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Table T3. Lithologic surfaces and their interpretation, Site U1354. (See table notes.)

Hole, core, section,
interval (cm)
CSF-A (m)
Overlying lithology Nature of significant surface Seismic
Preliminary biostratigraphy
U1354A-S1 U1354A-3H-CC, 16 13.99 Shelly mud Top contact; basal not recovered U19 11 <0.29 (CN), possibly <0.1 (CN)
U1354B-S1 U1354B-2H-6, 54 11.68 Fining-upward shelly sand Basal not recovered U19 11  
U1354A-S2 U1354A-6H-5, 45 22.63 Sand Possible top contact; liquefied sand U18 22 <0.29 (CN), possibly <0.1 (CN)
U1354B-S2 U1354B-7H-1, 0 20.90 Sand Possible top contact; liquefied sand U18 22  
U1354A-S3 U1354A-11H-3, 30 56.64 Shelly mud Sharp angular dipping contact U17 51 0.29–0.44 (CN)
U1354A-S4 U1354A-13H-4, 20 69.60 Shelly sandy mud Sharp basal contact; burrowed U16 64 0.44–0.91 (CN), >0.78 at 65–69 m (B/M boundary)
U1354B-S4 U1354B-13H-2, 80 64.80 Shelly sandy mud, limestone clast 5 cm long Sharp basal contact; burrowed U16 64  
U1354A-S5 U1354A-17H-2, 85 80.15 Muddy shelly sand fines upward Contact not recovered U15 79 1.26–1.34 (best age control on this surface for all sites)
U1354B-S5 U1354B-14H-CC, 15 73.54 Muddy shelly sand Contact not recovered U15 79  
U1354C-S5 U1354C-3H-3, 110 75.39 Muddy shelly sand Sharp contact; burrowed U15 79  
U1354C-S5.1 U1354C-6X-2, 46 93.86 Muddy shelly sand Sharp contact; burrowed U14 93 1.34–1.69 (CN)
U1354C-S6 U1354C-9X-2, 20 117.80 Muddy shelly sand Sharp contact; burrowed U13 121 1.69–1.81 (CN); Plio/Pleist. boundary picked between 122.20 and 133.37 m; above this between 1.73 and 1.81(CN); below this >2.78 (CN)
*U1354C-S7 U1354C-10X-5, 75 132.35 Muddy shelly sand Sharp contact; burrowed U12 156 >2.78 (CN), possibly older than 3.7
U1354C-S7 U1354C-12X-1, 110 145.80 Muddy shelly sand Sharp contact; burrowed U12 156  
*U1354C-S7 U1354C-13X-CC, 5 162.76 Muddy shelly sand Sharp contact; burrowed U12 156  
U1354C-S7.1 U1354C-15X-CC, 29 181.01 Shelly sandy mud Concretions; contact not recovered U11 177 >2.78 (CN), possibly older than 3.7
U1354C-S8 U1354C-19X-CC, 22 217.80 Shelly sandy marl Possible contact at base of CC U10 211 3.7 (CN)–4.3 (PF)
*U1354C-S8 U1354C-20X-CC, 42 221.82 Shelly sandy marl Concretions; contact not recovered U10 211  
*U1354C-S8 U1354C-22X-3, 40 243.90 Shelly sandy marl Sharp contact; burrowed U10 211  

Notes: * = alternative contact facies for lithologic surface. CN = calcareous nannofossil, PF = planktonic foraminifer. B/M = Brunhes/Matuyama.

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