Table T3. LWD/MWD tool acronyms, descriptions, and units.
Tool | Output | Description | Unit |
Surface | Drilling parameters | ||
BD | Bit depth | m | |
TD | Total depth | m | |
HKLD | Hook load | kkgf | |
SPPA | Surface pump pressure | kkgf | |
ROP*5 | 5 ft averaged rate of penetration | m/h | |
SWOB | Surface weight on bit | kkgf | |
GRM1 | LWD natural gamma radiation | gAPI | |
CRPM_RT | Collar rotation | rpm | |
TRPM_RT | Fluid pulse turbine rotation | rpm | |
MWD | Measurement while drilling | ||
RGX | Rotating axial accelerometer | rpm | |
RHX | Rotating axial magnetometer | rpm | |
A_JAM | Antijam counter | ||
TUR_RPM | Turbine rotation | rpm | |
SHOCK | Shock counter | ||
CRPMS | Average MWD collar rotation | rpm | |
STICKNSLIP | Peak-to-peak collar rotation | rpm | |
MTF/GTF | Magnetic/gravity toolface | ||
LTBRT | LTB retries counter | ||
MWDSTAT | Tool status word | ||
DI_TEMP | Direction and inclination sensor temperature | °C | |
TOTALSHOCK | Total shocks | ||
CUREDT | Current equivalent drilling time | ||
arcVISION real time/APWD | Annular pressure while drilling/Array resistivity tool | ||
APRS_c | Annular pressure | kPa | |
ATEMP_c | Annular temperature | °C | |
SHKLV_c | Shock level | ||
ARC6STAT | Tool status word | ||
PESD_c | Hydrostatic pressure during pump off | ||
ESDT_c | Time stamp for PESD | ||
PMIN_c | Minimum pressure during pump off | ||
PMIT_c | Time stamp for PMIN | ||
PMAX_c | Maximum pressure during pump off | ||
PMAT_c | Time stamp for PMAX | ||
arcVISION memory | Array resistivity tool | ||
DHAP | Downhole annular pressure | kPa | |
DHAT | Downhole annular temperature | °C | |
ECD | Equivalent circulating density | g/cm3 | |
sonicVISION real time | Sonic while drilling tool | ||
DTCO_s | Δt compressional slowness | µs/ft | |
CHCO_s | Sonic compressional semblance | ||
C_PEAK3_s | First 3 peak array with Δt, coherence, and traveltime | ||
SONSK_s | Shock risk | ||
sonicVISION memory | Sonic while drilling tool | ||
SPWi | Receiver_i spectrum array | — | |
Wfi | Filtered waveform_i, 1/2 ft averaged | ||
WFiT | Filtered waveform _i, 2 inch averaged | ||
DTTA | Δt compressional from transmitter array | µs/ft | |
DTBC | Δt compressional borehole compensated | µs/ft | |
DTDF | Δt compressional difference between DTRA and DTTA | µs/ft | |
CHRA | Coherence at compressional peak; receiver array | — | |
CHTA | Coherence at compressional peak; transmitter array | — | |
TTRA | Transit time at compressional peak; receiver array | µs | |
TTTA | Transit time at compressional peak; transmitter array | µs | |
ITTI | Integrated transit time | ms | |
DTCO | Δt compressional after processing | µs/ft | |
geoVISION real time | geoVISION resistivity tool | ||
GRRA_r | Natural gamma radiation average | gAPI | |
RING_r | Ring resistivity | ||
RBIT_r | Resistivity at bit | Ωm | |
RSBA_r | Shallow button resistivity average | Ωm | |
RMBA_r | Medium button resistivity average | Ωm | |
RDBA_r | Deep button resistivity average | Ωm | |
SHKT_r | Transverse shock | ||
SHKA_r | Axial shocks | ||
RABSTAT | Tool status word | ||
geoVISION memory | geoVISION resistivity tool | ||
GR | Total natural gamma radiation | gAPI | |
GR_IMG | Total natural gamma radiation image | gAPI | |
RES_RING | Ring resistivity | Ωm | |
RES_BIT | Bit resistivity | Ωm | |
RES_BS | Shallow button resistivity | Ωm | |
RES_BM | Medium button resistivity | Ωm | |
RES_BD | Deep button resistivity | Ωm | |
RES_BS_IMG | Shallow button resistivity image | Ωm | |
RES_BM_IMG | Medium button resistivity image | Ωm | |
RES_BD_IMG | Deep button resistivity image | Ωm | |
TAB_RAB_BS | Shallow button resistivity time after bit | s | |
TAB_RAB_BM | Medium button resistivity time after bit | s | |
TAB_RAB_BD | Deep button resistivity time after bit | s | |
AZIM | Measured azimuth from well survey | ° | |
P1AZ | Pad 1 azimuth in horizontal plane (0 = true north) | ° | |
P1NO | Pad 1 azimuth in horizontal orthogonal to tool axis (0 = true north) | ° | |
ROP5 | Rate of penetration averaged over the last 5 ft (1.5 m) | ° | |
P1NO | Pad 1 rotation relative to north azimuth | ° | |
TAB_GR | Gamma ray time after bit | h | |
TAB_RES_BIT | Bit resistivity time after bit | h | |
TAB_RES_RING | Ring resistivity time after bit | h | |
TAB_RES_BS | Shallow button resistivity time after bit | h | |
TAB_RES_BM | Medium button resistivity time after bit | h | |
TAB_RES_BD | Deep button resistivity time after bit | h | |
RPM | Rotational speed | rpm | |
SHKL_AXL | Axial shock level | ||
SHKL_RAD | Radial shock level |
LWD = logging while drilling, MWD = measurement while drilling. Receiver i = 1, 2, 3, or 4.
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