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Expedition-related bibliography*

Citation data for IODP publications and journal articles in RIS format

IODP publications

Scientific Prospectus

Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D., and the Expedition 310 Project Team, 2005. The last deglacial sea level rise in the South Pacific: offshore drilling in Tahiti (French Polynesia). IODP Sci. Prosp., 310. doi:10.2204/​iodp.sp.310.2005

Preliminary Report

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2006. Tahiti Sea Level: the last deglacial sea level rise in the South Pacific: offshore drilling in Tahiti (French Polynesia). IODP Prel. Rept., 310. doi:10.2204/​

Scientific Drilling journal

Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D., and the IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. IODP Expedition 310 reconstructs sea level, climatic, and environmental changes in the South Pacific during the last deglaciation. Sci. Drill., 5:4–12. doi:10.2204/​

Proceedings volume

Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.2007

Expedition reports

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Expedition 310 summary. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.101.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, Hamelin, B., and Lericolais, G., 2007. Site surveys related to Expedition 310. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.102.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Methods. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.103.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Overview of sites. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.104.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Maraa western transect: Sites M0005–M0007. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.105.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Maraa eastern transect: Sites M0015–M0018. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.106.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Tiarei inner ridge: Site M0023. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.107.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Tiarei outer ridge: Sites M0009, M0021, and M0024–M0026. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.108.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Tiarei marginal sites: Sites M0008, M0010–M0014, and M0022. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.109.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Faaa: Sites M0019 and M0020. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.110.2007

Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Microbiology. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists. Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.111.2007

Expedition research results

Castillo, P., 2009. Data report: geochemistry of volcaniclastic sediments drilled during IODP Expedition 310 in Tahiti. In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.202.2009

Heindel, K., Westphal, H., and Wisshak, M., 2009. Data report: bioerosion in the reef framework, IODP Expedition 310 off Tahiti (Tiarei, Maraa, and Faaa sites). In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y. McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.201.2009

Verwer, K., and Braaksma, H., 2009. Data report: petrophysical properties of “young” carbonate rocks (Tahiti Reef Tract, French Polynesia). In Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B., and the Expedition 310 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 310: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.).doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.310.203.2009


Camoin, G., and Webster, J., 2014. Coral reefs and sea-level change. In Stein, R., Blackman, D.K., Inagaki, F., and Larsen, H.-C. (Eds.), Developments in Marine Geology (Volume 7): Earth and Life Processes Discovered from Subseafloor Environments: A Decade of Science Achieved by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP): New York (Elsevier), 395–441.​10.1016/​B978-0-444-62617-2.00015-3


Abbey, E., Webster, J.M., Braga, J.C., Sugihara, K., Wallace, C., Iryu, Y., Potts, D., Done, T., Camoin, G., and Séard, C., 2011. Variation in deglacial coralgal assemblages and their paleoenvironmental significance; IODP Expedition 310, "Tahiti sea level". Global and Planetary Change, 76(1):1–15.

Asami, R., Felis, T., Deschamps, P., Hanawa, K., Iryu, Y., Bard, E., Durand, N., and Murayama, M., 2009. Evidence for tropical South Pacific climate change during the Younger Dryas and the Bolling-Allerod from geochemical records of fossil Tahiti corals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 288(1):96–107.

Bard, E., Hamelin, B., and Delanghe-Sabatier, D., 2010. Deglacial meltwater pulse 1B and Younger Dryas sea levels revisited with boreholes at Tahiti. Science, 327(5970):1235–1237.

Blanchon, P., and Chutcharavan, P., 2023. Meltwater Pulse 1a drowned fringing reefs around Tahiti 15 000 years ago. Royal Society Open Science, 10(12):230918.

Blanchon, P., Granados-Corea, M., Abbey, E., Braga, J.C., Braithwaite, C., Kennedy, D.M., Spencer, T., Webster, J.M., and Woodroffe, C.D., 2014. Postglacial fringing-reef to barrier-reef conversion on Tahiti links Darwin's reef types. Scientific Reports, 4(1):4997.

Cahyarini, S.Y., Pfeiffer, M., Dullo, W.C., Zinke, J., Hetzinger, S., Kasper, S., Grove, C., and Garbe-Schönberg, D., 2011. Comment on "A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti at 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310" by Kristine L. DeLong, Terrence M. Quinn, Chuan-Chou Shen, and Ke Lin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12(3):Q03012.

Camoin, G., and Webster, J., 2014. Coral reefs and sea-level change. In Stein, R., Blackman, Donna K., Inagaki, Fumio, and Larsen, Hans-Christian (Eds.), Developments in Marine Geology (Volume 7): Earth and Life Processes Discovered from Subseafloor Environments: A Decade of Science Achieved by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). R. Stein (Series Ed.). New York (Elsevier), 395–441.

Camoin, G., and Séard, C., 2012. Genesis of microbialites as contemporaneous framework components of deglacial coral reefs, Tahiti (IODP 310): COMMENT. Facies, 58(1):163–165.

Camoin, G.F., Séard, C., Deschamps, P., Webster, J.M., Abbey, E., Braga, J.C., Iryu, Y., Durand, N., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Yokoyama, Y., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., and Dussouillez, P., 2012. Reef response to sea-level and environmental changes during the last deglaciation; Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310, Tahiti Sea Level. Geology, 40(7):643–646.

Camoin, G.F., and Webster, J.M., 2015. Coral reef response to Quaternary sea-level and environmental changes: state of the science. Sedimentology, 62(2):401–428.

DeLong, K.L., Quinn, T.M., Shen, C.-C., and Lin, K., 2010. A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti at 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 11(6):Q06005.

DeLong, K.L., Quinn, T.M., Shen, C.-C., and Lin, K., 2011. Reply to comment by Cahyarini et al. on “A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti at 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310". Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12(3):Q03013.

Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., Okuno, J.i., and Yokoyama, Y., 2012. Ice-sheet collapse and sea-level rise at the Bolling warming 14,600 years ago. Nature, 483(7391):559–564.

Durand, N., Deschamps, P., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Handerson, G.M., Yokoyama, Y., and Matsuzaki, H., 2013. Comparison of 14C and U-Th ages in corals from IODP #310 cores offshore Tahiti. Radiocarbon, 55(4: IntCal 13):1947–1974.

Exon, N., 2010. Scientific drilling beneath the oceans solves earthly problems. Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs, 2(2):37–47.

Felis, T., Merkel, U., Asami, R., Deschamps, P., Hathorne, E.C., Kölling, M., Bard, E., Cabioch, G., Durand, N., Prange, M., Schulz, M., Cahyarini, S.Y., and Pfeiffer, M., 2012. Pronounced interannual variability in tropical South Pacific temperatures during Heinrich Stadial 1. Nature Communications, 3(1):965.

Felis, T., and Westphal, H., 2006. Cruise report of IODP Expedition 310: Tahiti Sea Level Expedition: Institut für Geographie und Geologie, Greifswald, Germany (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität).

Fujita, K., and Omori, A., 2015. Modern and Pleistocene large-sized benthic foraminifers from Tahiti, French Polynesia, collected during IODP Expedition 310. Carbonate sedimentation on Pacific coral reefs, 24(1):47–60.

Fujita, K., Omori, A., Yokoyama, Y., Sakai, S., and Iryu, Y., 2010. Sea-level rise during Termination II inferred from large benthic foraminifers: IODP Expedition 310, Tahiti sea level. Marine Geology, 271(1):149–155.

Gischler, E., Birgel, D., Brunner, B., and Peckmann, J., 2020. Microbialite occurrence and patterns in Holocene reefs of Bora Bora, Society Islands. Palaios, 35(6):262–276.

Hathorne, E.C., Felis, T., James, R.H., and Thomas, A., 2011. Laser ablation ICP-MS screening of corals for diagenetically affected areas applied to Tahiti corals from the last deglaciation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(6):1490–1506.

Hathorne, E.C., Gagnon, A., Felis, T., Adkins, J.F., Asami, R., Boer, W., Caillon, N., Case, D., Cobb, K.M., Douville, E., deMenocal, P., Eisenhauer, A., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Geibert, W., Goldstein, S., Hughen, K., Inoue, M., Kawahata, H., Kölling, M., Cornec, F.L., Linsley, B.K., McGregor, H.V., Montagna, P., Nurhati, I.S., Quinn, T.M., Raddatz, J., Rebaubier, H., Robinson, L., Sadekov, A., Sherrell, R., Sinclair, D., Tudhope, A.W., Gangjian, W., Wong, H., Wu, H.C., and You, C.-F., 2013. Interlaboratory study for coral Sr/Ca and other element/Ca ratio measurements. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14(9):3730–3750.

Heindel, K., 2008. Environmental control of the genesis of Tahitian reef-microbialites during the last deglacial sea-level rise [PhD dissertation]. University of Bremen, Germany.

Heindel, K., Birgel, D., Brunner, B., Thiel, V., Westphal, H., Gischler, E., Ziegenbalg, S.B., Cabioch, G., Sjovall, P., and Peckmann, J., 2012. Post-glacial microbialite formation in coral reefs of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Chemical Geology, 304:117–130.

Heindel, K., Birgel, D., Peckmann, J., Kuhnert, H., and Westphal, H., 2010. Formation of deglacial microbialites in coral reefs off Tahiti (IODP 310) involving sulfate-reducing bacteria. Palaios, 25(10):618–635.

Heindel, K., Wisshak, M., and Westphal, H., 2008. Microbioerosion in microbialites and corals from Tahitian post-LGM reefs (IODP 310): Gottingen, Germany (Universitäsverlag Göttingen).

Heindel, K., Wisshak, M., and Westphal, H., 2009. Microbioerosion in Tahitian reefs; a record of environmental change during the last deglacial sea-level rise (IODP 310). Lethaia, 42(3):322–340.

Inoue, M., Yokoyama, Y., Harada, M., Suzuki, A., Kawahata, H., Matsuzaki, H., and Iryu, Y., 2010. Trace element variations in fossil corals from Tahiti collected by IODP Expedition 310: reconstruction of marine environments during the last deglaciation (15 to 9 ka). Marine Geology, 271(3–4):303–306.

Insua, T.L., Hamel, L., Moran, K., Anderson, L.M., Webster, J.M., and Camoin, G.F., 2015. Advanced classification of carbonate sediments based on physical properties. Sedimentology, 62(2):590–606.

Inwood, J., Brewer, T., Braaksma, H., and Pezard, P., 2008. Integration of core, logging and drilling data in modern reefal carbonates to improve core location and recovery estimates (IODP Expedition 310). Journal of the Geological Society (London, UK), 165(2):585–596.

Iryu, Y., 2016. Fossil Newhousia imbricata (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from postglacial coral reef deposits in Tahiti. Paleontological Research, 20(1):18–23.

Iryu, Y., Takahashi, Y., Fujita, K., Camoin, G., Cabioch, G., Matsuda, H., Sato, T., Sugihara, K., Webster, J.M., and Westphal, H., 2010. Sea level history recorded in the Pleistocene carbonate sequence in IODP Hole 310-M0005D, off Tahiti. Island Arc, 19(4):690–706.

Knebel, O., Felis, T., Asami, R., Deschamps, P., Kölling, M., and Scholz, D., 2024. Last deglacial environmental change in the tropical South Pacific from Tahiti corals. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 39(2):e2022PA004585.

Kopp, R.E., 2012. Tahitian record suggests Antarctic collapse. Nature, 483(7391):549–550.

Kubota, K., 2014. Studies on seawater CO2 chemistry in the tropical to subtropical Pacific using Porites coral boron isotopes for the last deglaciation and the industrial era [PhD dissertation]. The University of Tokyo, Japan.

Kubota, K., Yokoyama, Y., Ishikawa, T., Obrochta, S., and Suzuki, A., 2014. Larger CO2 source at the equatorial Pacific during the last deglaciation. Scientific Reports, 4(1):5261.

Kubota, K., Yokoyama, Y., Ishikawa, T., Sagawa, T., Ikehara, M., and Yamazaki, T., 2019. Equatorial Pacific seawater pCO2 variability since the last glacial period. Scientific Reports, 9(1):13814.

Lado Insua, T., 2013. Physical properties of marine sediments and their application toward climate change studies [PhD dissertation]. University of Rhode Island, South Kingstown, RI.

Lund, S., Platzman, E., Thouveny, N., Camoin, G., Corsetti, F., and Berelson, W., 2010. Biological control of paleomagnetic remanence acquisition in carbonate framework rocks of the Tahiti coral reef. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 298(1):14–22.

Menabréaz, L., Thouveny, N., Camoin, G., and Lund, S.P., 2010. Paleomagnetic record of the late Pleistocene reef sequence of Tahiti (French Polynesia): a contribution to the chronology of the deposits. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 294(1–2):58–68.

Petryshyn, V.A., Corsetti, F.A., Lund, S.P., and Berelson, W.M., 2010. Magnetic susceptibility as a biosignature. Journal of Earth Science, 21(1):329–332.

Pretet, C., Samankassou, E., Felis, T., Reynaud, S., Böhm, F., Eisenhauer, A., Ferrier-Pagès, C., Gattuso, J.-P., and Camoin, G., 2013. Constraining calcium isotope fractionation (δ44/40Ca) in modern and fossil scleractinian coral skeleton. Chemical Geology, 340:49–58.

Riding, R., 2011. The nature of stromatolites: 3,500 million years of history and a century of research. In Reitner, J., Quéric, N.-V., and Arp, G. (Eds.), Advances in Stromatolite Geobiology. Berlin, Heidelberg (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), 29–74.

Riding, R., 2011. Reefal microbial crusts. In Hopley, D., Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs: Structure, Form and Process. Dordrecht (Springer Netherlands), 911–915.

Riding, R., Liang, L., and Braga, J.C., 2014. Millennial-scale ocean acidification and late Quaternary decline of cryptic bacterial crusts in tropical reefs. Geobiology, 12(5):387–405.

Sanborn, K.L., Webster, J.M., Yokoyama, Y., Dutton, A., Braga, J.C., Clague, D.A., Paduan, J.B., Wagner, D., Rooney, J.J., and Hansen, J.R., 2017. New evidence of Hawaiian coral reef drowning in response to meltwater pulse-1A. Quaternary Science Reviews, 175:60–72.

Seard, C., 2010. Architecture and growth patterns of coral reefs from Tahiti (French Polynesia) during the last deglacial sea-level rise [PhD dissertation]. Université Paul Cézanne - Aix-Marseille III, France.

Séard, C., 2010. Architecture et croissance des Recifs de Tahiti (Polynesie Francaise) durant la derniere degladiation [PhD dissertation]. Paul Cézanne University Aix-Marseille III, Marseille, France.

Séard, C., Borgomano, J., Granjeon, D., and Camoin, G., 2013. Impact of environmental parameters on coral reef development and drowning: forward modelling of the last deglacial reefs from Tahiti (French Polynesia; IODP Expedition #310). Sedimentology, 60(6):1357–1388.

Séard, C., Camoin, G., Yokoyama, Y., Matsuzaki, H., Durand, N., Bard, E., Sepulcre, S., and Deschamps, P., 2011. Microbialite development patterns in the last deglacial reefs from Tahiti (French Polynesia, IODP Expedition #310): implications on reef framework architecture. Marine Geology, 279(1–4):63–86.

Shirai, K., Kawashima, T., Sowa, K., Watanabe, T., Nakamori, T., Takahata, N., Amakawa, H., and Sano, Y., 2008. Minor and trace element incorporation into branching coral Acropora nobilis skeleton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(22):5386–5400.

Thomas, A.L., Fujita, K., Iryu, Y., Bard, E., Cabioch, G., Camoin, G., Cole, J.E., Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Hamelin, B., Heindel, K., Henderson, G.M., Mason, A.J., Matsuda, H., Ménabréaz, L., Omori, A., Quinn, T., Sakai, S., Sato, T., Sugihara, K., Takahashi, Y., Thouveny, N., Tudhope, A.W., Webster, J., Westphal, H., and Yokoyama, Y., 2012. Assessing subsidence rates and paleo water-depths for Tahiti reefs using U-Th chronology of altered corals. Marine Geology, 295–298:86–94.

Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., Deschamps, P., Yokoyama, Y., Mason, A.J., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Durand, N., and Camoin, G., 2009. Penultimate deglacial sea-level timing from uranium/thorium dating of Tahitian corals. Science, 324(5931):1186–1189.

Warthmann, R.J., Camoin, G., McKenzie, J.A., and Vasconcelos, C., 2015. Geomicrobiology of carbonate microbialites in the Tahiti reef. In Bosence, D.W.J., Gibbons, K.A., Le Heron, D.P., Morgan, W.A., PRitchard, T., and Vining, B.A. (Eds.), Microbial Carbonates in Space and Time: Implications for Global Exploration and Production. Geological Society Special Publication, 418: 287–300.

Westphal, H., Heindel, K., Brandano, M., and Peckmann, J., 2010. Genesis of microbialites as contemporaneous framework components of deglacial coral reefs, Tahiti (IODP 310). Facies, 56(3):337–352.

Woelkerling, W.J., Bassi, D., and Iryu, Y., 2012. Hydrolithon braganum sp. nov. (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta), the first known exclusively fossil semi-endophytic coralline red alga. Phycologia, 51(6):604–611.

Woo, K.S., Yoon, K.H., Lee, Y.J., Yamada, T., Asami, R., and Iryu, Y., 2010. Carbonate diagenesis of the late Pleistocene limestone of the Faaa M0020A Core; IODP Expedition 310, Tahiti sea level change. Geosciences Journal, 14(2):225.

Yamane, M., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Suga, H., Matsuzaki, H., Dunbar, R.B., and Ohkouchi, N., 2014. Compound-specific 14C dating of IODP Expedition 318 Core U1357A obtained off the Wilkes Land coast, Antarctica. Radiocarbon, 56(3):1009–1017.


American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2006

Lund, S., Platzman, E., Thouveny, N., and Camoin, G., 2006. Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism of postglacial carbonates from the Tahiti coral reef. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 87(52)(Suppl.):GP21B-1306. (Abstract)​meetings/​2006/​FM/​GP21B-1306.html

AGU Fall Meeting 2007

Coppola, A.I., Cole, J., Barnett, H., Tudhope, A.W., and Ault, T.R., 2007. Tropical sea surface temperature and salinity variability during deglaciation inferred from a new Tahitian coral oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca record. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 88(52)(Suppl.):PP11A-0218. (Abstract)​meetings/​2007/​FM/​PP11A-0218.html

Inwood, J., Brewer, T., Braaksma, H., and Pezard, P., 2007. Improving the accuracy of core location and recovery estimates through the integration of core data, wireline logs and drilling parameters: an example from IODP Expedition 310, Tahiti sea level. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 88(52)(Suppl.):PP11A-0205. (Abstract)​meetings/​2007/​FM/​PP11A-0205.html

Lund, S.P., Platzman, E., Thouveny, N., and Camoin, G., 2007. Evidence for two new paleomagnetic field excursions ~2,500 and ~12,500 years ago from the South Pacific Ocean region (Tahiti). Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 88(52)(Suppl.):GP42A-05. (Abstract)​meetings/​2007/​FM/​GP42A-05.html

AGU Fall Meeting 2008

Inoue, M., Harada, M., Suzuki, A., Tanimizu, M., and Tokoyama, Y., 2008. Variations of chemical components in fossil corals collected from Tahiti by IODP Expedition 310. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 89(53)(Suppl.):PP23C-1503. (Abstract)​meetings/​2008/​FM/​PP23C-1503.html

Inwood, J., and Brewer, T., 2008. Investigating increases in spectral gamma ray signals observed from wireline logging through correlation with core geochemical analyses: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 310, Tahiti Sea Level. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 89(53)(Suppl.):OS11A-1115. (Abstract)​meetings/​2008/​FM/​OS11A-1115.html

Lund, S., Platzman, E., Thouveny, N., Camoin, G., Yokoyama, Y., Matsuzaki, H., and Seard, C., 2008. Evidence for two new magnetic field excursions (11,000 and 13,000 cal yrs BP) from sediments of the Tahiti coral reef (Maraa tract). Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 89(53)(Suppl.):GP21B-0786. (Abstract)​meetings/​2008/​FM/​GP21B-0786.html

AGU Fall Meeting 2009

Bottrell, S., Böttcher, M.E., Schippers, A., Parkes, R., and Raiswell, R., 2009. Abiotic sulfide oxidation via manganese reduction fuels the deep biosphere. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 90(52)(Suppl.):B22A-08. (Abstract)​meetings/​2009/​FM/​B22A-08.html

Felis, T., Merkel, U., Asami, R., Deschamps, P., Hathorne, E., Koelling, M., Bard, E.G., Cabioch, G., Durand, N., Prange, M., Schulz, M., Cahyarini, S., and Pfeiffer, M., 2009. Interannual variability in tropical Pacific temperatures during Heinrich stadial 1. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 90(52)(Suppl.):PP14C-05. (Abstract)​meetings/​2009/​FM/​PP14C-05.html

Inoue, M., Yokoyama, Y., Tanimizu, M., Suzuki, A., Kawahata, H., Matsuzaki, H., and Iryu, Y., 2009. Reconstruction of marine environments in the South Pacific during the last deglaciation (15–9 ka) using fossil corals collected from Tahiti. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 90(52)(Suppl.):PP11D-1349. (Abstract)​meetings/​2009/​FM/​PP11D-1349.html

Platzman, E.S., Lund, S., Camoin, G., and Thouveny, N., 2009. Linking rock magnetic parameters and tropical paleoclimate in postglacial carbonates of the Tahitian coral reef. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 90(52)(Suppl.):GP41C-06. (Abstract)​meetings/​2009/​FM/​GP41C-06.html

AGU Fall Meeting 2010

Asami, R., Felis, T., Deschamps, P., Hanawa, K., Iryu, Y., Bard, E., Durand, N., and Murayama, M., 2010. Tropical South Pacific cooling during the Younger Dryas episode: reconstruction from last deglacial Tahitian corals [presented at the 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13–17 December 2010]. (Abstract GC34A-05)​meetings/​2010/​WP/​GC34A-05.html

DeLong, K.L., Quinn, T.M, Shen, C., and Lin, K., 2010. A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310 [presented at the 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13–17 December 2010]. (Abstract U43A-0013)​meetings/​2010/​FM/​U43A-0013.html

Lund, S., Platzman, E.S., Camoin, G., and Thouveny, N., 2010. Paleomagnetic-secular-variation based chronostratigraphy of the late Quaternary (8–16,000 YBP) Tahiti coral reef: evidence for melt-water pulses 1a and 1b and estimates of associated reef growth patterns [presented at the 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13–17 December 2010]. (Abstract GP23C-03)​meetings/​2010/​FM/​GP23C-03.html

Platzman, E.S., Lund, S., Camoin, G., Thouveny, N., and the Scientific Team of IODP Expedition 310, 2010. Geomagnetic secular variation determined from paleomagnetic observations in late Quaternary (8–16,000 YBP) carbonates from the South Pacific Ocean [presented at the 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13–17 December 2010]. (Abstract GP33B-0946)​meetings/​2010/​FM/​GP33B-0946.html

AGU Fall Meeting 2011

Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Bard, E.G., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., Okuno, J., and Yokoyama, Y., 2011. Timing and duration of the melt-water Pulse 1A [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract GC54B-02)​meetings/​2011/​FM/​GC54B-02.html

Felis, T., Asami, R., Deschamps, P., Hathorne, E.C., Kölling, M., Durand, N., Cabioch, G., and Bard, E.G., 2011. Tropical South Pacific sea surface temperatures during the last deglaciation from Tahiti corals [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract PP43A-1800)​meetings/​2011/​FM/​PP43A-1800.html

Platzman, E.S., Lund, S., Camoin, G., Thouveny, N., and the Scientific Team of IODP Expedition 310, 2011. Evidence for three short-lived geomagnetic field excursions recorded in postglacial (9–15,000 YBP) carbonates of the Tahitian Coral Reef [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract GP23A-1027)​meetings/​2011/​FM/​GP23A-1027.html

Riding, R., Liang, L., and Braga, J., 2011. Post-glacial ocean acidification and the decline of reefal microbial crusts [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract OS41C-02)​meetings/​2011/​FM/​OS41C-02.html

AGU Fall Meeting 2012

Kubota, K., Yokoyama, Y., Ishikawa, T., Inoue, M., and Suzuki, A., 2012. Last deglacial paleoceanography in equatorial Pacific reconstructed from boron isotopes on Tahitian fossil corals obtained from IODP Exp. 310 [presented at the 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract OS53B-1966)​meetings/​2012/​FM/​OS53B-1966.html

AGU Joint Assembly 2009

Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., and Yokoyama, Y., 2009. The new Tahiti sea-level record (IODP Expedition 310) sets the age of melt water Pulse 1A as synchronous with the Bolling warming. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 90(22)(Suppl.):GA21B-05. (Abstract)​meetings/​2009/​JA/​GA21B-04.html

AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting 2010

Iryu, Y., and Asami, R., 2010. Sea-level changes, climatic variations and reef development in the late Pleistocene to the Holocene: selected scientific results of the IODP Expedition 310 “Tahiti Sea Level.” Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 91(26)(Suppl.):GC34A-06. (Abstract)​meetings/​2010/​WP/​GC34A-06.html

European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2007

Camoin, G., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D., and Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Sea-level rise, climatic changes and reef development during the last deglaciation. Preliminary results from the IODP Expedition 310 “Tahiti sea level.” Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9:02152. (Abstract)​abstracts/​EGU2007/​02152/​EGU2007-A-02152.pdf

Camoin, G., Westphal, H., Séard, C., Heindel, K., Yokoyama, Y., Matsuzaki, H., Vasconcelos, C., Warthmann, R., Webster, J., and IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Microbialites: a major component of the last deglacial reef sequence from Tahiti (IODP Expedition #310). Environmental significance and sedimentological roles. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9:02159. (Abstract).​abstracts/​EGU2007/​02159/​EGU2007-A-02159.pdf

Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., Yokoyama, Y., and IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. New evidence for the existence of the MWP-1A from a “far-field” site—preliminary results from the Tahiti IODP Expedition 310. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9:05492. (Abstract)​abstracts/​EGU2007/​05492/​EGU2007-J-05492.pdf

Felis, T., Asami, R., Deschamps, P., Kölling, M., Durand, N., Bard, E., and the IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Sub-seasonal reconstructions of South Pacific climate during the last deglaciation from Tahiti corals—preliminary results from IODP Expedition 310. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9:6927.​​abstracts/​EGU2007/​06927/​EGU2007-J-06927.pdf

Heindel, K., Westphal, H., Camoin, G., Seard, C., Birgel, D., Peckmann, J., and IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. Microbialite-dominated coral reefs as response to abrupt environmental changes during the last deglacial sea-level rise: IODP Expedition #310, Tahiti. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9:01027. (Abstract)​abstracts/​EGU2007/​01027/​EGU2007-J-01027.pdf

Inwood, J., Brewer, T., Braaksma, H., and Pezard, P., 2007. Integration of drilling parameters, wireline logging and core data to estimate core recovery and location: an example from IODP Expedition 310. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9:06830. (Abstract)​abstracts/​EGU2007/​06830/​EGU2007-J-06830.pdf

Séard, C., Camoin, G., Bard, E., Borgomano, J., Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Hamelin, B., Webster, J., Westphal, H., and Yokoyama, Y., 2007. Reconstructing reef accretion during the last deglacial sea-level rise: IODP #310 Expedition “Tahiti sea level.” Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9:02416. (Abstract)​abstracts/​EGU2007/​02416/​EGU2007-J-02416.pdf

EGU General Assembly 2008

Camoin, G., Seard, C., Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Yokoyama, Y., Matsuzaki, H., Webster, J., Braga, J.C., Bard, E., and Hamelin, B., 2008. Reef accretion during the post-glacial sea-level rise at Tahiti (French Polynesia): IODP #310 expedition “Tahiti Sea Level.” Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10:3476.​​abstracts/​EGU2008/​03476/​EGU2008-A-03476.pdf

Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., and Yokoyama, Y., 2008. Deglacial melt water Pulse 1A revisited from the new IODP Tahiti record. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10:10905.​​abstracts/​EGU2008/​10905/​EGU2008-A-10905.pdf

Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., Yokoyama, Y., and IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. New evidence for the existence of the MWP-1A from a “far-field” site—preliminary results from the Tahiti IODP Expedition 310. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9:05492. (Abstract)​abstracts/​EGU2007/​05492/​EGU2007-J-05492.pdf

Felis, T., Asami, R., Bard, E., Cahyarini, S.Y., Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Hathorne , E., Kölling, M., and Pfeiffer, M., 2008. Pronounced interannual variability in South Pacific temperatures during the early deglacial—coral-based results from IODP Expedition 310. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10:05092. (Abstract)​abstracts/​EGU2008/​05092/​EGU2008-A-05092.pdf

Hoffman, J., Koelling, M., and Hathorne, E.C., 2008. The impact of freshwater geochemistry on reef growth and reef alteration. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10:8315.​​abstracts/​EGU2008/​08315/​EGU2008-A-08315.pdf

Ménabréaz, L., Thouveny, N., Camoin, G., and Lund, S.P., 2008. Geomagnetic field inclination and paleointensity variations recorded by the late Pleistocene reef sequence of Tahiti: contribution to the chronology of the deposits. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10:5286.​​abstracts/​EGU2008/​05286/​EGU2008-A-05286.pdf

Seard, C., Camoin, G., Lapointe, P., Lasnel, R., Yokoyama, Y., and Matsuzaki, H., 2008. Anatomy of post-glacial reefs at Tahiti (French Polynesia): IODP #310 expedition “Tahiti Sea Level.” Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10:3445.​​abstracts/​EGU2008/​03445/​EGU2008-A-03445.pdf

Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., Deschamps, P., Yokoyama, Y., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Durand, N., and Camoin, G., 2008. Lowstand sea levels from U-Th dating of pre-LGM corals: results from IODP Expedition 310 “Tahiti sea level.” Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10:08072. (Abstract)​abstracts/​EGU2008/​08072/​EGU2008-A-08072.pdf

EGU General Assembly 2009

Camoin, G., Seard, C., Deschamps, P., Webster, J., Abbey, E., Braga, J.C., Durand, N., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., and Yokoyama, Y., 2009. Reef response to sea-level and environmental changes during the last deglaciation. IODP Expedition 310 “Tahiti Sea Level.” Geophys. Res. Abstr., 11:1994. (Abstract)​EGU2009/​EGU2009-1994.pdf

Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., and Yokoyama, Y., 2009. Synchroneity of meltwater Pulse 1A and the Bølling onset: new evidence from the IODP “Tahiti Sea-Level” expedition. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 11:10233.​EGU2009/​EGU2009-10233.pdf

Felis, T., Asami, R., Deschamps, P., Hathorne, E.C., Kölling, M., Bard, E., Cabioch, G., Durand, N., Cahyarini, S.Y., and Pfeiffer, M., 2009. Pronounced interannual variability in tropical Pacific temperatures at the end of the last glacial. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 11:1915.​EGU2009/​EGU2009-1915.pdf

Inwood, J., and Brewer, T., 2009. Investigating the correlation between increases in spectral gamma ray signals observed from wireline logging, geochemistry of the recovered core and reef processes in Tahiti coral reef formations (IODP Expedition 310). Geophys. Res. Abstr., 11:7425. (Abstract)​EGU2009/​EGU2009-7425-1.pdf

Seard, C., Camoin, G., Yokoyama, Y., Durand, N., Matsuzaki, H., Deschamps, P., and Bard, E., 2009. Architecture and growth patterns of last deglacial reefs: IODP Expedition 310, Tahiti (French Polynesia). Geophys. Res. Abstr., 11:2002. (Abstract)​EGU2009/​EGU2009-2002.pdf

Westphal, H., Heindel, K., Brandano, M., Peckmann, J., and Cabioch, G., 2009. Coral reef microbialites as contemporaneous framework component (deglacial, Tahiti). Geophys. Res. Abstr., 11:11215.​EGU2009/​EGU2009-11215.pdf

EGU General Assembly 2010

Camoin, G., and the IODP Expedition 310 Tahiti Team, 2010. Reef response to sea-level and environmental changes during the last deglaciation: IODP Expedition 310 “Tahiti sea level.” Geophys. Res. Abstr., 12:EGU2010-14988.​EGU2010/​EGU2010-14988.pdf

Durand, N., Deschamps, P., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., and Yokoyama, Y., 2010. New insights into the radiocarbon calibration based on 14C and U-Th dating of corals drilled offshore Tahiti (IODP Expedition #310). Geophys. Res. Abstr., 12:EGU2010-12689.​EGU2010/​EGU2010-12689-1.pdf

Seard, C., Camoin, G.F., Yokoyama, Y., Matsuzaki, H., Durand, N., Bard, E., Sepulcre, S., and Deschamps, P., 2010. Microbialite development patterns in the last deglacial reefs from Tahiti (French Polynesia; IODP Expedition #310): implications on reef framework architecture. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 12:EGU2010-14970.​EGU2010/​EGU2010-14970.pdf

EGU General Assembly 2011

Felis, T., Merkel, U., Asami, R., Deschamps, P., Hathorne, E.C., Kölling, M., Bard, E., Cabioch, G., Durand, N., Prange, M., and the Coral and Modelling Team, 2011. Pronounced interannual variability in tropical Pacific temperatures during Heinrich Stadial 1. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 13:EGU2011-13674-1.​EGU2011/​EGU2011-13674-1.pdf

EGU General Assembly 2018

Felis, T., Deschamps, P., Hathorne, E., and Asami, R., 2018. Tropical Pacific climate during meltwater Pulse-1A from IODP Expedition 310 corals. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20:EGU2018-6319-1.​EGU2018/​EGU2018-6319-1.pdf

International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) Regional Meeting, 26th

Heindel, K., Birgel, D., Westphal, H., Peckmann, J., and Kunkel, C., 2008. Biogeochemical signals of last deglacial Tahitian reef-microbialites (IODP 310). Schriftenr. Dtsch. Ges. Geowiss., 58:126.

IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2006

Felis, T., and Westphal, H., 2006. Cruise report of IODP Expedition 310: Tahiti Sea Level expedition [IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2006, Greifswald, Germany, 27–29 March 2006].

IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2008

Felis, T., Asami, R., Bard, E., Cahyarini, S.Y., Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Hathorne, E., Kölling, M., and Pfeiffer, M., 2008. Pronounced interannual variability in South Pacific temperatures 15.0 kyr ago—coral-based results from IODP Expedition 310 [IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2007, Potsdam, Germany, 19–21 March 2007].

Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008

Fujita, K., Omori, A., Yokoyama, Y., Sakai, S., and Iryu, Y., 2008. Sea-level rise in the Pleistocene sequence off Tahiti inferred from larger foraminiferal results: IODP Exp. 310, Tahiti sea-level [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008, Chiba City, Japan, 25–30 May 2008]. (Abstract L216-006)

Harada, M., Yokoyama, Y., Inoue, M., Suzuki, A., Ishihawa, T., Kawahata, H., and Matsuzaki, H., 2008. Palaeoclimatic reconstructions around Tahiti in the last glacial based on element analysis of fossil coral from IODP #310 [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008, Chiba City, Japan, 25–30 May 2008]. (Abstract G209-P010)

Inoue, M., Harada, M., Suzuki, A., and Yokoyama, Y., 2008. Variations of components in fossil corals collected from Tahiti by IODP Expedition 310 [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008, Chiba City, Japan, 25–30 May 2008]. (Abstract G209-008)

Yokoyama, Y., Harada, M., Inoue, M., Okuno, J., and Matsuzaki, H., 2008. Preliminary results of sea-level and paleoceanography changes using radiocarbon dates on corals and algae from IODP 310 core [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008, Chiba City, Japan, 25–30 May 2008]. (Abstract G209-007)

V. M. Goldschmidt Conference 2008

Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., Deschamps, P., Yokoyama, Y., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Durand, N., and Camoin, G., 2008. The timings of sea level change during the last glacial cycle, from U/Th dating of submerged corals: results from IODP Expedition 310: “Tahiti sea level.” In Abstracts of the 18th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72(12S):A944. (Abstract)​2008/​abstracts/​finalPDFs/​A944.pdf

V. M. Goldschmidt Conference 2009

Heindel, K., Birgel, D., Peckmann, J., Kuhnert, H., and Westphal, H., 2009. Sulfate-reducing bacteria as major players in the formation of reef-microbialites during the last sea-level rise (Tahiti, IODP 310). In Abstracts of the 19th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 73(12S):A514.​2009/​abstracts/​finalPDFs/​A514.pdf

V. M. Goldschmidt Conference 2010

Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., Deschamps, P., Yokoyama, Y., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Durand, N., and Camoin, G., 2008. The timings of sea level change during the last glacial cycle, from U/Th dating of submerged corals: results from IODP Expedition 310: “Tahiti sea level.” In Abstracts of the 18th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72(12S):A944. (Abstract)​2008/​abstracts/​finalPDFs/​A944.pdf

WHOI Workshop: Understanding Future Sea Level Rise—The Challenges of Dating Past Interglacials

Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Bard, E., Hamelin, B., Camoin, G., Thomas, A.L., Henderson, G.M., and Yokoyama, Y., 2009. Variation of the sea-level and of seawater uranium-isotopes ratio during the last deglaciation: new insights from the IODP 310 “Tahiti Sea-Level” expedition [Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Workshop Program: Understanding Future Sea Level Rise—The Challenges of Dating Past Interglacials, Woods Hole, MA, 21–25 September 2009].

*The Expedition-related bibliography is continually updated online. Please send updates to