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General Conditions

Shipboard and shore-based researchers should refer to the interim IODP Sample, Data, and Obligations policy posted on the Web at This document outlines the policy for distributing IODP samples and data to research scientists, curators, and educators. The document also defines the obligations that sample and data recipients incur. Access to data and core sampling during Expeditions 303 and 306, or within the 1 y moratorium following the expeditions, must be approved by the Sample Allocation Committee (SAC). The SAC (composed of Co-Chief scientists, Staff Scientist, and IODP Curator on shore and curatorial representative on board ship) will work with the Shipboard Scientific Party to formulate a formal expedition-specific sampling plan for shipboard and postcruise sampling.

Shipboard scientists are expected to submit sample requests 2 months before the beginning of the expedition. Sample requests may be submitted at Based on sample requests (shore based and shipboard), the SAC and Shipboard Scientific Party will prepare a working cruise sampling plan. This plan will be subject to modification depending upon the actual material recovered and collaborations that may evolve between scientists during the expedition. Modifications to the sampling plan during the expedition require the approval of the SAC.

All sample frequencies and sizes must be justified on a scientific basis and will depend on core recovery, the full spectrum of other requests, and the cruise objectives. Some redundancy of measurement is unavoidable, but minimizing the duplication of measurements among the shipboard party and identified shore-based collaborators will be a factor in evaluating sample requests.

Cruise-Specific Sampling

Shipboard sampling during both expeditions will be restricted to low-resolution sampling (e.g., biostratigraphic sampling). Samples for high-resolution studies (such as stable isotope investigations) will be carried out postcruise at a designated sampling party.

The Science Planning Committee (SPC) has advocated that the participants of Expeditions 303 and 306 be considered as a single scientific party. The ramification of this is that Expedition 303 and 306 participants may work on materials from either expedition, pending approval of individual sample requests by the SAC. Because Expedition 306 is scheduled to depart ~4 months after Expedition 303, staffing of the shipboard party for Expedition 306 will not have been completed prior to the date that Expedition 303 sails. Hence, developing an integrated sampling plan before the first expedition commences is not possible. As mentioned above, the bulk of the sampling for these expeditions will occur during postcruise sampling parties. Therefore, a more integrated plan can be developed prior to each sampling party. Expedition 303 participants will submit precruise sample requests in August 2004. Expedition 306 participants will submit sample requests for consideration by January 2005 prior to the Expedition 303 sampling party (tentatively scheduled for February 2005), which may necessitate modification of sample requests by Expedition 303 participants. Similarly, for the Expedition 306 sampling party (tentatively scheduled for late July 2005), sample requests from Expedition 303 participants will be considered at that time.

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