Figure F8. Close-up photograph (half-core and whole-round score scanner) and photomicrograph of harzburgite from Unit 5 (sedimentary breccia) (interval 336-U1382A-9R-1, 91–106 cm [Piece 14B]). Red boxes show location of thin section and photomicrographs. A. Serpentinized coarse-grained harzburgite with a network of carbonate veins. B. Same as A, showing whole-round core picture photomosaic. C. Thin section photomicrograph showing coarse-grained granular texture in crosscutting carbonate and manganese oxide–rich veins (thin section = 25 mm wide). D. Photomicrograph of granular olivine with subgrain boundaries and granular orthopyroxene (field of view= 5 mm; cross-polarized light).
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