Table AT1. Interstitial water extraction methods tested, Expedition 338.
Experiment | Sample | Method |
Sediment weight (g) |
Sediment condition | Solution |
1 | 1-A | Squeezing | ~200 | Untreated whole core | None |
2-A | GRIND | 40 | Crushed | 5 mL 500 ppb In solution | |
2-B | GRIND | 40 | Crushed | 5 mL 500 ppb RLA solution | |
3-A1 | Leaching | 4 | Dried in air at 110°C and powdered | 40 mL Milli-Q water | |
3-A2 | Leaching | 4 | Dried in vacuum and powdered | 40 mL Milli-Q water | |
3-B1 | Leaching | 4 | Not treated | 40 mL Milli-Q water | |
3-B2 | Leaching | 4 | Not treated | 40 mL 20 µM CH3COONH4 solution | |
3-B3 | Leaching | 4 | Not treated | 40 mL 100 µM CH3COONH4 solution | |
2 | 1-B | Squeezing | ~200 | Untreated whole core | None |
2-C | GRIND | 80 | Crushed | 10 g Milli-Q water | |
2-D | GRIND | 80 | Crushed | 10 g 20 µM CH3COONH4 solution | |
2-E | GRIND | 80 | Crushed | 10 g pH 3 diluted HNO3 solution | |
2-F | GRIND | 80 | Crushed | 10 g pH 5 diluted HNO3 solution |
GRIND = ground rock interstitial normative determination.
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