Table T4. Summary statistics on the grain size data presented in Table T3.
Mean | Count | Sorting | Count | Skewness | Count | Kurtosis | Count | Distribution | Count |
Very fine sand | 3 | Poorly sorted | 21 | Very fine skewed | 12 | Very platykurtic | 3 | Unimodal | 30 |
Fine sand | 23 | Moderately sorted | 28 | Fine skewed | 18 | Platykurtic | 23 | Bimodal | 29 |
Medium sand | 25 | Moderately well sorted | 18 | Symmetrical | 26 | Mesokurtic | 30 | Trimodal | 8 |
Coarse sand | 16 | Well sorted | 1 | Coarse skewed | 11 | Leptokurtic | 11 | Polymodal | 2 |
Very coarse sand | 2 | Very well sorted | 1 | Very coarse skewed | 2 | Very leptokurtic | 2 |
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