Figure F50. Composited cores and splice, Site U1426. Each core is depth adjusted by a constant amount to align it with adjacent cores at a chosen tie point (typically a distinctive feature in all of the data sets). Other features may or may not align among adjacent cores because of differential squeezing and stretching during the coring process or variable expansion characteristics. The splice is constructed from composited cores by selecting intervals from different holes such that coring gaps are avoided and drilling disturbances are minimized. Data included in the splice are plotted on the CCSF-D scale, whereas data not included in the splice are plotted on the CCSF-A scale. Vertical light blue lines indicate tie points where the splice changes from one hole to another. Only the splice is plotted on the correct y-axis scale; data from Holes U1426A, U1426B, and U1426C are offset by 40, 80, or 120 units, respectively, for illustrative purposes. One or two point spikes are artifacts generated when the track sensor measures beyond the end of the ~150 cm sections. A. 0–50 m CCSF-A. (Continued on next two pages.)
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