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Table T1. Primary and alternate proposed sites, Expedition 339.

Site Location Water
Objectives and estimated
sediment age
Primary sites
SHACK- 4A 37.571475°N, 10.12616°W 2578 150 Pliocene–Pleistocene history of upper deep water circulation; history of the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciations
GC-01A 36.828136°N, 7.7554527°W 566 526 MOW upper core (Quaternary)
[Themes 1, 2, and 3]
GC-09A 36.805275°N, 7.7190444°W 567 784 MOW upper core (Pliocene)
[Themes 1, 2, and 3]
GC-04D 36.268972°N, 6.7942972°W 670 1550 Close to the Gibraltar Gateway
[Themes 2 and 3]
GC-11A 36.425294°N, 7.2781422°W 671 990 MOW lower core (Pliocene and Quaternary)
[Themes 1, 2, and 3]
GC-02B 36.317328°N, 7.718025°W 980 350 Neotectonic
[Theme 4]
WI-01B 37.359036°N, 9.4109472°W 1074 675 MOW West Iberian margin
[Themes 2, 3]
Alternate sites
GC-10C 36.267022°N, 6.7910083°W 671 990 Same as GC-04D
GC-10B* 36.268653°N, 6.7898611°W 671 990 Same as GC-04D
GC-04C* 36.270328°N, 6.7931666°W 671 1550 Same as GC-04D

* = pending Environmental Protection and Safety Panel approval. Relocation of previous proposed Site GC-04B is due to its proximity to an explosives dumping ground. MOW = Mediterranean Outflow Water.

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