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Figure F1. Global sea level (light blue) for the interval 7–100 Ma derived by backstripping data from onshore boreholes along the New Jersey Coastal Plain. Global sea level (purple) for the interval 0–7 Ma is derived from δ18O. Benthic foraminiferal δ18O synthesis from 0 to 100 Ma (red; reported to Cibicidoides values [0.64‰ lower than equilibrium]) is shown for comparison. Pink box at ~11 Ma = sea level estimate derived from the Marion Plateau (see text). Black line = long-term fit to the backstripped curve. Pale green boxes = times of spreading rate increases on various ocean ridges. Dark green box = opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea and concomitant extrusion of the Brito-Arctic basalts. (After Miller et al., 2005a.) NHIS = Northern Hemisphere ice sheets.

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