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Table T14. Core disturbance intervals, Site U1430.

Core, section,
interval (cm)

Comments on disturbance
Drilling disturbance
1H-1, 0–10 Soupy  
1H-1, 94–104 Soupy  
2H-1, 0–8   Slight
2H-3, 34–46 Soupy with pumice  
2H-3, 94–100 Tilted ash layer  
2H-3, 120–126 Ash patches  
2H-4, 55–64 Soupy with pumice  
2H-5, 113–128 Soupy with pumice  
2H-7, 4–18 Soupy with pumice  
3H-1, 88–123 Along-core gravel/sand contamination Slight to moderate
3H-3, 104–123 Soupy sediment with pumice  
3H-4, 18–45 Soupy sediment with pumice  
3H-4, 122–131 Slightly deformed by mixing with pumice  
3H-5, 44–57 Soupy sediment with pumice  
3H-5, 134–138 Soupy ash  
4H-1, 0–14 Mixed sediment with pumice  
4H-1, 65–68 Soupy ash  
4H-1, 126–130 Soupy ash  
4H-2, 54–72 Mixed sediment with pumice  
4H-2, 83–101 Tilted  
4H-3, 109–150 Tilted  
4H-4, 0–145 Tilted  
4H-5, 0–150 Tilted  
4H-6, 0–14 Mixed sediments  
4H-6, 103–112 Tilted  
4H-7, 0–32 Tilted and mixed sediments  
5H-1, 0–30 Fall-in High
5H-1, 72–84 Soupy ash  
5H-2, 0–10 Pumice mixed  
5H-3, 54–87 Bioturbation? Highly mixed sediments  
6H-1, 0–19 Mousselike High
6H-2, 112–116 Soupy ash  
6H-7, 0–59 Slightly deformed by mixing with pumice  
7H-1, 0–23.5 Fall-in High
7H-5, 0–55 Slightly deformed  
7H-6, 97–131 Slightly deformed  
8H-1, 0–40 Slightly deformed  
8H-3, 0–70 Tilted  
9H-1, 0–26 Slightly deformed  
9H-3, 18–51 Mixed sediments?  
11H-7, 20–50 Heavy bioturbation or deformation?  
11H-7, 52–54 Void  
13H-1, 0–18 Soupy Slight
14H-1, 0–13 Soupy Slight
15H-1, 77–144 Wet and slightly soupy  
15H-1, 147–150 Void  
18H-1, 0–5 Fall-in Slight
18H-3, 57–58 Crack High
18H-3, 145–150 Void  
18H-5, 110–112 Void  
18H-7, 0–76 Sediment completely messed up Destroyed
19H-3, 130–141 Tilted sediment  
20H-1, 0–4 Fall-in Slight
20H-6, 97–110 Vertical crack High
21H-7, 63–68   Slight to moderate
21H-CC, 0–25   Slight
22H-1, 0–10 Fall-in High
22H-2, 70–92 Deformed  
22H-3, 139–150   Moderate
22H-4, 95–115 Deformed  
22H-CC, 0–20   Slight
23H-1, 0–10 Fall-in Moderate
23H-7, 38–52 Crack Moderate to high
25H-1, 0–20 Deformed  
27H-1, 0–20 Deformed  
28H-3, 0–120 Suck in High
28H-4, 0–49 Suck in High
28H-CC, 0–30 Suck in High
29H-1, 0–150 Suck in High
29H-2, 0–150 Suck in High
29H-3, 0–150 Suck in High
29H-CC, 0–25 Suck in High
30X-CC, 0–21 Destroyed  
31X-CC, 0–26 Destroyed  
32X-CC, 43–50 Destroyed  
1H-1, 0–10 Soupy  
1H-3, 62–78 Along-core gravel/sand contamination Slight
1H-4, 88–97 Along-core gravel/sand contamination Slight
1H-5, 130–139 Along-core gravel/sand contamination Slight
2H-1, 0–5 Soupy  
2H-1, 65–79 Pumice  
2H-2, 130–141 Pumice  
2H-5, 60–95 Along-core gravel/sand contamination Slight
2H-6, 47–52 Deformed  
3H-1, 0–7 Soupy  
3H-1, 51–73 Pumice  
3H-2, 0–20 Soupy  
3H-2, 74–95 Pumice contamination  
3H-4, 120–136 Pumice contamination  
3H-5, 0–83 Pumice contamination  
3H-6, 70–85 Pumice contamination  
4H-1, 0–149 Tilted  
4H-2, 0–149 Tilted  
4H-2, 108–138 Along-core gravel/sand contamination Slight
4H-3, 0–150 Tilted  
4H-3, 25–30 Soupy  
4H-4, 0–68 Tilted  
4H-5, 0–22 Soupy and ash patches  
4H-5, 130–150 Soupy  
5H-6, 76–85 Soupy pumice  
6H-4, 0–110 Mixed with pumice  
6H-4, 139–151 Mixed with pumice  
8H-2, 0–150 Suck in Slight
16H-4, 67–69 Ash wash out?  
17H-1, 0–20 Deformed  
18H-6, 120–150 Suck in  
18H-7, 0–62 Suck in  
18H-CC, 0–12 Suck in  
19H-1, 0–5 Disturbed  
20H-1, 0–7 Disturbed  
20H-6, 18–27 Deformed High
21H-7, 0–65 Liner disturbed High
25H-5, 70–111 Flow-in Severe
25H-6, 0–53 Flow-in  
27H-4, 53–63 Void  
28H-1, 34–53 Disturbed  
28H-2, 0–150   Severe
28H-3, 0–79   Severe
28H-4, 0–86   Severe
30X-CC, 0–8   Severe
30X-CC, 8–69   Moderate
31X-1, 0–38 Washed gravel Severe
32X-1, 0–12 Fall-in Moderate
33X-1, 0–10 Fall-in Moderate to high
33X-1, 84–99 Washed gravel  
36X-1, 28–61 Slurry Moderate to high
37H-1, 0–80 Soupy and gravel  
37H-1, 82–92 Slurry Moderate to high
1H-1, 0–94 Soupy  
1H-2, 55–66 Soupy  
1H-3, 53–81 Along-core gravel/sand contamination  
2H-1, 9–40 Soupy  
2H-2, 74–92 Along-core gravel/sand contamination  
2H-2, 141–150 Slightly tilted  
2H-3, 12–27 Deformed  
2H-3, 104–119 Pumice and along-core gravel/sand contamination  
2H-4, 0–2   Slight
2H-4, 42–55 Pumice slightly disturbed the sediments  
2H-5, 20–33 Pumice and along-core gravel/sand contamination  
2H-6, 47–58 Soupy and coarse sand  
3H-3, 15–22 Pumice and along-core gravel/sand contamination  
3H-3, 58–118 Disturbed by mixing coarse gravel/sand  
3H-4, 0–22 Disturbed by mixing coarse gravel/sand  
3H-4, 62–63 Dropstone?  
3H-4, 91–101 Pumice and along-core gravel/sand contamination  
3H-5, 16–30 Soupy and mixed with ash patches  
3H-5, 40–42 Soupy ash  
4H-1, 0–18 Mixed with pumice Moderate to high
4H-1, 83–91 Mixed with pumice  
4H-2, 24–39 Mixed with pumice  
4H-3, 84–110 Mixed with pumice  
4H-3, 128–133 Stretched  
4H-5, 0–35 Pumice  
4H-5, 112–146 Soupy ash contained  
4H-6, 24–32 Soupy ash  
4H-6, 48–66 Pumice contained  
4H-6, 102–105 Pumice contained  
4H-7, 46–59 Tilted  
5H-1, 17–129 Tilted  
5H-2, 0–18 Mixed with pumice  
5H-2, 91–114 Mixed with ash patches  
5H-2, 138–151 Mixed with ash patches  
5H-3, 26–85 Mixed with pumice and deformed  
5H-3, 122–143 Mixed with pumice and deformed  
5H-4, 0–150 Tilted  
5H-5, 0–59 Tilted  
5H-6, 37–58 Tilted  
6H-2, 115–145 Soupy and mixed with pumice  
6H-3, 0–11 Fault?  
6H-6, 0–118 Mixed with pumice  
8H-2, 0–46 Soupy  
9H-1, 0–111 Mixed  
9H-6, 119–120 Microfault?  
13H-3, 105–109 Washed out?  
14H-1, 0–12 Fall-in  
17H-1, 0–10 Fall-in  
19H-3, 113–120 Void  
20H-1, 0–7 Mixed  
21H-5, 48–60 Microfault  
22H-3, 120–128 Microfault  
22H-5, 35–44 Microfault  
22H-5, 48–60 Microfault  
22H-7, 35–40 Microfault  
25H-4, 68–72 Microfault  
28H-1, 0–27 Fall-in and microfault High
28H-3, 53–59 Microfault  
30H-3, 66–74 Nodule  
31H-1, 0–8 Disturbed  
32H-1, 85–150 Flow-in High
32H-2, 0–150 Flow-in High
32H-3, 0–84 Flow-in High
32H-CC, 0–15 Flow-in High
33H-1, 0–30 Sand mixed sediment  
33H-1, 31–77 Ash  

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