Figure F15. Images of grains of mafic volcanic derivation. Such clasts are trace to minor components in lithologic Subunit IA and common components in lithologic Subunit IB. Lathwork basaltic clasts are most abundant in the coarser sand of lithologic Subunit IB. A, B. Ca-plagioclase grain with included brown glass (Sample 338-C0022B-29X-2, 24 cm) in (A) plane-polarized light (PPL) and (B) cross-polarized light (XPL). C. Microlitic brown glass (Sample 338-C0022B-30X-6, 120 cm; PPL). D. Partially palagonized brown microlitc glass (Sample 338-C0022B-34X-5, 81 cm). (Continued on next page.)
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