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Table T28. Thermal conductivity data, Site U1352. (See table notes.)

Hole Measurement (N) Depth CSF-A (m) Lab-measured thermal conductivity
(harmonic mean/range; W/[m·K])
Good* Total Good* Total Sediment Rock
U1352A 13 32 7.9–42.1 0.2–42.1 1.305/0.849–1.696
U1352B 214 443 0.7–792.9 0.7–821.7
U1352C 149 155 575.1–1920.6 575.1–1920.6 1.180 and 1.487 2.360/1.572–3.440

Notes: * = thermal conductivity data were discarded when (1) contact between the probe and sediment was poor, (2) thermal conductivity was close to that of water (0.6 W/[m·K]) because of sediment dilution during coring, or (3) measurements were taken in caved-in layers such as shell hash. † = good measurements. ‡ = measurements were taken with needle probe for Cores 317-U1352C-6R and 18R.

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