Figure F19 (continued). M. The junk baskets used for Run 11 recovered fine-grained cuttings to large pieces of rock, mostly granoblastic basalt, and some small gabbro chips. N. Bowen 9.75 inch reverse circulation junk basket (RCJB) used for Runs 12 and 13. Once reverse circulation is activated (S), water flows outside the tool through the jets visible in N and returns upward through the center of the tool, where a large junk catcher retains the fished material (O). O. Bottom of the Bowen RCJB, showing its hard-facing structure and the junk catcher spring fingers inside. P. The entire BHA used for Run 12, up to the top drill collar, returned completely filled with several hundreds of kilograms of fine-grained cuttings. (Continued on next page.)
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