Figure F10. Core-log-seismic data structural summary diagram, Site C0019. Core recovery is shown in black for each core length. Log units are defined using LWD data. Gamma ray: green = LWD gamma ray. Resistivity: dark blue = deep button, turquoise = medium button, light green = shallow button LWD data. Lithologic units are defined from visual core description. XRF analysis: K2O, Al2O, and MnO equate to potassium, aluminum and manganese content in core samples, respectively. Structural domains are defined by LWD sinusoid picks on electrical images: f = fracture zone. Dip azimuth: bedding (red open circles) and fracture (blue open circles) orientations picked on LWD resistivity at bit images. Bedding and fracture dip: open circles = LWD data, filled circles = measured on core. Orange transparent overlay boxes show fault zones (720 fault and 820 fault) as defined from visual core description.
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