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Table T2. Tie points used to establish the Site U1391 age model on the basis of correlation to the well-dated age model at Site U1385 obtained through Ca/Ti values and the LR04 δ18O stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005).

Site U1391
depth (cmcd)
Site U1385 age
(ky BP)
81.64 269.19
86.40 287.23
86.68 288.84
87.44 289.92
87.81 290.88
88.76 293.92
89.72 297.56
90.70 301.87
91.50 303.30
94.27 312.58
99.15 331.66
100.88 335.33
102.53 340.13
103.21 345.11
103.78 349.01
105.61 353.32
107.07 356.15
107.43 362.30
107.88 364.86
108.91 369.25
109.59 374.64
110.47 375.89
110.71 380.48
110.87 382.18
111.50 386.97
112.58 388.72
112.95 392.54
114.66 395.37
123.62 429.29
124.50 456.48
125.24 459.98
125.52 466.63
125.99 471.96
126.90 473.71
127.78 478.56
128.48 481.16
132.83 502.37
134.91 506.77
139.69 525.53
141.25 527.37
142.11 529.30
145.08 533.34
145.75 535.98
147.02 543.44
148.29 552.81
148.97 553.99
152.74 562.23
153.96 566.19
156.79 571.78
159.28 577.22
166.17 594.54
167.32 596.69
173.31 620.43
174.26 625.95
176.16 634.48
179.01 641.84
181.18 655.52
182.38 659.34
184.09 664.91
184.70 671.72
185.73 677.51
186.54 680.60
187.52 684.78
187.87 688.68
189.42 702.81
191.28 710.57
191.87 712.99
199.22 724.35
202.18 731.76
203.51 733.18
205.61 738.49
208.65 750.74
210.16 756.39
210.80 760.29
211.36 762.85
213.03 764.60
214.60 770.84
218.55 791.25
221.90 795.69
223.32 804.44
223.93 810.50
229.47 821.54
232.27 826.52
233.92 834.06
234.92 836.03
239.83 861.11
244.05 872.56
249.63 883.64

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