Figure F7. (A, B) Weak plagioclase shape-preferred orientation in gabbronorite (red arrow; Sample 345-U1415E-1R-1, 41–43 cm [Piece 5]) and (C) plagioclase crystals with large aspect ratios and seriate grain boundaries indicating grain boundary migration and recrystallization (gabbronorite; Sample 345-U1415E-1R-1, 21–23 cm [Piece 3]; under crossed polars). In A, red box (tick mark shows upward direction) indicates the location of the image shown in B. In B, detail shows multiple plagioclase crystals with deformation twinning, bending, and weak undulose extinction. The bending may result from elongate plagioclase crystals deforming around more rigid clinopyroxene crystals.
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