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Table T49. Comparison of onboard and postcruise VP measurements on minicube samples taken during Expedition 312.

Core, section,
interval (cm)
VP measured on board
Expedition 312 (m/s)
VP measured
postcruise (m/s)
x y z x y z
173R-2, 13–15 1262.1 5368 5416 5407 5376 5468 5379
174R-1, 125–127 1266.7 5355 5295 5373 5349 5256 5170
175R-1, 111–113 1272.4 5552 5542 5505 5604 5539 5544
176R-2, 22–25 1277.8 5599 5551 5648 5472 5430 5553
181R-1, 27–30 1300.4 5596 5754 5782 6129 5720 5705

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