Figure F2. Core flow and types of samples and measurements taken during Expedition 344. WRMSL = Whole-Round Multisensor Logger, GRA = gamma ray attenuation, MS = magnetic susceptibility, PWL = P-wave logger, NGR = natural gamma radiation, TCON = thermal conductivity, SHIL = Section Half Imaging Logger, SHMSL = Section Half Multisensor Logger, MSP = point magnetic susceptibility, RSC = color spectroscopy, SRM = superconducting rock magnetometer, PWB = bayonet P-wave velocity, AVS = automated vane shear, TOR = Torvane, PEN = penetrometer, MAD = moisture and density, PWC = caliper P-wave velocity, GC = gas chromatography, SRA = source rock analyzer, IW = interstitial water, IC = ion chromatography, ICP-AES = inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectroscopy, TOC = total organic carbon, XRD = X-ray diffraction, CHNS = carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur elemental analysis.
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