Table T3. Summary of measurements, Expedition 347.
Greatship Manisha, offshore BSB | Onshore Science Party, BCR (Germany) |
Core description | Core description |
Core catcher description |
Split-core visual core description
Smear slide analysis |
Micropaleontology | Micropaleontology |
Foraminifers |
Ostracods Palynology Diatoms |
Geochemistry | Geochemistry |
pH by ion-specific electrode
Alkalinity by single-point titration to pH Salinity by refractometer Ammonium by flow injection method Methane by GC Sampling for postcruise research for time-sensitive analyses |
IW analysis by ICP-OES (major and trace elements)
IC (chloride, bromide, sulfate, and nitrate) Sediment TOC, TC, and TS by LECO (carbon-sulfur analysis) |
Whole-core MSCL logging | Discrete sample moisture and density properties |
Density Velocity Magnetic susceptibility Electrical resistivity |
Compressional P-wave velocity Bulk, dry, and grain density Water content Porosity |
Core imaging | Core imaging |
Core catcher photography | High-resolution continuous digital line scanning of all split-core surfaces |
Downhole logging | Other |
Total gamma
Spectral gamma Resistivity Resistivity imaging (including caliper measurements) Sonic |
Natural gamma radiation
Thermal conductivity Color reflectance of split core surface at 4 cm intervals Discrete paleomagnetic measurements Discrete magnetic susceptibility measurements |
Microbiology | Microbiology |
Sampling for postcruise research
Sampling for PFC contamination tests Cell counts by flow cytometer and fluorescent microscope |
Cell counts by fluorescent microscope |
BSB = Baltic Sea Basin, BCR = Bremen Core Repository, GC = gas chromatograph, IW = interstitial water, ICP-OES = inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, IC = ion chromatography, TOC = total organic carbon, TC = total carbon, TS = total sulfur, LECO = carbon/sulfur analyzer, TBC = to be conducted later, MSCL = multisensor core logger, PFC = perfluorocarbon.
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