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Table T23. Datum events of radiolarians, diatoms, silicoflagellates, ebridians, dinoflagellates, and paleomagnetics, Holes U1344A, U1344D, and U1344E. (See table notes.)

Datum event Taxon/
Depth CSF (m) Depth CCSF-A (m)
Hole U1344A Hole U1344D Hole U1344E Hole U1344A Hole U1344D Hole U1344E
LO Lychnocanoma nipponica sakaii Radiolarian 0.05 23.7 26.6 19.9 25.1 30.0 23.6
LO Spongodiscus sp. Radiolarian 0.28–0.32 109.2 102.6 108.0 124.4 118.6 125.5
LO Axoprunum acquilonium Radiolarian 0.25–0.43 118.7 117.7 136.1 136.7
LO Proboscia curvirostris Diatom 0.3 118.7 93.2 117.7 136.1 107.1 136.7
LO Thalassirosira jouseae Diatom 0.3 118.7 102.6 97.0 136.1 118.6 111.8
LO Stylatractus universus Radiolarian 0.41–0.51 150.3 150.3 176.0 177.1
LO Dichtyocha subarctios Silicoflagellate 0.6–0.8 275.3 237.4 320.1 278.1
Brunhes/Matuyama Paleomagnetic 0.781 276.5 284.1 322.1 332.2
LCO Actinocyclus oculatus Diatom 0.9 409.3 455.7
LO Eucyrtidium matuyamai Radiolarian 0.9–1.5 409.3 455.7
Jaramillo top Paleomagnetic 0.998 348.4 394.8
Jaramillo bottom Paleomagnetic 1.072 373.0 419.4
Cobb Mountain top Paleomagnetic 1.173 412.6 459.0
Cobb Mountain bottom Paleomagnetic 1.185 423.2 469.6
LO Filisphaera filifera Dinoflagellate 1.4–1.7 462.6 509.0
FCO Proboscia curvirostris Diatom 1.7–2.0 526.1 572.5
LO Pyxidicula horridus Diatom 1.7–1.9 592.0 638.4
Olduvai top Paleomagnetic 1.778 669.9 716.3
LO Ammodochium rectangulare Ebridian 1.9 731.4 777.9

Notes: For last occurrences (LO), the depth was estimated as the midpoint between the depth at which the species was last observed and the depth of the next sample above. LCO = last common occurrence, FCO = first common occurrence, — = not applicable.

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