Figure F12. Core photographs of sediment correlation based on lithostratigraphy and paleomagnetic ages. A. Interval 317-U1354A-13H-4, 0–45 cm. B. Interval 317-U1354B-13H-2, 47–102 cm. Both sections show a sharp contact separating gray mud beneath from shelly sand above. The contact is at 69.6 m in Hole U1354A and at 64.8 m in Hole U1354B. The sediment beneath the contact is heavily bioturbated. The shelly sand of Section 317-U1354B-13H-2 contains a 7 cm long limestone clast above the contact. This contact and associated sediments, named surface U1354B-S4 (see Table T3), are tentatively linked to seismic sequence boundary U16 (after Lu and Fulthorpe, 2004), which has a predicted depth of 64 m. Further correlation is provided by paleomagnetic ages, which locate the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary at 65–69 m in both cores.
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