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Table T1. Coring summary, Site U1427.

Hole U1427A
Latitude: 35°57.9200′N
Longitude: 134°26.0604′E
Water depth (m): 339.36
Date started (UTC): 2042 h 5 September 2013
Date finished (UTC): 0520 h 9 September 2013
Time on hole (days): 3.36
Seafloor depth (drill pipe measurement below rig floor, m DRF): 337.1
Rig floor to sea level (m): 11.52
Penetration DSF (m): 548.6
Cored interval (m): 548.6
Recovered length (m): 542.59
Recovery (%): 99
Drilled interval (m): NA
Drilled interval: 0
Total cores: 87
APC cores: 81
XCB cores: 6
RCB cores: 0
Other cores: 0
Hole U1427B
Latitude: 35°57.9276′N
Longitude: 134°26.0600′E
Water depth (m): 325.58
Date started (UTC): 0520 h 9 September 2013
Date finished (UTC): 1730 h 10 September 2013
Time on hole (days): 1.51
Seafloor depth DRF (m): 337.1
Rig floor to sea level (m): 11.52
Penetration DSF (m): 405.6
Cored interval (m): 400.6
Recovered length (m): 422.41
Recovery (%): 105
Drilled interval (m): 5
Drilled interval: 4
Total cores: 61
APC cores: 61
XCB cores: 0
RCB cores: 0
Other cores: 0
Hole U1427C
Latitude: 35°57.9109′N
Longitude: 134°26.0600′E
Water depth (m): 325.89
Date started (UTC): 2330 h 21 September 2013
Date finished (UTC): 1000 h 23 September 2013
Time on hole (days): 1.44
Seafloor depth DRF (m): 337.5
Rig floor to sea level (m): 11.61
Penetration DSF (m): 351.1
Cored interval (m): 351.1
Recovered length (m): 367.77
Recovery (%): 105
Drilled interval (m): NA
Drilled interval: 0
Total cores: 52
APC cores: 52
XCB cores: 0
RCB cores: 0
Other cores: 0
Site U1427 totals
Number of cores: 200
Penetration (m): 1305.3
Cored (m): 1300.3
Recovered (m): 1332.77 (102.5%)


(Sep 2013)

Top depth
of cored
DSF (m)
Bottom depth
of cored
DSF (m)

Top depth
of recovered
CSF (m)
Bottom depth
of recovered
CSF (m)
Length of


1H 6 0030 0.0 1.8 1.8 0.0 1.79 1.79 1.79 99
2H 6 0110 1.8 11.3 9.5 1.8 11.34 9.48 9.54 100
3H 6 0130 11.3 20.8 9.5 11.3 21.44 10.14 10.14 107
4H 6 0205 20.8 30.3 9.5 20.8 30.84 10.04 10.04 106
5H 6 0225 30.3 39.8 9.5 30.3 39.51 9.21 9.21 97
6H 6 0250 39.8 49.3 9.5 39.8 50.08 10.28 10.28 108
7H 6 0325 49.3 58.8 9.5 49.3 59.17 9.87 9.87 104
8H 6 0345 58.8 68.3 9.5 58.8 68.57 9.77 9.77 103
9H 6 0405 68.3 77.8 9.5 68.3 78.19 9.89 9.89 104
10H 6 0435 77.8 87.3 9.5 77.8 88.12 10.32 10.32 109
11H 6 0500 87.3 96.8 9.5 87.3 97.09 9.79 9.79 103
12H 6 0515 96.8 106.3 9.5 96.8 106.76 9.96 9.96 105
13H 6 0545 106.3 115.8 9.5 106.3 115.85 9.55 9.55 101
14H 6 0610 115.8 125.3 9.5 115.8 125.53 9.73 9.73 102
15H 6 0635 125.3 134.8 9.5 125.3 135.27 9.97 9.97 105
16H 6 0700 134.8 144.3 9.5 134.8 145.04 10.24 10.24 108
17H 6 0720 144.3 153.8 9.5 144.3 154.14 9.84 9.84 104
18H 6 0745 153.8 163.3 9.5 153.8 163.96 10.16 10.16 107
19H 6 0820 163.3 172.8 9.5 163.3 172.92 9.62 9.62 101
20H 6 0845 172.8 182.3 9.5 172.8 182.43 9.63 9.63 101
21H 6 0910 182.3 191.8 9.5 182.3 191.67 9.37 9.37 99
22H 6 0940 191.8 201.3 9.5 191.8 201.72 9.92 9.92 104
23H 6 1010 201.3 210.8 9.5 201.3 210.73 9.43 9.43 99
24H 6 1035 210.8 220.3 9.5 210.8 219.80 9.00 9.00 95
25H 6 1100 220.3 228.7 8.4 220.3 228.73 8.43 8.43 100
26H 6 1145 228.7 233.4 4.7 228.7 233.85 5.15 5.15 110
27H 6 1205 233.4 238.1 4.7 233.4 238.54 5.14 5.14 109
28H 6 1300 238.1 242.8 4.7 238.1 242.91 4.81 4.81 102
29H 6 1320 242.8 247.5 4.7 242.8 246.35 3.55 3.55 76
30H 6 1340 247.5 252.2 4.7 247.5 251.87 4.37 4.37 93
31H 6 1400 252.2 256.9 4.7 252.2 257.23 5.03 5.03 107
32H 6 1420 256.9 261.6 4.7 256.9 261.75 4.85 4.85 103
33H 6 1440 261.6 266.3 4.7 261.6 266.46 4.86 4.86 103
34H 6 1500 266.3 271.0 4.7 266.3 271.54 5.24 5.24 111
35H 6 1520 271.0 275.7 4.7 271.0 275.63 4.63 4.63 99
36H 6 1540 275.7 280.4 4.7 275.7 280.38 4.68 4.68 100
37H 6 1600 280.4 285.1 4.7 280.4 285.74 5.34 5.34 114
38H 6 1615 285.1 289.8 4.7 285.1 290.25 5.15 5.15 110
39H 6 1635 289.8 294.5 4.7 289.8 295.15 5.35 5.35 114
40H 6 1655 294.5 299.2 4.7 294.5 299.26 4.76 4.76 101
41H 6 1715 299.2 303.9 4.7 299.2 304.28 5.08 5.08 108
42H 6 1735 303.9 308.6 4.7 303.9 308.92 5.02 5.02 107
43H 6 1755 308.6 313.3 4.7 308.6 313.13 4.53 4.53 96
44H 6 1820 313.3 318.0 4.7 313.3 317.96 4.66 4.66 99
45H 6 1900 318.0 322.7 4.7 318.0 323.07 5.07 5.07 108
46H 6 1920 322.7 327.4 4.7 322.7 328.00 5.30 5.30 113
47H 6 1950 327.4 332.1 4.7 327.4 332.63 5.23 5.23 111
48H 6 2015 332.1 336.8 4.7 332.1 337.53 5.43 5.43 116
49H 6 2040 336.8 341.5 4.7 336.8 342.19 5.39 5.39 115
50H 6 2100 341.5 346.2 4.7 341.5 346.87 5.37 5.37 114
51H 6 2130 346.2 350.9 4.7 346.2 351.73 5.53 5.53 118
52H 6 2155 350.9 355.6 4.7 350.9 356.08 5.18 5.18 110
53H 6 2215 355.6 360.3 4.7 355.6 361.07 5.47 5.47 116
54H 6 2235 360.3 365.0 4.7 360.3 365.75 5.45 5.45 116
55H 6 2300 365.0 369.7 4.7 365.0 370.25 5.25 5.25 112
56H 6 2320 369.7 374.4 4.7 369.7 374.93 5.23 5.23 111
57H 6 2350 374.4 379.1 4.7 374.4 379.88 5.48 5.48 117
58H 7 0010 379.1 383.8 4.7 379.1 384.76 5.66 5.66 120
59H 7 0030 383.8 388.5 4.7 383.8 386.75 2.95 2.95 63
60H 7 0125 388.5 393.2 4.7 388.5 393.61 5.11 5.11 109
61H 7 0145 393.2 397.9 4.7 393.2 398.20 5.00 5.00 106
62H 7 0240 397.9 402.6 4.7 397.9 402.81 4.91 4.91 104
63H 7 0300 402.6 407.3 4.7 402.6 407.89 5.29 5.29 113
64H 7 0315 407.3 412.0 4.7 407.3 412.68 5.38 5.38 114
65H 7 0335 412.0 416.7 4.7 412.0 417.06 5.06 5.06 108
66H 7 0415 416.7 421.4 4.7 416.7 421.27 4.57 4.57 97
67H 7 0435 421.4 426.1 4.7 421.4 426.67 5.27 5.27 112
68H 7 0515 426.1 430.8 4.7 426.1 431.13 5.03 5.03 107
69H 7 0535 430.8 435.5 4.7 430.8 435.80 5.00 5.00 106
70H 7 0605 435.5 440.2 4.7 435.5 440.26 4.76 4.76 101
71H 7 0645 440.2 444.9 4.7 440.2 445.52 5.32 5.32 113
72H 7 0720 444.9 449.6 4.7 444.9 449.94 5.04 5.04 107
73H 7 0745 449.6 454.3 4.7 449.6 454.32 4.72 4.72 100
74H 7 0810 454.3 459.0 4.7 454.3 459.45 5.15 5.15 110
75H 7 0900 459.0 463.7 4.7 459.0 464.29 5.29 5.29 113
76H 7 0945 463.7 468.4 4.7 463.7 469.19 5.49 5.49 117
77H 7 1010 468.4 473.1 4.7 468.4 473.63 5.23 5.23 111
78H 7 1035 473.1 477.5 4.4 473.1 477.47 4.37 4.37 99
79H 7 1110 477.5 481.8 4.3 477.5 481.78 4.28 4.28 100
80H 7 1200 481.8 486.5 4.7 481.8 487.09 5.29 5.29 113
81H 7 1235 486.5 490.4 3.9 486.5 490.43 3.93 3.93 101
82X 7 1340 490.4 500.1 9.7 490.4 491.94 1.54 1.54 16
83X 7 1430 500.1 509.8 9.7 500.1 500.42 0.32 0.32 3
84X 7 1510 509.8 519.5 9.7 509.8 511.80 2.00 2.00 21
85X 7 1610 519.5 529.2 9.7 519.5 528.11 8.61 8.61 89
86X 7 1730 529.2 538.9 9.7 529.2 535.19 5.99 5.99 62
87X 7 1835 538.9 548.6 9.7 538.9 547.92 9.02 9.02 93
Total advanced (m): 548.6 Total recovered (m): 542.59    
1H 8 1325 0.0 4.8 4.8 0.0 4.80 4.80 4.80 100
2H 8 1350 4.8 14.3 9.5 4.8 14.05 9.25 9.25 97
3H 8 1415 14.3 23.8 9.5 14.3 24.27 9.97 9.97 105
4H 8 1435 23.8 33.3 9.5 23.8 33.85 10.05 10.05 106
5H 8 1455 33.3 42.8 9.5 33.3 42.74 9.44 9.44 99
6H 8 1515 42.8 52.3 9.5 42.8 52.59 9.79 9.79 103
71 8 1530 *****Drilled from 52.3 to 53.3 mbsf*****
8H 8 1540 53.3 62.8 9.5 53.3 63.02 9.72 9.72 102
9H 8 1600 62.8 72.3 9.5 62.8 72.71 9.91 9.91 104
10H 8 1620 72.3 81.8 9.5 72.3 82.25 9.95 9.95 105
11H 8 1640 81.8 91.3 9.5 81.8 91.52 9.72 9.72 102
12H 8 1705 91.3 100.8 9.5 91.3 101.08 9.78 9.78 103
132 8 1720 *****Drilled from 100.8 to 101.8 mbsf*****
14H 8 1730 101.8 111.3 9.5 101.8 111.58 9.78 9.78 103
15H 8 1755 111.3 120.8 9.5 111.3 121.03 9.73 9.73 102
16H 8 1820 120.8 130.3 9.5 120.8 130.95 10.15 10.15 107
17H 8 1900 130.3 139.8 9.5 130.3 139.97 9.67 9.67 102
18H 8 1930 139.8 149.3 9.5 139.8 149.82 10.02 10.02 105
19H 8 1955 149.3 158.8 9.5 149.3 158.88 9.58 9.58 101
20H 8 2035 158.8 168.3 9.5 158.8 168.97 10.17 10.17 107
21H 8 2100 168.3 177.8 9.5 168.3 178.32 10.02 10.02 105
22H 8 2125 177.8 187.3 9.5 177.8 187.79 9.99 9.99 105
23H 8 2200 187.3 196.8 9.5 187.3 197.43 10.13 10.13 107
24H 8 2225 196.8 206.3 9.5 196.8 207.14 10.34 10.34 109
25H 8 2250 206.3 215.2 8.9 206.3 215.23 8.93 8.93 100
26H 8 2325 215.2 224.7 9.5 215.2 224.99 9.79 9.79 103
27H 9 0000 224.7 232.2 7.5 224.7 232.26 7.56 7.56 101
28H 9 0100 232.2 235.8 3.6 232.2 235.78 3.58 3.58 99
29H 9 0145 235.8 240.5 4.7 235.8 240.83 5.03 5.03 107
30H 9 0215 240.5 245.2 4.7 240.5 245.23 4.73 4.73 101
31H 9 0240 245.2 249.9 4.7 245.2 250.41 5.21 5.21 111
32H 9 0255 249.9 254.6 4.7 249.9 254.83 4.93 4.93 105
33H 9 0315 254.6 259.3 4.7 254.6 259.17 4.57 4.57 97
34H 9 0335 259.3 264.0 4.7 259.3 264.71 5.41 5.41 115
35H 9 0350 264.0 268.7 4.7 264.0 269.04 5.04 5.04 107
36H 9 0410 268.7 273.4 4.7 268.7 274.09 5.39 5.39 115
37H 9 0430 273.4 282.1 8.7 273.4 282.11 8.71 8.71 100
383 9 0505 *****Drilled from 282.1 to 283.1 mbsf*****
39H 9 0515 283.1 287.8 4.7 283.1 288.51 5.41 5.41 115
40H 9 0535 287.8 292.5 4.7 287.8 292.95 5.15 5.15 110
41H 9 0600 292.5 297.2 4.7 292.5 297.16 4.66 4.66 99
42H 9 0620 297.2 301.9 4.7 297.2 302.30 5.10 5.10 109
43H 9 0640 301.9 306.6 4.7 301.9 306.92 5.02 5.02 107
44H 9 0655 306.6 311.3 4.7 306.6 311.64 5.04 5.04 107
45H 9 0715 311.3 316.0 4.7 311.3 316.64 5.34 5.34 114
46H 9 0735 316.0 320.7 4.7 316.0 321.26 5.26 5.26 112
47H 9 0755 320.7 325.4 4.7 320.7 325.21 4.51 4.51 96
48H 9 0825 325.4 328.4 3.0 325.4 328.44 3.04 3.04 101
49H 9 0910 328.4 333.1 4.7 328.4 333.68 5.28 5.28 112
50H 9 0955 333.1 337.8 4.7 333.1 338.44 5.34 5.34 114
51H 9 1020 337.8 342.5 4.7 337.8 343.03 5.23 5.23 111
52H 9 1045 342.5 347.2 4.7 342.5 347.53 5.03 5.03 107
534 9 1100 *****Drilled from 347.2 to 349.2 mbsf*****
54H 9 1115 349.2 353.9 4.7 349.2 354.77 5.57 5.57 119
55H 9 1150 353.9 358.6 4.7 353.9 359.25 5.35 5.35 114
56H 9 1250 358.6 363.3 4.7 358.6 363.57 4.97 4.97 106
57H 9 1315 363.3 368.0 4.7 363.3 368.51 5.21 5.21 111
58H 9 1340 368.0 372.7 4.7 368.0 373.40 5.40 5.40 115
59H 9 1405 372.7 377.4 4.7 372.7 377.71 5.01 5.01 107
60H 9 1430 377.4 382.1 4.7 377.4 382.78 5.38 5.38 114
61H 9 1455 382.1 386.8 4.7 382.1 386.93 4.83 4.83 103
62H 9 1530 386.8 391.5 4.7 386.8 392.14 5.34 5.34 114
63H 9 1725 391.5 396.2 4.7 391.5 396.23 4.73 4.73 101
64H 9 1750 396.2 400.9 4.7 396.2 401.52 5.32 5.32 113
65H 9 1850 400.9 405.6 4.7 400.9 405.95 5.05 5.05 107
Total advanced (m): 405.6 Total recovered (m): 422.41    
1H 22 0310 0.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 8.05 8.05 8.05 101
2H 22 0335 8.0 17.5 9.5 8.0 18.19 10.19 10.19 107
3H 22 0425 17.5 27.0 9.5 17.5 27.78 10.28 10.28 108
4H 22 0455 27.0 36.5 9.5 27.0 36.40 9.40 9.40 99
5H 22 0555 36.5 46.0 9.5 36.5 45.88 9.38 9.38 99
6H 22 0620 46.0 55.5 9.5 46.0 56.23 10.23 10.23 108
7H 22 0650 55.5 65.0 9.5 55.5 65.68 10.18 10.18 107
8H 22 0715 65.0 74.5 9.5 65.0 74.62 9.62 9.62 101
9H 22 0740 74.5 84.0 9.5 74.5 83.88 9.38 9.38 99
10H 22 0805 84.0 93.5 9.5 84.0 93.58 9.58 9.58 101
11H 22 0830 93.5 98.2 4.7 93.5 97.94 4.44 4.44 94
12H 22 0855 98.2 107.7 9.5 98.2 107.94 9.74 9.74 103
13H 22 0920 107.7 117.2 9.5 107.7 117.50 9.80 9.80 103
14H 22 0950 117.2 126.7 9.5 117.2 127.06 9.86 9.86 104
15H 22 1020 126.7 136.2 9.5 126.7 136.16 9.46 9.46 100
16H 22 1045 136.2 145.7 9.5 136.2 145.79 9.59 9.59 101
17H 22 1115 145.7 155.2 9.5 145.7 155.51 9.81 9.81 103
18H 22 1150 155.2 164.7 9.5 155.2 164.94 9.74 9.74 103
19H 22 1220 164.7 174.2 9.5 164.7 174.30 9.60 9.60 101
20H 22 1255 174.2 183.7 9.5 174.2 182.75 8.55 8.55 90
21H 22 1335 183.7 193.2 9.5 183.7 193.45 9.75 9.75 103
22H 22 1400 193.2 202.7 9.5 193.2 202.52 9.32 9.32 98
23H 22 1435 202.7 211.0 8.3 202.7 211.08 8.31 8.38 100
24H 22 1515 211.0 220.5 9.5 211.0 220.88 9.88 9.88 104
25H 22 1615 220.5 224.2 3.7 220.5 224.97 4.47 4.47 121
26H 22 1640 224.2 228.9 4.7 224.2 229.27 5.07 5.07 108
27H 22 1740 228.9 233.6 4.7 228.9 233.81 4.91 4.91 104
28H 22 1810 233.6 238.3 4.7 233.6 238.64 5.04 5.04 107
29H 22 1840 238.3 243.0 4.7 238.3 243.53 5.23 5.23 111
30H 22 1940 243.0 247.7 4.7 243.0 247.71 4.71 4.71 100
31H 22 2005 247.7 252.4 4.7 247.7 253.17 5.47 5.47 116
32H 22 2030 252.4 257.1 4.7 252.4 257.65 5.25 5.25 112
33H 22 2055 257.1 261.8 4.7 257.1 262.20 5.10 5.10 109
34H 22 2120 261.8 266.5 4.7 261.8 266.97 5.17 5.17 110
35H 22 2150 266.5 271.2 4.7 266.5 271.77 5.27 5.27 112
36H 22 2220 271.2 275.9 4.7 271.2 276.37 5.17 5.17 110
37H 22 2250 275.9 280.6 4.7 275.9 281.20 5.30 5.30 113
38H 22 2320 280.6 285.3 4.7 280.6 285.38 4.78 4.78 102
39H 22 2350 285.3 290.0 4.7 285.3 290.32 5.02 5.02 107
40H 23 0020 290.0 294.7 4.7 290.0 295.19 5.19 5.19 110
41H 23 0050 294.7 299.4 4.7 294.7 300.00 5.30 5.30 113
42H 23 0120 299.4 304.1 4.7 299.4 304.45 5.05 5.05 107
43H 23 0150 304.1 308.8 4.7 304.1 309.57 5.47 5.47 116
44H 23 0220 308.8 313.5 4.7 308.8 313.68 4.88 4.88 104
45H 23 0250 313.5 318.2 4.7 313.5 319.26 5.76 5.76 123
46H 23 0320 318.2 322.9 4.7 318.2 323.31 5.11 5.11 109
47H 23 0350 322.9 327.6 4.7 322.9 328.49 5.59 5.59 119
48H 23 0420 327.6 332.3 4.7 327.6 332.54 4.94 4.94 105
49H 23 0450 332.3 337.0 4.7 332.3 342.13 5.01 9.83 107
50H 23 0520 337.0 341.7 4.7 337.0 342.12 5.12 5.12 109
51H 23 0550 341.7 346.4 4.7 341.7 346.56 4.86 4.86 103
52H 23 0610 346.4 351.1 4.7 346.4 351.79 5.39 5.39 115
Total advanced (m): 351.1 Total recovered (m): 367.77    

DRF = drilling depth below rig floor, DSF = drilling depth below seafloor, CSF = core depth below seafloor. APC = advanced piston corer, XCB = extended core barrel, RCB = rotary core barrel. H = APC system, X = XCB system, numeric core type = drilled interval. NA = not applicable.

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