Figure F7. Examples of clasts, drilled rocks, and macrofossils, Site U1420. A. Parallel oriented clasts in diamict (interval 341-U1420A-93R-1A, 50–58 cm). B. Metasedimentary clast with veins of pyrite (interval 341-U1420A-95R-3A, 13–15 cm). C. Drilled sandstone clast (interval 341-U1420A-11R-1A, 1–9 cm). D. Drilled metagraywacke clast (interval 341-U1420A-10R-1A, 1–9 cm). E. Drilled volcanic breccia clast (interval 341-U1420A-20R-1A, 4–9 cm). F. Drilled basalt clast (interval 341-U1420A-10R-1A, 10–19 cm). G. Drilled brecciated rhyolite clasts likely from a single boulder (interval 341-U1420A-22R-1A, 59–88 cm). H, I. Mollusk and gastropod fossils (intervals 341-U1420A-58R-1A, 33–35 cm, and 87R-3A, 77 cm).
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