Figure F209. A. Large igneous clinopyroxene phenocryst (in a clinopyroxene-plagioclase glomerocryst) replaced by secondary (diopsidic?) clinopyroxene (Thin Section 49; Sample 312-1256D-205R-1, 10–14 cm) (field of view [FOV] = 1.2 mm; plane-polarized light). In the groundmass recrystallized granular plagioclase, flaky green amphibole (probably actinolitic hornblende), anhedral granular clinopyroxene, and subhedral oxide grains form a microcrystalline equigranular texture in Unit 1256D-80. B. Calcite (cc) (brighter white below and right of center) coexisting with secondary clinopyroxene (Thin Section 48; Sample 312-1256D-203R-1, 10–14 cm) (FOV = 1.2 mm; plane-polarized light). C. Cluster of anhedral orthopyroxene (coarser material at center) surrounded by fine-grained secondary clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and recrystallized oxide (Thin Section 48; Sample 312-1256D-203R-1, 10–14 cm) (FOV = 1.2 mm; plane-polarized light).
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