Figure F42. Banding microstructure (under crossed polars). A. Coarse-grained clinopyroxene and olivine band separates fine-grained olivine on the right from a gabbroic layer on the left (Thin section 107; Sample 345-U1415P-6R-1, 101–103 cm [Piece 7C]). Red line indicates banding orientation. Red box (tick mark shows upward direction) indicates location of image in C. B. Annealed plagioclase crystals partially enclosed by skeletal olivine (Thin Section 104; Sample 345-U1415P-5R-2, 52–53 cm [Piece 6]). C. Annealed plagioclase and chromite partially enclosed by delicate, skeletal olivines. D. Very fine grained (≤0.05 mm), strongly annealed plagioclase showing little twinning or zoning (Thin Section 109; Sample 345-U1415P-6R-2, 38–41 cm [Piece 4]). E. Distribution of very fine grained (≤0.1 mm) patches of plagioclase hosting deformation twins and curved grain boundaries interior to an orthopyroxene oikocryst (Thin Section 108; Sample 345-U1415P-6R-2, 31–34 cm [Piece 3]).
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