DESCRIPTIONS DESCLOGIK_WORKBOOKS_335 DESCLOGIK_WORKBOOKS_335(312) Excel workbooks exported from the database at the end of Expedition 335 (2 June 2011), using the DESClogik descriptive information capture program, were lightly edited for spelling, etc., during the editorial postcruise meeting (21 January 2012). Three workbook templates were used in DESClogik, as reflected in the filenames: - PET (petrology observations on hand specimens) - STRUCTURE (structural observations on hand specimens) - TS (thin section observations). STRUCTURE_LOGS_312_335 Spreadsheets originally created on Expedition 312. Corresponding structural information from Expedition 335 was added on Expedition 335. STRUCTURE_SKETCHES_335 These sketches were prepared by the Expedition 335 structural geologists. THINSECTION_COMBO_335_335(312) This file is based on the same information as the DESCLOGIK_WORKBOOKS _*. The main difference is that it combines information from the "lithology and texture" and "plutonic mineralogy" tabs in the DESCLOGIK_WORKBOOKS in one spreadsheet. THINSECTION_FORMS_335 THINSECTION_FORMS_335_335(312) These Excel files were created postcruise from the DESCLOGIK_WORKBOOKS_*, using a custom program that extracted the information from the spreadsheets and arranged it in the traditional form with nested tables of primary and secondary mineralogy. NOTE: The "335" designations indicates that the observations were made on material recovered during Expedition 335. The "335(312)" designation indicates that the observations were made on Expedition 335, but the material was recovered during Expedition 312. The "312_335" designation indicates that observations made during Expedition 335 were combined with observations made during Expedition 312.