Figure F20. Organically cemented agglutinated foraminifers from Hole U1423A mudline sample. Scale bars = 50 µm. 1, 2, 5. Haplophragmoides sphaeriloculum. 3, 4. Paratrochammina challengeri (spiral view) with detail of wall structure. 6, 7. Cribrostomoides subglobosus with detail of aperture. 8–10. Miliammina echigoensis; (9) stained specimen, which exhibits much better preservation than unstained specimens (8) and (10). 11, 12. Jacullela cf. acuta with detail of wall structure. 13, 14. Hyperammina elongata with detail of initial portion. 15, 16. Rhabdammina sp. with detail of wall structure. 17. Paratrochammina challengeri (umbilical view). 18. Haplophragmoides sphaeriloculum. 19. Cribrostomoides subglobosus.
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