115 1507.1 Pull back 920–891.5 mbsf and change out swivel packing. 335 20 Apr 2011 0245 1507.1 Resume washing/reaming 891.5–923.3 mbsf. Work stuck pipe from 0415 to 0515 h; rotation lost. Unable to apply >10,000 lb WOB without stalling T/D. Circulate a total of 600 bbl of hi-vis gel during the 24 h period. Unable to penetrate deeper than 923.3 mbsf. Pump 150 bbl sweep at 923.3 mbsf. 335 21 Apr 2011 0600 1507.1 POOH from 923.3 mbsf. Bit clears rotary at 1550 h. 335 21 Apr 2011 1545 1507.1 Make up new Reed 9-7/8 inch tricone (more aggressive structure), bit sub with float valve, and tandem set of boot baskets. RIH with the drill pipe to 892.1 mbsf. Reentry 40, Run 335-2, tricone + 2 junk baskets, washing and reaming 1.64 335 22 Apr 2011 0445 1507.1 Wash/ream hole from 892.1 to bridge at ~920 mbsf. Pump 50 bbl hi-vis mud sweep. 335 22 Apr 2011 0630 1507.1 Work stuck pipe. 335 22 Apr 2011 0745 1507.1 Wash/ream hole from ~920 mbsf. Circulate 100 bbl hi-vis mud sweep. 335 22 Apr 2011 1000 1507.1 Work stuck pipe. 335 22 Apr 2011 1200 1507.1 Wash/ream hole from ~923 mbsf. Unable to pass bridge. 335 22 Apr 2011 2100 1507.1 POOH, clear seafloor at 0005 h and rotary table at 0605 h. Lay out junk baskets and bit. Contents of junk baskets inconclusive; yielded some basaltic cuttings ranging from small gravel to rounded pebbles. Expedition 312 logs indicate a large washed out zone at ~920–935 mbsf; decision to attempt to stabilize with a 5 bbl cement plug. 335 23 Apr 2011 0700 1507.1 Make up cementing BHA with used Reed tricone bit without jets and 2 stands of drill collars. RIH to bridge at 922 mbsf. Reentry 41, Run 335-3, cementing (5 bbl) 0.93 335 23 Apr 2011 1845 1507.1 Make up circulating head, lo-torque valves, and pressure test to 1500 psi. 335 23 Apr 2011 1915 1507.1 Pump 5 bbl of 16 ppg cement slurry. 335 23 Apr 2011 1930 1507.1 Displace drill string with seawater (1 × volume). 335 23 Apr 2011 2000 1507.1 Lay out circulating head and pull back in the hole with the drill string to 806.9 mbsf. 335 23 Apr 2011 2030 1507.1 Flush drill string with seawater (3 × volume). 335 23 Apr 2011 2145 1507.1 Lay out circulating head and POOH. Bit at rotary table at 0515 h. 335 24 Apr 2011 0515 1507.1 Make up new 9-7/8 inch Atlas tricone bit, inspect float, pick up 2 drill collar stands from derrick. Trip drill string to 922 mbsf. Reentry 42, Run 335-4, tricone, washing and reaming 1.04 335 24 Apr 2011 1930 1507.1 Pull back in the hole to 890.6 mbsf, run in hole with T/D to 922 mbsf. 335 24 Apr 2011 2045 1507.1 Attempt to wash/ream though bridge; high erratic torque; maximum T/D = 650 A. 335 24 Apr 2011 2145 1507.1 Pull back with T/D to 890.6 mbsf, POOH. Bit at rotary table at 0615 h. 335 25 Apr 2011 0615 1507.1 Make up cementing bit (Reed 517; no nozzles) to 2 stands of drill collars, RIH to 922 mbsf. Reentry 43, Run 335-5, cementing (50 bbl) 0.90 335 25 Apr 2011 1715 1507.1 Install circulating head. Pressure test cement system. 335 25 Apr 2011 1800 1507.1 Mix and pump 50 bbl of 15 ppg cement slurry. 335 25 Apr 2011 1845 1507.1 Displace cement slurry with seawater. 335 25 Apr 2011 1900 1507.1 Lay out circulating head and pull back in the hole to 720.5 mbsf. 335 25 Apr 2011 1945 1507.1 Circulate and flush drill pipe with seawater (3 × volume). 335 25 Apr 2011 2045 1507.1 POOH with the drill string to surface. Bit at rotary table at 0345 h. 335 26 Apr 2011 0345 1507.1 Pick up 9-7/8 inch Atlas HP61 tricone with tandem boot baskets and 2 stands of drill collars. Run in hole to firm contact with cement at 882.0 mbsf. Reentry 44, Run 335-6, drilling cement, washing and reaming 2.47 335 26 Apr 2011 1815 1507.1 Drill out cement with T/D 882.0–922.0 mbsf. Circulate 40 bbl gel sweep at 904.6 mbsf. 335 26 Apr 2011 2230 1507.1 Attempt to drill through bridge with high erratic torque. Circulate 50 bbl gel sweep at 922 mbsf. Continue to wash/ream at 922.0 mbsf. Maximum T/D = 650 A. 335 27 Apr 2011 0130 1507.1 Work stuck pipe at ~923 mbsf. Maximum T/D = 800 A with 120,000 lb overpull. 335 27 Apr 2011 0230 1507.1 Resume washing/reaming ledge at 922 mbsf with high rotary speed, high pump, and lighter WOB. mid-morning progress was lost later in the day, which may indicate a shifting obstruction. Circulate multiple 50 bbl hi-vis gel sweeps at 922 mbsf. Continue to wash/ream obstruction at 921.6 mbsf (tide ± 0.5 m). Circulate 100 bbl hi-vis gel sweep at 922.0 mbsf. 335 28 Apr 2011 0600 1507.1 POOH, clear seafloor at 0850 h and bit at rotary table at 1455 h. Bit in good condition with no appreciable shirttail wear, all teeth intact, and exhibiting very little wear. 335 28 Apr 2011 1500 1507.1 Make up new Smith tricone bit, bit sub with float, and 4 stands of drill collars; RIH with drill string to 861.4 mbsf. RIH with T/D 861.4–921.9 mbsf. Reentry 45, Run 335-7, washing and reaming, reached bottom 3.49 335 29 Apr 2011 0615 1507.1 Attempt to pass obstruction with pump and no rotation. No advance. Resume washing/reaming, drill through obstruction at 935.0 mbsf, and advance 921.9–941.5 mbsf. Circulate 100 bbl gel sweep at 931.0 mbsf. 335 30 Apr 2011 0000 1507.1 Continue to wash/ream 941.5–1143.2 mbsf. High torque and pump pressure increase of 500 psi when picking off slips at last connection. Circulate 50 bbl hi-vis gel sweeps at 988.6 and 1113.6 mbsf. Work back to 1114.4 mbsf and work out excess pump pressure and torque. 335 30 Apr 2011 1400 1507.1 Resume washing/reaming 1143.2–1162.4 mbsf. High torque and increase of 500 psi pump pressure when coming off slips on last connection. 335 30 Apr 2011 1630 1507.1 Work stuck pipe free. 335 30 Apr 2011 1830 1507.1 Wash/ream 1162.4–1507.1 mbsf. Circulate 50 bbl hi-vis gel sweeps at 1142.6 and 1253.6 mbsf. Find 6 m of hard fill. Circulate 100 bbl hi-vis gel sweep. 335 1 May 2011 1030 1507.1 Pull back in the hole with T/D 1507.1–1265.0 mbsf. 335 1 May 2011 1245 1507.1 Pull back in the hole with drill string 1265.0–890.5 mbsf. 335 1 May 2011 1530 1507.1 RIH with drill string and T/D to 967.3 mbsf with no drag or overpull. 335 1 May 2011 1630 1507.1 Break circulation; spot 60 bbl of 10.5 ppg mud at 967 mbsf. POOH; bit at rotary table at 0245 h. 335 2 May 2011 0245 1507.1 Make up cement BHA with used Reed 9-7/8 inch bit (without jets) and RIH to 960.5 mbsf. Reentry 46, Run 335-8, cementing 1.02 335 2 May 2011 1615 1507.1 Make up circulating head and pressure test to 2000 psi; mix and pump 60 bbl of 15 ppg cement slurry. 335 2 May 2011 1715 1507.1 Displace cement with seawater. 335 2 May 2011 1745 1507.1 Lay out circulating head and pull back in the hole to 605.5 mbsf. 335 2 May 2011 1845 1507.1 Flush drill string with seawater (3 × volume). 335 2 May 2011 1945 1507.1 POOH with the drill string. Bit at rotary table at 0315 h. 335 3 May 2011 0315 1507.1 Lay out Reed tricone bit and pick up RCB assembly (coring Bit 1), RIH to tag contact (ledge or top of plug) at 924.0 mbsf. Reentry 47, Run 335-9, coring Bit 24 (first of Expedition 335), cement coring (no recovery) 1.85 335 3 May 2011 1500 1507.1 Pull back in the hole 924.0–891.5 mbsf, pick up T/D. 335 3 May 2011 1600 1507.1 Drop nonmagnetic core barrels. Establish SCR parameters. 335 3 May 2011 1745 1507.1 Cut cement cores 924.0–971.3 mbsf (Cores 1G–5G: no recovery). 335 4 May 2011 0600 1507.1 Pull back in the hole to 833.9 mbsf. 335 4 May 2011 0845 1507.1 Drop wash barrel, RIH 833.9–971.3 mbsf. 335 4 May 2011 1030 1507.1 Round trip wash barrel and core 971.3–980.9 mbsf (Core 6G). 335 4 May 2011 1330 1507.1 Drop wash barrel and wash 980.9–1507.1 mbsf. Note tight hole at 1499.6–1501.1 mbsf. Pump 50-bbl hi-vis sweeps at 1154.6 and 1501.1 mbsf 335 4 May 2011 2245 1507.1 Circulate 50-bbl hi-vis gel sweep. 335 4 May 2011 2345 1507.1 Deploy sinker bars. Round trip wash barrel at 1497.0 mbsf. Drop fresh core barrel. Cores 235R–236R (total 94 cm, undergauge pieces) 0.72 335 5 May 2011 0145 1507.1 RCB core 1507.1–1516.5 mbsf (Cores 235R–236R), using half-cores with no liners to improve recovery. All cores obtained with nonmagnetic core barrels. 335 5 May 2011 1700 1516.5 Attempt to core 1516.5–1518.2 mbsf (Core 237R) with maximum overpull = 60,000 lb, maximum T/D = 800 A, WOB = 0. Circulate 50 and 100 bbl hi-vis gel sweeps at 1518.2 mbsf after retrieving Core 237R. Core 237R 1.53 335 5 May 2011 2145 1520.2 Drop core barrel and attempt to core 1518.2–1520.2 mbsf (Core 238R; tide ± 0.8 m). Pump 50-bbl hi-vis sweep at 1520.2 mbsf. Average ROP for 5 May was 0.7 m/h. 3 cm × 20 cm rollers. Core 238R (3 rollers) 335 6 May 2011 1330 1520.2 Drop bit deplugger. Examine core catcher sub: ~0.5 inch abraded away, indicating downhole mechanical problem. Recover deplugger. Pump 70 bbl of 10.5 ppg mud. 335 6 May 2011 1645 1520.2 Pull back in hole with drill string to 58.2 mbsf, flush with seawater to clean reentry cone. 335 6 May 2011 2100 1520.2 POOH. Clear the rotary at 0545 h. Bit body honed to a smooth profile at the bottom and on the sides. Bit missing all 4 cones, 4 legs, and core guides. Bit spiral stabilizer blades and embedded TCI inserts absent. Bit totally unrecognizable. Disintegrated coring bit! 335 7 May 2011 0545 1520.2 Prepare and make up Bowen 9 inch fishing magnet with 2 boot baskets to 2 stands of drill collars and RIH to 3632 mbrf. Reentry 48, Run 335-10, fishing (magnet + 2 junk baskets) 1.43 335 7 May 2011 1630 1520.2 Search and position vessel for reentry. Observe reentry cone clouded over with mud. Attempt reentry, miss cone, and pull back. Break circulation and reenter at 1815 h. 335 7 May 2011 1815 1520.2 RIH with drill string to 1294.6 mbsf. Contact ledge that takes 10,000 lb. 335 7 May 2011 2245 1520.2 RIH with T/D to 1434.2 mbsf. Tight hole at 1328.7 mbsf takes 10,000 lb. Excessive rotary current at 20 spm. Increase in pump pressure (2500 psi at 20 spm). Bleed off pressure at rig floor. 335 8 May 2011 0145 1520.2 Pull back in the hole 1434.2–1395.8 mbsf; attempt to unplug drill string with high pressure. No joy. 335 8 May 2011 0300 1520.2 POOH to 264.2 mbsf just inside casing shoe; attempt to circulate with circulating head. No Joy. 335 8 May 2011 0715 1520.2 POOH from 264.2 mbsf and clear seafloor at 0755 hr. 4 m of fine cuttings plugging inside bit sub and 2 junk baskets. Magnet at the rotary table at 1555 h. 335 8 May 2011 1600 1520.2 Make up Atlas tricone bit to dual set of junk baskets with 3 drill collar stands and deploy to 1356.1 mbsf, where bit contacts ledge. Pull back to 1324.3 mbsf. Reentry 49, Run 335-11, tricone + 2 junk baskets 1.84 335 9 May 2011 0715 1520.2 Pickup T/D and obtain SCR parameters. Clean up ledge at 1356.1 mbsf and continue in the hole to 1442.5 mbsf. Circulate 100 bbl hi-vis gel sweep at 1442.5 mbsf. 335 9 May 2011 1000 1520.2 RIH 1442.5–1520.3 mbsf. Clean up undergage areas of hole: maximum T/D = 500 A. Circulate 100 bbl hi-vis gel sweep at 1520.3 mbsf. Continue to circulate, work rathole at 1520.3 mbsf. Circulate 100 bbl hi-vis gel sweep and circulate seawater (3 × volume). 335 9 May 2011 1615 1520.2 Pull back in the hole with T/D 1520.3–1363.0 mbsf. RIH and tag ledge at 1473 mbsf. Work through ledge with pumps and rotation. Observe excess pump pressure and torque off slips at 1477.5 mbsf. Unable to pump. Reestablish rotation and circulation. 335 9 May 2011 1930 1520.2 Work pipe from 1477.5 back to 1459.0 mbsf. Clear excess pump pressure and torque. Maximum T/D = 700 A, maximum pump pressure = 3000 psi. 335 9 May 2011 2015 1520.2 Ream 1477.6–1484.6 mbsf. Continue with T/D to 1518.2 mbsf, pump 150 bbl gel sweep. 335 10 May 2011 1130 1520.2 POOH. Flush top of cone with seawater. Bit at rotary at 1130 h. Empty junk baskets. 335 10 May 2011 1215 1520.2 Make up Bowen RCJB, 1 junk basket, and 2 stands of drill collars. RIH to 1327.5 mbsf; RIH with T/D to 1517.9 mbsf. Reentry 50, Run 335-12, RCJB + EXJB 1.74 335 11 May 2011 0630 1520.2 Clean hole. Circulate at 150 spm with 1600 psi. Find 2.5 m of fill. Pump 100 bbl hi-vis sweep and chase with seawater (1.5 × volume). 335 11 May 2011 0930 1520.2 Drop stainless steel ball at 0937 h and activate reverse circulation in Bowen junk basket. 335 11 May 2011 1000 1520.2 Attempt to drill over junk at the bottom of the hole. 335 11 May 2011 1030 1520.2 POOH. Clear top of cone at 1520 h. BHA drill collars up to T/D filled with fine cuttings (50 m, several hundred kg). Coarser gravel found in the head, crossover, and bit subs. ~20 kg of granoblastic dike rocks in Bowen RCJB. 335 12 May 2011 0600 1520.2 Make up Bowen tool with 1 junk basket and 2 stands of drill collars; RIH to 1384.8 mbsf. Reentry 51, Run 335-13, RCJB + EXJB 1.28 335 12 May 2011 1730 1520.2 RIH with T/D and rotation and circulation past a soft tag at 1465.0 mbsf and a hard tag at 1518.0 mbsf. Backflow on connections starting at 1470.0 mbsf. 335 12 May 2011 2015 1520.2 Work drill string to 1518.0 mbsf and fail in an attempt to penetrate to 1520.2 mbsf with maximum WOB = 2000–4000 lb, and 160 spm at 1600 psi. Maximum T/D = 200–400 A. Circulate 100 bbl hi-vis sweep, and chase with seawater (2 × volume). 335 12 May 2011 2215 1520.2 Drop stainless ball to activate reverse circulation. Apparently unable to shear pins in tool with pump pressure up to 3000 psi at 50 spm. 335 12 May 2011 2300 1520.2 POOH, clear seafloor at 0340 h. Bowen RCJB at rotary table at 1100 h: contains large granoblastic dike rocks (up to 4.5 kg). RCJB was activated by the stainless ball. Loss of circulation probably due to clogged jets. Almost entire BHA filled with fine cuttings. 335 13 May 2011 1245 1520.2 Pick up Homco 9-3/4 inch FTJB with bit sub junk basket and float, 2-stand BHA, and boot basket. RIH to 1517.2 mbsf. Pump 100 bbl sweep and continue to work down to top of fish at 1521.0 mbsf. Reentry 52, Run 335-14, FTJB + BSJB 1.34 335 14 May 2011 0815 1520.2 Attempt to recover junk/fish. Circulate 50 bbl sweep at 1520.0 mbsf. 335 14 May 2011 0945 1520.2 POOH. Rack back drill collars. HOMCO FTJB clears rotary at 2010 h. Empty FTJB of 2 rocks (combined weight = 3.2 kg). Lower set of junk catcher fingers completely torn out. 335 14 May 2011 2100 1520.2 Make up new Smith hard formation 9-7/8 inch tricone bit with 1 junk basket to 3-stand BHA and RIH to 1371.8 mbsf. Reentry 53, Run 335-15, tricone + junk basket 1.80 335 15 May 2011 1245 1520.2 Resume RIH with T/D from 1371.8 mbsf. Tag soft fill at 1510.0 mbsf and hard tag at 1518.8 mbsf. 335 15 May 2011 1415 1520.2 Pick up 30 ft knobby and work bit with light WOB at 1518.5 mbsf and then to 1520.6 mbsf multiple times, attempting to stabilize bottom 2–3 m of the hole. Hole seems to pack off below 1518.0 mbsf and requires working back to bottom. Circulate multiple mud sweeps at 1520.6 mbsf (total = 400 bbl). Continue to work drill string 1518.5–1521.05 mbsf. Pump 200 bbl of sweeps. Pull drill string to inspect and change bit. 335 16 May 2011 0615 1520.2 POOH, clear the seafloor at 1015 h. Bit clears rotary at 1545 h. Inspect bit and find bearings still tight with virtually no wear on teeth except for a single chipped tooth on the heel. The bit is undergage by 0.4 inch with some shirttail wear and minor junk damage on the body. 335 16 May 2011 1615 1520.2 Make up new 9-7/8 inch Smith FH3VPS tricone to a 3-stand BHA and RIH to 1399.7 mbsf, and to 1516.5 with T/D. Reentry 54, Run 335-16, tricone bit 1.76 335 17 May 2011 0815 1520.2 Wash/ream 1516.5–1519.7 mbsf. Circulate 60 bbl sweep at 1516.7 mbsf. Flush hole with 200 bbl of mud at 1519.6 mbsf. 335 18 May 2011 0100 1520.2 POOH. Clear seafloor at 0340 h. Bit at rotary table at 0900 h. Tricone bit in gauge, minus 6 teeth on one cone. 335 18 May 2011 1030 1520.2 Make up 9-5/8 inch flat-bottomed mill with EXJB and 3-stand BHA; RIH to 1429.9 mbrf. Continue to RIH with the T/D 1429.9–1520.0 mbsf. Reentry 55, Run 335-17, milling tool 1.70 335 19 May 2011 0130 1520.2 Mill debris at 1520.0–1521.0 mbsf. Use junk basket pump sweeps. Pump 200 bbl sweep at 1520.0 mbsf. 335 19 May 2011 1330 1520.2 Circulate 100 bbl sweep and chase same with seawater (2 × volume). 335 19 May 2011 1445 1520.2 POOH, clear seafloor at 1920 h. Used mill at rotary table at 0315 h. Clean and lay out damaged junk basket. Mill heavily worn and undergage by ~0.5 inch. 335 20 May 2011 0315 1520.2 Pick up new 9 inch flat mill with fresh junk basket and RIH to 1458.6 mbsf. Reentry 56, Run 335-18, milling tool 1.40 335 20 May 2011 1845 1520.2 RIH with T/D and tag fill at 1518.9 mbsf. Advance with low pump and rotary speed and tag hard fill at 1520.4 mbsf. 335 20 May 2011 1945 1520.2 Mill junk and work junk basket. Pump several sepiolite sweeps and circulate out. 335 21 May 2011 0300 1520.2 POOH, clear the seafloor at 0645 h; milling tool at the drill floor at 1225 h. Abrasive surface of the milling tool eroded away; some external junk damage on the side of the tool and the crossover sub directly above the mill. In addition to the usual rock fragments and fine cuttings, some flakes of what appears to be freshly ground metal. 335 21 May 2011 1245 1520.2 Make up RCJB with 3 EXJBs and deploy along with a 2-stand BHA. RIH to 1405.7 mbsf with drill pipe, and then to 1519.5 mbsf. Hard tag at 1519.5 mbsf. Reentry 57, RCJB + 3 EXJB 1.22 335 22 May 2011 0315 1520.2 Work junk baskets. Pump 100 bbl sweep and chase with seawater (2 × volume). 335 22 May 2011 0545 1520.2 Drop stainless steel activation ball in open pipe. Advance RCJB to 1520.5 mbsf with slow rotation and light WOB. Jog rotation attempting to catch debris. 335 22 May 2011 0700 1520.2 POOH with the drill string and clear seafloor at 1015 h; RCJB at rotary table at 1645 h. 335 22 May 2011 0730 1520.2 Rack T/D. 335 22 May 2011 0800 1520.2 POOH with the drill string and clear seafloor at 1015 h. Rack back BHA. RCJB at rotary table at 1645 h. Empty RCJB of congealed sepiolite and 4 large rocks (total weight = 8.9 kg; largest rock = 3.9 kg). Unload 3 EXJBs of cuttings and a few small metal fragments. 335 22 May 2011 1800 1520.2 Rebuild and make up RCJB and 3 EXJBs with a 2-stand BHA and RIH to 1793 mbrf. Reentry 58, RCJB + 3 EXJB 1.46 335 23 May 2011 0000 1520.2 Repair pneumatic supply lines for drawworks high clutch. 335 23 May 2011 0300 1520.2 Resume RIH 1793 mbrf–1519.0 mbsf (TP at 1462.9 mbsf). 335 23 May 2011 1030 1520.2 Hard tag at 1519.5 mbsf (tide adjusted). Work EXJBs. 335 23 May 2011 1045 1520.2 Pump 100 bbl sweep followed by seawater (2 × volume). 335 23 May 2011 1230 1520.2 Drop ball and activate RCJB. Note increase in pressure of 600 psi. Unable to pass hard tag at 1519.0 mbsf with maximum WOB = 7000 lb with very slow rotation. 335 23 May 2011 1315 1520.2 POOH. Clear seafloor at 1725 h. Slip and cut 115 ft of drilling line. Resume POOH. RCJB at the rotary table at 0215 h. RCJB contains 3 rocks (total weight = 5.0 kg). One rock (1.4 kg) is gabbro. Angularity of the rocks indicates that they were freshly deposited with a suspected origin somewhere in the bottom 7 m of the hole. EXJBs contain gravel sized cuttings to small pebbles. 335 24 May 2011 0500 1520.2 Make up RCJB and 3 EXJBs with 2-stand BHA and RIH to 1434.4 mbsf (Reentry 21), and then with T/D and minimum pump/rotation. Tag soft fill at 1518.8 mbsf. Reentry 59, RCJB + 3 EXJB 1.14 335 24 May 2011 1615 1520.2 Wash down to 1519.8 mbsf and work junk baskets. 335 24 May 2011 1630 1520.2 Pump 100 bbl of sepiolite sweep mud and chase with seawater (2 × volume). 335 24 May 2011 1800 1520.2 Drop ball, activate RCJB, and work same. 335 24 May 2011 1845 1520.2 Displace lower portion of annulus with 200 bbl of drill water in preparation for logging. 335 24 May 2011 1930 1520.2 POOH. Clear seafloor at 0100 h and rotary table at 0700 h. Disassemble and empty RCJB of 4 small cobbles. Empty 3 EXJBs and clean out the usual assortment of cuttings, etc. 335 25 May 2011 0815 1520.2 Make up Bowen fishing magnet and 3 EXJBs and RIH to 1462.6 mbsf, and then with T/D to 1519 (tag fill). Wash down to 1520.0 mbsf. Work fishing magnet and junk baskets. Reentry 60, Bowen fishing magnet + 3 EXJB 1.03 335 25 May 2011 2230 1520.2 Displace lower annulus with 200 bbl of drill water (preparing hole for logging). 335 25 May 2011 2300 1520.2 POOH. Clear seafloor at 0230 h and rotary table at 0900 h. Disassemble and empty EXJBs. Fishing magnet contained very little metal debris, all of which was finely ground!??! 335 26 May 2011 0900 1520.2 Make up and deploy logging bit and collars; RIH to 203.3 mbsf. Pick up 2 knobbies and set end of pipe at 218.9 mbsf. Rig up for logging. Reentry 61, downhole measurements (triple combo, FMS, UBI) 1.08 335 26 May 2011 2030 1520.2 Make up Log 1 (triple combo-GR/APS/HLDS/HRLA/GPIT). Deploy Log 1 into the pipe at 2255 h. Reached the bottom of the hole at 1520.0 mbsf. Recover tool at 0700 h. 335 26 May 2011 2300 1520.2 Deploy Log 1 into pipe at 2255 h. 335 27 May 2011 0700 1520.2 Disassemble triple combo. Make up Log 2 (FMS-sonic); deploy into pipe at 1050 h. 335 27 May 2011 1100 1520.2 Tool unable to exit pipe into hole. Recover FMS-sonic at 1410 h. Replace damaged lower centralizer spring and redeploy FMS-sonic at 1500 h. Tool appears to jam inside BHA with lower section (~20 m) of unit extending 20 m into the open hole. Attempt to pump tool clear without success. FMS stuck in logging bit; end of logging 1.13 335 27 May 2011 1815 1520.2 Make up Kinley cutter assemblies. Drop crimper in pipe at 2135 h. Assemble Kinley severing tool and drop into pipe at 2315 h; drop hammer and logging cable at 0115 h. 335 28 May 2011 0330 1520.2 Recover and tie back logging cable. POOH. Clear seafloor at 0425 h. 335 28 May 2011 1200 1520.2 Release jammed FMS-sonic tool from landing saver sub in BHA. Tool is in good condition. 335 28 May 2011 1400 1520.2 Make up RCB 3-stand BHA with new RCB C9 bit. Check core barrel space-out and RIH to 1430.5 mbsf. Recover VIT and coat line on the way out. RIH with T/D to 1520.2 mbsf. Circulate 100 bbl sweep at 1520.0 mbsf. Reentry 62 (24 and last of Expedition 335), coring (RCB C9 bit), Core 239R (36% recovery; rollers) 0.97 335 29 May 2011 0515 1521.6 Drop fresh core barrel and rotary core 1520.2–1521.6 mbsf (Core 239R) at an average ROP = 0.6 m/h. Average recovery = 36%. No indication of metal in the core barrel. No symptoms of downhole junk in the coring process. Time for coring expires. Prepare for cementing. Circulate 50 bbl sweep at 1521.6 mbsf. 335 29 May 2011 1015 1521.6 RIH with the coring line to 1510.6 mbsf and coat same on retrieval. Rack sinker bars and dress for layup period. Pull back in the hole with the T/D to 1487.8 mbsf. 335 29 May 2011 1315 1521.6 Make up circulating head and pressure test. Position bit at 1518.6 mbsf. Cementing BOH (10 m) and 910–940 mbsf interval to stabilize hole for Superfast 5 0.28 335 29 May 2011 1345 1521.6 Mix and pump 15 bbl of 15 ppg cement. Displace cement with seawater. 335 29 May 2011 1445 1521.6 Lay out circulating head and pull back in the hole to 1372.6 mbsf. Flush drill string with seawater (2 × volume). Pull back with the drill string to 940.8 mbsf. 335 29 May 2011 1715 1521.6 Mix and pump 58 bbl of 15 ppg cement slurry. Displace cement with seawater. 335 29 May 2011 1845 1521.6 Pull back with the drill string to 739.3 mbsf. Flush drill string with seawater (2 × volume). 335 29 May 2011 2000 1521.6 POOH with the drill string to 3295.4 mbsf. Clear top of cone at 2135 h. POOH; end of Expedition 335 0.05 335 30 May 2011 0700 1521.6 Recover beacons and secure vessel for sea. Under way to Panama. End of Expedition 335 335 Total: 40.56 1256D Total: 155.69