Figure F13. Photographs of textural and compositional variations of mud clast gravels in lithologic Subunit IB. A. Gravel of well-rounded pebble-size mud clasts with possible cobble of brownish silty clay (interval 338-C0022B-38X-4, 115.5–132.5 cm). Arrows = compactional deformation of a clast that suggests the presence of contrasting hardness among the gravel population. B. Granule-size mud clast gravel at top of lithologic Subunit IB (interval 338-C0022B-38X-2, 56–62 cm). C. Mud clast pebbles distributed along possible erosion surfaces (dashed yellow lines; possible lag layers) (interval 338-C0022B-38X-5, 8–19 cm).
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