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Table T3. Age of polarity transitions (Ogg, 2012); minimum, midpoint, and maximum CCSF-A depths of reversal boundaries in Holes U1396A–U1396C; and calculated sedimentation rate based on the midpoint depth using the CCSF-B depth scale.

Polarity zone
Ogg (2012)
Top depth
CCSF-A (m)
Midpoint depth
CCSF-A (m)
Bottom depth
CCSF-A (m)
Sed. rate
C1n (B) Brunhes/Matuyama 0.781 12.35* 12.51* 12.67* 14.49
C1r.1n (T) Jaramillo 0.988 17.79 17.88 17.97 23.33
C1r.1n (B) Jaramillo 1.072 20.80 20.94 21.08 32.92
C2n (T) Olduvai 1.778 34.30 34.35 34.40 17.17
C2n (B) Olduvai 1.945 39.36 39.56 39.76 28.19
C2r.1n (T) Reunion 2.128 43.97 44.10 44.23 22.42
C2r.1n (B) Reunion 2.148 45.16 45.21 45.26 50.16
C2r.2r (B) Gauss/Matuyama 2.581 61.44 61.58 61.72 34.17
C2An.1r (T) Keana 3.032 80.61 80.67 80.73 38.25
C2An.1r (B) Keana 3.116 82.14 82.23 82.32 16.78
C2An.2r (T) Mammoth 3.207 85.32 85.38 85.44 31.28
C2An.2r (B) Mammoth 3.330 89.64 89.70 89.76 31.74
C2An.3n (B) Gilbert/Gauss 3.596 101.62 101.67 101.72 40.67
C3n.1n (T) Cochiti 4.187 137.29 137.67 138.05 55.05
C3n.1n (B) Cochiti 4.300 143.57 143.61 143.65 47.50
C1n (B) Brunhes/Matuyama 0.781 12.67 12.69 12.72 14.68
C1r.1n (T) Jaramillo 0.988 17.74 17.79 17.84 22.27
C1r.1n (B) Jaramillo 1.072 20.65 20.80 20.95 32.38
C2n (T) Olduvai 1.778 34.00 34.30 34.60 17.28
C2n (B) Olduvai 1.945 39.31 39.40 39.49 27.60
C2r.1n (T) Reunion 2.128 44.10 44.19 44.28 23.65
C2r.1n (B) Reunion 2.148 44.99 45.11 45.24 41.57
C2r.2r (B) Gauss/Matuyama 2.581 61.48 61.59 61.70 34.39
C2An.1r (T) Keana 3.032 79.84 79.89 79.94 36.67
C2An.1r (B) Keana 3.116 82.24 82.25 82.26 25.39
C2An.2r (T) Mammoth 3.207 85.18 85.29 85.40 30.19
C2An.2r (B) Mammoth 3.330 89.54 89.78 90.02 32.99
C2An.3n (B) Gilbert/Gauss 3.596 101.57 101.84 102.12 40.97
C3n.1n (T) Cochiti 4.187 137.43 137.55 137.68 54.60
C3n.1n (B) Cochiti 4.300 143.48 143.67 143.86 48.94
C3n.2n (T) Nunivak 4.493 151.61 151.86 152.11 38.35

* = depths reported from Hole U1396B not Hole U1396A. Maximum depth = last point that stable polarity was defined before entering a transitional stage, minimum depths = first stable polarity after the magnetic reversal, midpoint = average of the two. B = base of transition, T = top of transition. The CCSF-B depths of these horizons can be calculated using the regression in Figure F5.

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