Figure F40. Depth profiles of Rock-Eval pyrolysis parameters, Site C0020. A. Tmax. B. S1 – hydrocarbons free/volatile hydrocarbons. C. S2 – hydrocarbons liberated by pyrolysis. D. S3 – yield on combustion. E. Hydrogen index. F. Oxygen index. OM = organic matter, HC = hydrocarbon, TOC = total organic carbon. Open circles = cuttings samples, solid circles = core samples. Blue arrows = values from ODP Leg 201 Site 1227 (Peru margin, water depth = 427 m, sediment from 7 to 103 mbsf, TOC = 1–11 wt%; D’Hondt, Jørgensen, Miller, et al., 2003), red arrows = values from IODP Expedition 322 Hole C0011B (Nankai Trough, water depth = 4049 m, sediment from 340 to 858 mbsf, TOC < 0.5 wt%; Underwood et al., 2009).
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