Table T14. Logging-while-drilling tool acronyms, Expedition 348.
Acronym | Tool name | Tool type |
ABG | At-bit gamma ray | Gamma ray sensor |
ACAL | Acoustic caliper | Caliper |
ADR | Azimuthal deep resistivity | Propagation resistivity |
AFR | Azimuthal focused resistivity | Laterolog imager |
AGR | Azimuthal gamma ray | Gamma ray sensor |
BAT | Bimodal acoustic tool | Sonic sensor |
DDS | Drill string dynamics sensor | Vibration and shock sensors |
DDS2 | Drill string dynamics sensor 2 (mounted in EWR-M5) | Vibration and shock sensors |
DGR | Dual gamma ray | Gamma ray sensor |
DM | Directional module | Directional survey of wellbore inclination and azimuth |
DrillDOC | Drilling downhole optimization collar | Weight, torque, and bending moment |
EWR-M5 | Electromagnetic wave resistivity – 5 spacings | Multispacing propagation resistivity sensor |
EWR-P4 | Electromagnetic wave resistivity – phase | Multispacing propagation resistivity sensor |
GABI | Gamma ray and at-bit inclination | Gamma ray sensor |
GM | Gamma module | Gamma ray module |
HCIM | Central interface module | Processor of tool string |
IVSS | Insert vibration severity sensor | Vibration sensor |
PWD | Pressure while drilling | Real-time borehole pressure sensor |
TM | Telemetry module | Real-time telemetry sensor |
XBAT | Telemetry module real-time telemetry sensor | Real-time telemetry sensor |
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