The following oversized material is available in PDF format.
340_204_Appendix A. Synthesis: stratigraphy and age control for IODP Sites U1394, U1395, and U1396 offshore Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles, Appendix A. Figure summarizing the stratigraphy of all holes drilled at Sites U1394, U1395, and U1396. Possible correlations between holes are drawn; these are based on age and compositional constraints.
340_204_Appendix B. Synthesis: stratigraphy and age control for IODP Sites U1394, U1395, and U1396 offshore Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles, Appendix B. Figure summarizing point componeantry data, paleomagnetic data, oxygen isotope data, and biostratigraphic data from Holes U1394A, U1394B, U1395B, and U1396C. Grain size at the 90% percentile, marine isotope stages, and the global isotope curve from Liseick
Last updated 8 January 2016.