Figure F31. A–C. Characteristic examples of slickenlined surfaces in intact cuttings (>4 mm), formed by silty sandstone (Sample 348-C0002N-296-SMW; 2175.5 mbsf). B and C are enlargement of parts of the cutting reproduced in A. In C, note the very tiny stepped slickenlines. D–F. Cross-section of slickenlined surface in silty sandstone (thin section was made perpendicular to the slickenlined surface in the upper part of the photograph; Sample 304-SMW; 2215.5 mbsf). Note the staircase geometry of opaque layers in a 120 µm thick zone in the vicinity of the slickenline surface. E shows the undulose extinction of a feldspar grain near the slickenline surface (enlargement of D). F shows a broken quartz grain dextrally displaced by secondary fractures associated with shear along the slickenlined surface.
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