Plate P2. Light microscope images of freshwater diatoms, Holes U1328B, I1328C, and U1329C. 1, 2. Stephanodiscus cf. niagarae Ehrenberg (Sample 311-U1328C-15X-1, 10–12 cm), focused on (1) central area and (2) margin. 3. Stephanodiscus Ehrenberg sp. (Sample 311-U1328C-12X-5, 10–12 cm). 4, 5. Puncticulata Håkansson sp. (Sample 311-U1328C-15X-1, 10–12 cm), focused on margin (4) and (5) central area. 6. Puncticulata radiosa (Grunow) Håkansson (Sample 311-U1328B-9H-6, 11–12 cm). 7. Cyclotella (Kützing) Brébisson spp. (Sample 311-U1328C-12X-5, 10–12 cm). 8. Discostella stelligera (Cleve and Grunow) Houk and Klee (Sample 311-U1328C-15X-1, 10–12 cm). 9. Cyclotella (Kützing) Brébisson sp. (Sample 311-U1328C-20X-2, 10–12 cm). 10. Cyclotella ocellata Pantocsek (Sample 311-U1328C-15X-1, 10–12 cm). 11. Cyclotella (Kützing) Brébisson sp. (Sample 311-U1328C-15X-1, 10–12 cm). 12. Cyclotella polymorpha B. Meyer and Håkansson (Sample 311-U1328C-15X-1, 10–12 cm). 13. Cyclotella tripartita Håkansson (Sample 311-U1328C-12X-4, 10–12 cm). 14–24. Aulacoseira Thwaites sp.; (14, 23) Sample 311-U1328B-9H-6, 11–12 cm; (15, 17, 20) Sample 311-U1328C-15X-1, 10–12 cm; (16, 19) Sample 311-U1328C-20X-2, 10–12 cm; (18) Sample 311-U1329C-22X-3, 10–12 cm; (21, 22, 24) Sample 311-U1328B-9H-5, 11–12 cm, focused on (21) valve face and (22) sulcus. 25, 26. Aulacoseira solida (Eulenstein) Krammer (Sample 311-U1329C-22X-3, 10–12 cm).
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