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Table T22. Currently available NanTroSEIZE data on the boundary between Pliocene sediments of the Kumano Basin and underlying Miocene rocks of the prism, Site C0002.

Expedition Hole Data
Depth of boundary Lithologies above/below
Basin lithology Prism lithology Biostratigraphic
314 A LWD x x 935.6 Mud/Sand Mud Sandstone and mud  
315 B Core x x 922.7 Mud/Mud Glauconitic, abundant trace fossils, calcareous, vein structures, microfault; minor ash Noncalcareous silty claystone, highly deformed with scaly fabric, sand with quartzo-feldspathic compositions 3.79–5.59
338 F LWD x x 918.5 Subtle; clay-rich/silty sandy Claystone Sandstone and claystone  
338 F Cuttings ? x 1025* Mud/Sand Calcareous claystone, glauconitic claystone Noncalcareous silty claystone, highly deformed with scaly fabric, sand with quartzo-feldspathic compositions  
332 G LWD x x 931 Sharp boundary Heterogeneous materials Heterogeneous materials  
338 H Core   x   Not observed   Noncalcareous silty claystone, highly deformed with scaly fabric, sand with quartzo-feldspathic compositions  
338 J Core x x 926.7 Mud/Sand Glauconitic, abundant trace fossils, calcareous silty claystone, vein structures, microfaults Noncalcareous silty claystone, sand with quartzo-feldspathic compositions  

* = anomalous data, ? = unclear, x = unit identified. LWD = logging while drilling.

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