Figure F1. Visual core description, Hole U1534A. CSF-A = core depth below seafloor, Method A.

Figure F2. Solitary cold-water coral (382-U1534A-3H-1, 20–23 cm).

Figure F3. Well-preserved gastropod shell (382-U1534A-6H-1, 124–126 cm).

Figure F4. Well-preserved mollusk shell (382-U1534D-2H-5, 124–130 cm).

Figure F5. Foraminifer- and nannofossil-rich biosiliceous ooze (382-U1534C-5H-3, 75 cm).

Figure F6. Part of lithified burrow (382-U1534A-22F-CC, 11–15 cm).

Figure F7. Examples of X-radiographs, Hole U1534C.

Figure F8. Biostratigraphic age-depth plot, Hole U1534A. FO datums are plotted using the median depth between the upper sample where the fossil was observed and the lower sample where it was not observed (Table T3). LO datums are plotted using the median depth between the upper sample where a species was not seen and the lower sample where it was seen.

Figure F9. Orientation of adjusted declinations measured on archive halves using Icefield MI-5 tools. Holes U1534A and U1534C generate different mean directions, presumably due to differences in performance of each tool. Measurements from individual cores are plotted using different colors.

Figure F10. Example vector endpoint diagrams showing progressive AF demagnetization behavior for four intervals, Hole U1534A. Drilling overprint is mostly removed by 10 mT. These data suggest that remanence vector will often not decay toward the origin, an indicator of the possible presence of GRM acquired during AF demagnetization.

Figure F11. Inclination values (at 15 mT AF demagnetization step), Holes U1534A and U1534C. Inclinations indicate that both holes recovered sediments that acquired their magnetizations dominantly in times of normal polarity.

Figure F12. Intensity of remanence, declination, and inclination at 15 mT AF demagnetization level (0 mbsf to base of APC/HLAPC cored interval), Hole U1534A. Horizontal dashed lines = section breaks, green dots = measured values, black dots = corrected values (correct Y calibration constant; see text for discussion), red stars = discrete samples, vertical blue dashed lines in inclination = GAD predicted values. (Continued on next page.)

Figure F12 (continued).

Figure F13. Intensity of remanence, declination, and inclination at 15 mT AF demagnetization level, Hole U1534C. Horizontal dashed lines = section breaks, green dots = measured values, black dots = corrected values (correct Y calibration constant; see text for discussion), red stars = discrete samples, vertical blue dashed lines in inclination = GAD predicted values.

Figure F14. Preliminary magnetostratigraphy showing geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS2012; Gradstein et al., 2012), interpreted polarity based on archive-half and discrete inclination measurements, and archive-half inclination measurements for Holes U1534A and U1534C with GAD predicted values (vertical blue dashed lines), Site U1534. Black dashed lines = possible tie lines guided by biostratigraphic constraints. Zone N1 likely deposited during Brunhes Chron (C1n), Zone N2 likely deposited during Gauss Chron (C2An), Zone R1 likely represents a reversed subchron of Gauss Chron (C2An), and Zones R2, N3, R3, and N4 likely represent subchrons of Gilbert Chron (C3n). Polarity: black = normal, white = reversed, gray = undetermined, red lines = suspected hiatuses, half gray boxes = example intervals of uncertain polarity during Zone N2.

Figure F15. A. Intensities of maximum (K1), intermediate (K2), and minimum (K3) susceptibility axes, Hole U1534A. Intensities are normalized such that K1 + K2 + K3 = 1. Dashed line at 0.33 indicates isotropic behavior. Four samples have roughly equal K1, K2, and K3 values. Remaining samples show varying degrees of anisotropy. B. Inclinations of maximum (I1) and minimum (I3) susceptibility axes. Inclinations below 80° (dashed line) indicate values interpreted to be off vertical.

Figure F16. Simple classification of sedimentary fabric based on intensity of lineation parameter (L) (K1/K2) vs. intensity of foliation parameter (F) (K2/K3). All but four pilot samples plot in oblate field of the Flinn diagram.

Figure F17. Methane, ethane, and methane/ethane ratio, Site U1534.

Figure F18. IW properties showing variety of key IW parameters (SO4, P, Ca, Ba, carbonate, methane, ammonium, alkalinity, salinity, pH, Na, Cl, K, Br, Na/K, and Br/Cl), Site U1534. Blue squares = seawater concentrations or elemental ratios for reference (where applicable).

Figure F19. IW properties showing variety of key IW parameters (Ca, Si, B, Sr, Mg, Fe, Mn, B/Ca, Mg/Ca, Si/Ca, Ba/Ca, Sr/Ca, Mg/Si, Mg/K, K/Ca, and Na/Cl), Site U1534. Blue squares = seawater concentrations or elemental ratios for reference (where applicable).

Figure F20. Bulk sediment TOC, TOC/TN ratio, and CaCO3, Site U1534.

Figure F21. Bulk sediment major element compositions, Site U1534.

Figure F22. Selected sediment trace element compositions and elemental ratios, Site U1534. La is a rare earth element, and Zr is a high field strength element. Note that elemental ratios shown here are not molar ratios.

Figure F23. Physical property data, Hole U1534A. MS: red = WRMSL, gray = SHMSL (MSP). P-wave velocity: dots = WRMSL, squares = PWC. Wet bulk density: line = WRMSL, diamonds = discrete. cps = counts per second.

Figure F24. Physical property data, Hole U1534C. MS: red = WRMSL, gray = SHMSL (MSP). P-wave velocity and wet bulk density = WRMSL.

Figure F25. Crossplots and linear relationships of NGR, GRA, and MS, Sites U1534 and U1535.

Figure F26. MAD results, Hole U1534A. P-wave velocity = caliper velocity measurements with automatic and manually picked first arrival times.

Figure F27. SHMSL color reflectance L*, a*, and b* and color component R, Hole U1534A.

Figure F28. SHMSL color reflectance L*, a*, and b* and color component R, Hole U1534C.

Figure F29. GRA density and MS data, Site U1534. Most of the MS record shown was derived using WRMSL data, but data from Core 382-U1534D-1H were derived using SHMSL MSP data.

Figure F30. Spliced record of GRA density and NGR intensity, Site U1534. Dashed lines = position of real (46 m CCSF-D) and potential (87.3 and 123.3 m CCSF-D) gaps in the composite record.

Figure F31. Age-depth plot, Site U1534. MIS positions are inferred from physical property data. Diatom and radiolarian FO and LO depths were determined using the middepth method. Dashed lines = inferred sedimentation rates, ? = tentative paleomagnetic reversal placement, wavy lines = hiatuses interpreted from biostratigraphic data, gray horizontal bar = paleomagnetic constraints on sediment age below ~240 mbsf hiatus. Magnetostratigraphy: N = normal polarity, R = reversed polarity, vertical lines = interpreted magnetic stratigraphy (see Figure F14), horizontal lines = magnetic reversals.

Figure F32. Age-depth plot, Site U1535. MIS positions are inferred from physical property data. Diatom and radiolarian FO and LO depths were determined using the middepth method. Dashed line = inferred sedimentation rate, ? = tentative paleomagnetic reversal placement, blue area = age interval not recovered at Site U1534. Magnetostratigraphy: N = normal polarity, R = reversed polarity, vertical lines = interpreted magnetic stratigraphy (see Figure F7 in the Site U1535 chapter [Peck et al., 2020]).

Figure F33. Successful APCT-3 temperature-time series, Site U1534.

Figure F34. Heat flow calculation, Hole U1534A. Right panel shows Bullard plot of heat flow calculated from linear fit of temperature data.

Figure F35. Physical property measurements and comparison with seismic reflectors and identified lithology, Hole U1534A. MD = measured depth.

Figure F36. Seismic profile and physical properties, Hole U1534A. Green dots = PWL, diamonds linked with black line = PWC, magenta line = GRA, open dots = discrete wet bulk density (MAD), black line = MSL, yellow line = NGR. CDP = common depth point, SP = shotpoint.