Figure F4. Core photographs of typical lithologies found in the uppermost 60 m of Unit I, Site U1353. A. Homogeneous mud (interval 317-U1353B-3H-3, 0–30 cm). B. Shelly muddy sand (interval 317-U1353B-4H-1, 60–90 cm). C. Shelly sandy mud (interval 317-U1353B-7H-3, 0–30 cm). D. Well-sorted very fine sand with rare shells (interval 317-U1353B-5H-5, 0–30 cm). E. Sandy marl (interval 317-U1353B-1H-4, 0–30 cm). F. Contact between muddy sand above and well-sorted very fine sand below (interval 317-U1353B-2H-4, 35–65 cm. Note that the well-sorted very fine sand (D and lower part of F) is liquefied and structureless.
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