Figure F24. Smear slide images showing mixtures of siliceous microfossils, mud, and vitric volcanic ash. Sediment compositions fall mostly into the siliceous mudstone compositional field (see “Lithology” in the “Methods” chapter [Expedition 343/343T Scientists, 2013]). A. Siliceous microfossils. The microfossils are commonly broken and may be coated with clay (Sample 343-C0019E-1R-4, 78 cm). B. Siliciclastic minerals. The siliciclastic component was most recognizable as dark clumps of clay minerals; additionally, clay minerals lie dispersed in the background of the smear slide. Rare singular quartz and feldspar grains occur in the smear slides (Sample 343-C0019E-1R-CC, 17 cm). (Continued on next page.)
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