
Table T1. Calculated depth of the base of gas hydrate occurrence (in meters below seafloor) from various geophysical and geochemical techniques. (See table notes.)

Technique Site U1325 Site U1326 Site U1327 Site U1328 Site U1329
U1325A U1325C U1326A U1326D U1327A U1327D U1327E U1328A U1328C U1329A U1329C U1329D
Precruise seismic BSR* 230 234 223 219 125
Depth below seafloor (s) 0.2817 0.2883 0.272 0.2673 0.154
LWD resistivity 240 x 260 x 230 x x 219 x ND x x
CWL computed velocity x DNRB x 260 x x 228 x 220 x x 125
CWL resistivity x DNRB x 260 x 235 235 x 220 x x 125
Deepest Cl and IR anomaly x 238.9 x 264 x 222 x x 220 x 128 x
C1/C2 x 243 x x x 225 x x 214 x 119 x
i-C4/n-C4 or C3 x x x x x 225 x x 219 x x x
VSP x x x x x 245 x x ND x x x
Downhole thermal measurements 250–300 250–270 225–250 220–245 127–129
Best estimate of BGHSZ: 240.5 264 230 219 124

Notes: * = velocity used for BSR depth conversion from two-way traveltime (1636 m/s = maximum average velocity from seafloor to BSR; 1619 m/s = minimum average from seafloor to BSR); reported depth is the average of minimum and maximum estimates (note that velocity was determined from VSP at ODP Site 889). BSR = bottom-simulating reflector, LWD = logging-while-drilling, CWL = coring-while-logging, IR = infrared, VSP = vertical seismic profile, BGHSZ = base of gas hydrate stability zone, ND = not detected, DNRB = wireline logging tools did not reach BSR depth. Deepest chloride and IR anomaly: Hole U1326D: salinity of sample at 263.63 mbsf is 32 (baseline = ~33.5); the next shallowest anomaly (salinity = 23) is at 253.61 mbsf (no indication of s-II hydrate); Hole U1327D: salinity of two samples at 221.96 mbsf is 3.7 and 18, respectively (background = 22); Hole U1328C: salinity of sample at 216.5 mbsf is 28 (background = ~31); Hole U1329C = freshening spike in chlorinity (not salinity) between 119 and 128 mbsf (502–508 mM over a background of ~520 mM). Break in slope of C1/C2 ratios: Hole U1325C: below 243.85 mbsf (C1/C2 > 60,000 above; C1/C2 < 20,000 below); Hole U1327D: in void gas at ~225 mbsf; Hole U1328C: between 209.3 (C1/C2 > 10,000) and 217.7 mbsf (C1/C2 < 1,500); Hole U1329C: at 119.3 mbsf. Break in slope of i-C4/n-C4 at 224.62 mbsf in Hole U1327D. i-C4 enriched samples at 207.1 and 209.3 mbsf and C3 enriched samples at 217.1 and 218.8 mbsf in Hole U1328C; values are much lower below. Best estimate of BGHSZ: Sites U1325 and U1327–U1329: simple average value, rounded to nearest 0.5 m. Site U1326: deepest chlorinity anomaly is deeper than all other proxies, but there is no indication of s-II gas hydrate.

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