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Figure F102. A–F. Compositions of different rock types recovered from Hole U1415J vs. Mg# (100 × Mg/[Mg + Fe] with all Fe recalculated as Fe2+). For comparison, a compilation of the plutonic rock sampled along the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at Hess Deep (Hékinian et al., 1993; Shipboard Scientific Party, 1993; Miller et al., 1996; Natland and Dick, 2009; Pedersen et al., 1996; Hanna, 2004; Kirchner and Gillis, 2012), Pito Deep (Perk et al., 2007), and other locations (Saunders et al., 1982) is shown. Plutonic rock sampled in Holes U1415E, U1415H, and U1415I are also shown for comparison. Cpx = clinopyroxene.

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