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Table T1. Common lithofacies, Expedition 341.

Main facies Subfacies Facies code Description Common marine microfossils Sites of occurrence Tentative depositional environment/diagenesis
Mud     Massive mud with lonestones F1a (Very) dark gray to (very) dark greenish gray; Varying amounts of lonestones from dispersed to abundant; Bioturbation mostly absent, but occasionally from slight to heavy; Occasional color banding and lamination; Occasional occurrence of silt/sand/granule pods; Occasional occurrence of black mottles and shell fragments; Rarely trace amounts of ash; May show signs of deformation and compaction at shelf-proximal sites Diatoms, radiolarians, sponge spicules, foraminifers U1417, U1418, U1419, U1420, U1421 Suspension fallout, ice rafting, or sediment gravity flows
Massive mud without lonestones F1b (Dark) gray to (dark) greenish gray; Mostly massive, but occasional color banding and silt laminae; Bioturbation mostly absent; rarely slight to heavy; Occasional occurrence of black mottles, silt/sand pods, shell fragments, traces of ash, microorganisms and inclination; Often diatom bearing at Site U1421. Rare diatoms and foraminifers U1417, U1418, U1419, U1420, U1421 Suspension fallout or sediment gravity flows
Laminated mud F1c (Dark) gray to (dark) greenish gray; Mostly none to slight bioturbation; Lamination resulting from slight color variations, presumably related to minor changes in grain size; Lamination mostly from sub-millimeter to 0.5 cm; occasional very thin bedding (<2.5 cm) possible Mostly gradational contacts; very rarely sharp; Rare lonestones; Not documented U1418 Suspension fallout, ice rafting, or sediment gravity flows
Silt   Silt F2a (Very) dark gray to greenish gray; Occasionally with lonestones and volcaniclastic bearing; Bioturbation mostly absent; Sharp to gradational upper and lower contacts; Plant debris and organic matter may occur; Massive or normally graded. Occasional diatoms and foraminifers U1417, U1418, U1419 Sediment gravity flows and possible ice rafting
Interbedded/Interlaminated silt and mud F2b (Very) dark gray to dark greenish gray; Mostly graded silt laminae (occasionally beds) with sharp lower and sharp to gradational upper contacts; Few to absent lonestones; Bioturbation mostly absent, but occasionally slight to moderate; Occasionally calcareous, diatom and volcaniclastic bearing. Occasional diatoms U1417, U1418, U1419 Mud: suspension fall-out from surface-water plumes and from sediment gravity flows Silt: sediment gravity flows
Sand     Very fine to coarse sand F3a (Very) dark gray to (very) dark greenish gray; Massive to normally graded; Mostly erosive lower contacts; Sharp and gradational upper contacts; Absent bioturbation Occasionally with diatoms and volcanic ash. Occasionally diatoms and foraminifers U1417, U1418, U1419 Sediment gravity flows
Medium to coarse sand F3b Dark gray and to gray; With mud; Rip-up clasts common; Sharp bases and sharp to gradational upper contacts. Barren U1417 Sediment gravity flows
Interbedded sand and mud F3c Dark gray; Interbedded (very) fine sand and mud occasionally with silt; Sand laminae and beds up to ~3.5 cm thick; Sandy beds typically graded and with erosive lower and sharp upper boundaries; Lonestones (<1 cm) occasionally present; Mostly no bioturbation; occasionally rare bioturbation. Partly diatom bearing U1417, U1419 Suspension fallout from surface-water plumes (mud), ice rafting (mud, sand, lonestones), and sediment gravity flows (sand, mud)
Diamict           Muddy diamict F4a (Very) dark gray to very dark greenish gray; Muddy matrix; Clast poor to clast rich; Mostly massive, but occasionally some centimeter-thick intervals with (<5 mm) thick laminae; Gradational lower contacts either sharp or defined by gradual increase in clast numbers; Sharp upper contacts due to marked drop in clast abundance; Bioturbation mostly absent; rarely moderate bioturbation; Rare color banding and volcanic ash. Barren   U1417, U1418 Suspension settling and ice rafting (icebergs and/or sea ice)
Muddy and sandy diamict with lithic and mud clasts and/or terrigenous organic components F4b Dark gray; Mud to sand matrix; Sharp upper and lower contacts; Lithic and mud clasts up to 12 cm; Occasional plant debris and terrestrial organic components (coal?). Diatoms (partly freshwater) U1417 Sediment gravity flows
Breccia F4c Dark gray matrix of sandy mud; Sharp erosive lower contacts; Gradational upper contacts; Clasts of indurated diatom ooze. Barren U1417 Sediment gravity flows (e.g., slump)
Interbedded mud and diamict F4d Dark gray to very dark gray; Diamict typically with sandy/gravelly mud matrix and up to 5 cm large clasts; Bioturbation mostly absent; occasionally slight or moderate bioturbation; Rare shell fragments and diatoms; Often gradational contacts between muddy and diamict intervals. Rare diatoms U1417, U1418, U1419, U1421 Suspension settling and ice rafting (icebergs and/or sea ice)
Clast-poor diamict F4e (Very) dark gray; Often silty or sandy mud matrix; Occasional lamination/bedding due to (1) clayey laminae and (2) sand/granule laminae (<4 mm thick); Bioturbation absent; occasional shell fragments; Rare mud and clast pods of coarse sand; Very rare traces of volcanic ash; Subrounded to subangular granule and pebble clasts including argillite, basalt, shale, chert, conglomerate, diorite, feldspar, gneiss, granite, greenstone, greywacke, metasediment with quartz veins, mudstone, quartz, rhyolite, sandstone (massive and laminated), siltstone. Not documented U1419, U1420, U1421 Suspension settling and ice rafting (mainly by icebergs)
Clast-rich diamict F4f (Very) dark gray; Mostly muddy or sandy mud matrix; Bioturbation absent; Very rarely trace amounts of volcanic ash and shell fragments; Interstratification with mud laminae/beds possible (mud laminae may contain diatoms); Subrounded to subangular granule and pebble clasts including argillite, basalt, shale, chert, conglomerate, diorite, feldspar, gneiss, quartzite, gabbro, vesicular basalt, granite, greenstone, greywacke, metasandstone, metasiltstone, metasediment with quartz veins, mudstone, quartz, rhyolite, sandstone, siltstone, quartz-mica schist, metasedimentary breccia. Rare diatoms and foraminifers U1419, U1420, U1421 Suspension settling and ice rafting (mainly by icebergs)
Diatom ooze   F5a (Very) dark greenish gray, very dark grayish brown, and olive-gray; Sharp to gradational lower and upper contacts; Absent to heavy bioturbation; Occasional lamination or very thin bedding; Lonestones mostly absent, but occasionally present; Occasional black mottles and shell fragments; Occasionally trace amounts of volcanic ash. Diatoms and occasional radiolarian and sponge spicules; occasional carbonate (foraminifers and coccolithophores U1417, U1418, U1419, U1421 High-productivity environment and/or low terrigenous input and/or better preservation
Biosiliceous ooze; biosiliceous-rich/bearing mud and/or sand; mud with diatoms/biosilica   F5b (Very) dark gray to (very) dark greenish gray; Mostly in mud with absent to abundant clasts; Bioturbation mostly absent, but very rarely slight to heavy; Rare shell fragments, traces of volcanic ash, black mottles, and lamination. Diatoms, sponge spicules, foraminifers, nannofossils U1417, U1418, U1419, U1420, U1421 Temporarily increased productivity and/or reduced suspension settling and/or better preservation
Calcareous/ Carbonate- bearing/rich mud, silt, sand, diamict, and/or diatom ooze   F5c Gray, dark gray, very dark gray, dark greenish gray and very dark greenish gray, grayish green; Bioturbation from absent to heavy; Lonestones and black mottles occasionally present; Very rarely laminated or traces of volcanic ash. Foraminifers, nannofossils; occasionally diatoms U1417, U1418, U1419, U1420, U1421 Temporarily increased productivity and/or reduced suspension settling and/or better preservation
Ash Volcanic ash F6 Gray to brown; Sharp lower contacts; Sharp to gradational upper contacts; Primarily vitric shards (glass); Some intervals affected by moderate to heavy bioturbation so that distinct ash layers are occasionally no longer visible, but the material is included in burrow fill; Occasionally also without bioturbation. Not documented U1417, U1418, U1419 Suspension settling after subaerial eruptions
Volcaniclastic mud, sand, diamict, and/or ooze   F7 Gray, dark gray, very dark gray, dark greenish gray, and brown; Includes volcaniclastic rich/bearing or trace amounts of volcanic ash; Bioturbation mostly absent, but occasionally slight to heavy; Primarily vitric shards (glass); Gradational and sharp contacts; Often in association with mud with higher amounts of biosiliceous and calcareous components. Biosiliceous and calcareous microfossils U1417, U1418, U1419, U1420, U1421 Volcanic detritus either bioturbated or reworked/redeposited by sediment gravity flows
Rock   F8 Light to very dark gray siltstone and sandstone, most often with carbonate cement; Size: 1–6 cm thick, generally covering the entire core width; may include “flame structures” intruding into surrounding mud. Not documented U1417, U1418 In situ carbonate cementation
Intrastratal contorted mud and diamict   F9 Very dark greenish gray mud mixed with very dark greenish gray clast-rich muddy diamict; Intrastratal contortion and normal faults occur; Absent bioturbation. Not documented U1418 Sediment gravity flow

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