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The Scientific Party of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 311 would foremost like to express their appreciation to the IODP shipboard technical, operations, and engineering personnel and shore-based support and publications staff. Master Pete Mowatt, the Transocean officers and crew, and the Catermar staff on the JOIDES Resolution provided exceptional shipboard service.

We also would like to express our thanks to the team that prepared the original proposal but did not sail during Expedition 311 for their numerous comments, scientific ideas, and novel contributions: Roy Hyndman, George Spence, Earl Davis, Ken Takai, Doug Bartlett, and Scott Dallimore.

Expedition 311 would not have been possible without the ship time and technical support for the numerous site surveys and financial support of the Geological Survey of Canada and other Canadian and international institutions. We especially thank Bob MacDonald, Bill Hill, Ivan Frydecky, and Eleanor Willoughby from the Geological Survey of Canada; George Spence, Ivana Novosel, and Ross Chapman from the University of Victoria; Nigel Edwards and Katrin Schwalenberg from the Univeristy of Toronto; Rick Coffin, Joe Gettrust, and Warren Wood from the Naval Research Lab; Volkhard Spiess and Lars Zühlsdorff from the University of Bremen; and Keith Louden and Bob Iolucci from Dalhousie University.

We also thank Deborah Kelley and her student Deborah Glickson as well as the NEPTUNE office at the University of Victoria for providing the EM300 bathymetry data prior to sailing, which resulted in a major shift in the science plan. This work was funded by the University of Washington and the W.M. Keck Foundation.

Additional support for third-party components (such as infrared imaging and pressure core equipment) came through the U.S. Department of Energy. We also want to highlight the extra efforts by Frank Rack in this process.

Considering the complexity of this gas hydrate cruise we also would like to thank the efforts of the Environmental Protection and Safety Panel (EPSP), who provided excellent site survey reviews and valuable and constructive comments in the preparation of Expedition 311. Michael Riedel also wants to especially thank Craig Shipp for the excellent support and last minute help provided during the EPSP meeting in June 2004 when Michael Riedel was unable to attend the meeting because of medical reasons.