This txt-file provides an explanation for the X-Ray fluorescence core scanning data submitted supplementary to this IODP datareport: Column titles: Site: IODP/ODP drilling site Hole: Respective hole Core: Respective core Section: Respective core section Measurement Date: Date the X-ray fluorescence scanning was carried out. Format: DD/MM/YY Depth (mbsf): Depths in meter below seafloor Al (cps): Al counts measured by XRF in counts per second Al SD (cps): Standarddeviation of Al XRF counts Si (cps): Si counts measured by XRF in counts per second Si SD (cps): Standarddeviation of Si XRF counts K (cps): K counts measured by XRF in counts per second K SD (cps): Standarddeviation of K XRF counts Ca (cps): Ca counts measured by XRF in counts per second Ca SD (cps): Standarddeviation of Ca XRF counts Ti (cps): Ti counts measured by XRF in counts per second Ti SD (cps): Standarddeviation of Ti XRF counts Mn (cps): Mn counts measured by XRF in counts per second Mn SD (cps): Standarddeviation of Mn XRF counts Fe (cps): Fe counts measured by XRF in counts per second Fe SD (cps): Standarddeviation of Fe XRF counts