Figure F53. Cataclasite (under crossed polars unless otherwise noted). A, B. Cataclasite matrix composed primarily of prehnite (Pr) with chlorite (Chl), clinozoisite (Czo)/epidote (Ep), and dolerite dike rock (Thin Section 81; Sample 345-U1415J-23R-1, 10–12 cm [Piece 3]). A is under plane-polarized light. C. Cataclasite in which prehnite, epidote, and chlorite appear metastable (lacking embayment or ragged grain edges) within cataclasite matrix (also Thin Section 81). D. Chlorite intergrown with amphibole (amp) with possible former corona textures in a cataclasite zone in gabbro (Thin Section 61; Sample 345-U1415J-12R-1, 11–13 cm [Piece 3]). Tr = tremolite, Cpx = clinopyroxene, CC = cataclasite clast.
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